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New Killer - Chucky (READ BEFORE JUDGING)

Killer Name: The Toymaker

Actual Name: Charles Lee Ray

Nickname: Chucky


Ability: (debatable)


Similar to the Wraith, Chucky is extremely fast in his doll form but however cannot attack in the form.

While Chucky is in doll form he excels in speed and can vault pallets. He is smaller but still visible if survivors have Spine Chill or keep a look out.

In order for Chucky to kill he must shift to his human form (Charles Lee Ray) he must play mind tricks on survivors to cause distractions and allow him to become his true potential. Upon changing forms Chucky has 160 seconds to do his killings or whatever he can in that time. Once the 160 seconds is up Chucky will return to his doll form and must proceed to play with minds again to get to phase 2. Upon reaching phase 2; all generators within 50m will jolt and become unusable for 15 seconds. Chucky will return to his human form but this time have 220 seconds. Upon the 220 seconds completion, he must proceed to phase 3. Upon entering phase 3 Chucky will no longer require to play mind tricks as phase 3 is the last. He will remain this form until the end of the game.

Mind tricks on survivors will have to be played out carefully. Chucky will have to approach the survivors cautiously to startle or attempt to chase away. Each successful startle that is successful will progress 25% into phase 1, 15% into phase 2 and 10% into phase 3.

Distractions can involve startling survivors to miss skill checks, pushing them away from generators, making them falsely use up pallets and vaults, etc.

Survivors will have to play carefully by always keeping a look out the chucky approaching and play wisely to avoid messing up and allowing him to enter his Killing mode.

NOTE: If it makes more sense, when chucky is in range of survivors: skill checks will be 5% faster and harder to complete.


I do not have any models as I don't do well with that. I just thought this would be a potential suggestion if the rights can be obtained. I have always thought of this idea but chucky being small it'd be hard. That is unless my idea comes into play with his true form.

Chucky is known for being manipulative to mainly children and attacking when vulnerable. Which makes perfect sense for him to play tricks on the survivors so he can proceed to getting his kills.

In terms of a Mory attack; I'd say maybe a satanic ritual animation where chucky simply has his hand on the survivors forehead while lightning hits the survivor and then dies.

In terms of perks:

Manipulative: Terror radius is decreased by 3% (1) 5% (2) 10% (3)

Your attacks have a chance at exhausting a survivor when hit.

Killer Adrenaline: At the start of the match, movement speed is increased by 5% (1) 15% (2) 25% (3) for 60 seconds.

Every successful hook grants you a 2% increase in movement speed for 25 seconds.

Any generator being worked on does not shock but goes back 15%.


Phases are earned faster and last longer.

Phase 1: 40% each progression, lasts 220 seconds.

Phase 2: 35% each progression, lasts 300 seconds.

Phase 3: 20% each progression.

Again, this is all up to the developers so any of this can change.


  • d0xn
    d0xn Member Posts: 9


  • d0xn
    d0xn Member Posts: 9

    Bump, honestly. Check this out with some of the ideas. I'm sure this killer has been suggested before but consider my ideas for perks and strategies etc.