Why would you ever use Jolt when Pain Resonance exists?

The new killer experience in this game is awful and part of the reason for this is base perks are ######### awful.
- Why does Jolt even have a cooldown? Even if you down 2 seperate people with M1's, that's only 16% regression (8% per down)
- The range on Jolt is tiny so don't give me the whole "jolt can hit more than 1 gen", usually it doesn't even hit 1 gen because the radius doesn't even reach a gen.
- Why is the regression of Jolt only 8%??? Pain Resonance is 15% while also giving you information where survivors are at and what gen to go to that's almost done.
Jolt sucks, buff it along with the other base perks. Every decent perk is attached to a DLC and now that Jolt is a free perk it should be buffed to help out new players by giving them some form of decent Gen regression.
I am not a new player, I have 1500 hours in this game but seeing my friend struggle to make a decent build when trying to play this game only to get gen rushed and bullied because he's using garbage base perks is just sad.
The only base perks for killers (without leveling up a free killer) worth a damn are Fearmonger, Bitter Mumur, sloppy butcher
Even after leveling up free killers you still don't get any gen regression, only Jolt which again ######### sucks.
Well the difference is you don't need to hook someone on few specific hooks. Sometimes if you RNG is bad or you are on the "bad side" of the map you can't use it. So down doesn't always mean you will get 15% regress at all times.
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I don't know what you're on about with this "It doesn't even hit 1 gen" nonsense. It regularly hits multiple gens.
The chance that it doesn't hit a single gen is about the same that you can't reach a scourge hook.
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I've had multiple games using that garbage perk where it's hit no gens when I down people.
Again, even if it does go off thats 8% regression which is complete trash.
So it's 8% regression, can only be done by M1's, has a cooldown for whatever reason and it's range is tiny.
I'd love to have you find me a game where you get multiple gens explode since most maps are the size of Texas in this game.
Again the perk is just garbage compared to other gen regression perks, stop defending it and get the perk the buffs it deserves so new players can have fun too.
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Really, I just wish the CD was lower and it was "nearest gen that has progress". It ends up in deadzones or not-yet-touched areas way too often.
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Yup, the range is tiny and survivors with half a brain bring you to deadzones anyway dragging you away from the objective.
There are just so many downsides/restrictions to this perk yet it gives 8% regression. How anyone can think this doesn't deserve a buff is beyond me.
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I didn't say it shouldn't be buffed. At the very least it should lose the basic attack requirement and possibly the cooldown as well, seeing as it is already inherently limited by requiring a second down.
I still think it's a solid perk. It has lower regression because it hits multiple gens at once, meaning it only needs to hit 2 to be more value than Pain Resonance.
It's a good perk in a 3 gen situation because every down can regress multiple gens.
The biggest reason I run it is if I'm using a killer like Deathslinger who is slow and has less map pressure, so being able to have gens regressing without taking the time to kick them is a big advantage, especially since if you find someone on a gen with him you want to shoot at them, not walk all the way up to the gen and kick it before chasing, giving them a huge head start.
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I would respond seriously but since you calling it "Jolt" , your whole post lost credibility
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Fair, Jolt's a pretty garbage name in comparison to surge.
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Jolt is definitely better then surge I don't know what you guys are on about
Surge is a drink 😂
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I'm fine with it being only for M1 killers if they make it strong enough, though opening it up to more killers would help new players that want to play Huntress.
I just want the perk to be better, even if they increased the regression a little or made it consistently hit more than 1 gen. The main thing I really want to see is the regression brought up to 10 and increase the range.
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Jokes on you, Jolt is a drink too.
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Jolt is also a drink.
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The most common reason to use Jolt is lack of options, just like the majority of perks in this game.
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Exactly, that's why it needs a buff.
It's the only free gen regression in the game and should be decent so new killers have something nice to use even without DLC.
Survivor is very easy to make a good build with since almost all the good perks aren't DLC, meanwhile killer is AWFUL for new players and requires many DLC's to be playable at a decent MMR
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That's the point though, just another reason why the new player experience sucks.
Buff Jolt so it's a good option for people that just started and don't own DLC or don't have a lot of bloodpoints to get multiple killers to level 40
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Is it really now? Hmm never seen it in Georgia maybe it's more of a northern thing Ig I outplayed
Ayy real talk tho I actually like surge on deathslinger cause he's the one killer who's power still procs it
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I like the idea of the perk, I like that I don't have to kick a gen and can just keep going but in it's current state it's just not very good and deserves love. Again mainly want a range buff so it can hit more than 1 gen more often and maybe 10% gen regression
It's literally just something to pick if you don't have something better.
Best killer build hands down is Deadlock, Corrupt and No Way Out with your 4th perk being whatever helps you the most. Honestly most other killer builds don't cut it in comparison, even ruin/undying looking like poop next to the current meta build.
I just also want weaker perks to get love, that goes for both sides. Sick of games just perma letting characters/perks be trash tier and never revisting them.
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Honestly though, why would you use any other kind of regression when pain resonance exists.
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Basic attacks is a stupid requirement no matter which way you look at it. There's no point in trying to use it to limit it to weaker killers when two of the strongest killers in the game, Nurse and Spirit, have all of their downs considered basic attacks. It only really serves to rule out specific random killers, or punish weaker ones like Pig for using their power to get a down.
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True, though I don't think Spirit is a top 3 killer anymore but that's debatable.
Nurse is unquestionably number one and is M1, sadly she causes so many balance issues being as strong as she is that everything has be balanced around her...Perks
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Because someone wasn't lucky enough to have PR appear on his/her bloodweb yet?
But seriously, some perks are more equal than others, there are trash perks and better versions of perks.
For instance, there isn't a solid reason to use Shadowborn over Monitor&Abuse, the extra 5 deg POV isn't worth it.
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surge on release was 12%. the perk was nerfed to 8%. at this time, one of developer comments was that they do not like killers stacking 4 gen slowdown perks. As a result, perks like ruin, pop goes weasel, surge, undying(Perk to protect ruin), thanatophobia were nerfed/reworked to be more balanced. Sloppy butcher was recently indirectly nerfed by COH boon perk.
from lack of options and constant negative killer changes, killers are now forced to use corrupt+deadlock as all other options were erased into oblivion. Given past results, I fully expect that corrupt intervention+deadlock will likely receive negative changes such as "Corrupt now blocks 2 gens instead of 3" and "Deadlock now block a random/least progressed generator instead of most progressed generator". I expect something like this to occur within next 1-2 years from previous developer comment. enjoy your killer perks while they last. they don't last long.
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Nurse: exists
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What games are you playing where surge regularly hits more than 1 gen
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I wouldn’t mind seeing Jolt’s range getting boosted, but just to clarify there’s nothing preventing you from running both Jolt and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. The former triggers on downs, the latter on Hooks.
In fact, now that I’m thinking it over, here’s a fun sounding combo I should try some time
- Jolt - immediate regression on nearby gens on a down
- Scourge Hook - Pain Resonance: Immediate regression on most advanced generator plus pushes survivors off it and makes them scream
- Dead Man’s Switch - After you hook the obsession if the survivors get off a gen it is blocked for up to 45 seconds. This combos with Pain Resonance above because that perk forces them off the generator after Dead Man’s Switch is already activated, so it’s a guaranteed block if survivors are working on the generator the moment the obsession is hooked
- Furtive Chase or Nemesis - Allows the obsession to switch to new players, giving you more possible procs of Dead Man’s Switch. (Furtive Chase is good if the survivors are doing hook trades, Nemesis is good if you can tunnel down people who pallet stun you.)
So this combo becomes a game of finding, downing and hooking the obsession. The hardest part is probably downing the obsession the first time since the perks don’t help with that. But once you get an obsession hooked it can potentially snowball since both Furtive Chase and Nemesis have side effects that can help you get close to the next Obsession to down them. And with multiple uses it can have quite a bit of potential gen slowdown.
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Dead by Daylight.
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Clearly not cuz never before have I seen surge proc on multiple gens and I’ve 2k hours
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Never heard of it.
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Should loose M1 requirement, have range at 40 meters, and lower cool down to 30 seconds. Boom solid gen regression perk
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I honestly wish it got a nice buff like fearmonger, I love the addition of blindness, and I feel like it's not at all broken because it just needs 4 seconds off a gen
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The Game
Some Cornwinds
Those are examples that took me 20 seconds to think of.
Jolt has plenty of maps that can realistically pull off multiple explosions.