Why would you ever use Jolt when Pain Resonance exists?

The new killer experience in this game is awful and part of the reason for this is base perks are ######### awful.

  1. Why does Jolt even have a cooldown? Even if you down 2 seperate people with M1's, that's only 16% regression (8% per down)
  2. The range on Jolt is tiny so don't give me the whole "jolt can hit more than 1 gen", usually it doesn't even hit 1 gen because the radius doesn't even reach a gen.
  3. Why is the regression of Jolt only 8%??? Pain Resonance is 15% while also giving you information where survivors are at and what gen to go to that's almost done.

Jolt sucks, buff it along with the other base perks. Every decent perk is attached to a DLC and now that Jolt is a free perk it should be buffed to help out new players by giving them some form of decent Gen regression.

I am not a new player, I have 1500 hours in this game but seeing my friend struggle to make a decent build when trying to play this game only to get gen rushed and bullied because he's using garbage base perks is just sad.

The only base perks for killers (without leveling up a free killer) worth a damn are Fearmonger, Bitter Mumur, sloppy butcher

Even after leveling up free killers you still don't get any gen regression, only Jolt which again ######### sucks.
