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DC'ing to give the hatch



  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    What's y'alls thoughts on this?

    Personally, DC'ing to give a hatch and prevent the 4k is a straight up cop out to me. That loses a "gg" from me right there. The hatch is bad enough and it forces the killer to try and slug one while keeping an eye on them and all the gens simultaneously but you're even gonna deny that with a DC? This is also after the slug nerf. I wouldn't slug at all if we weren't forced to in order to 4 man.

    Just a pitty that the devs dont see the need to actually punish players for DCing.

    What's a pity is that you keep posting things like that you know to be completely untrue as evidenced by all the complaint threads on here about getting banned for dcing.

    I can give you evidence and DC 10 times in a row without receiving any punishment.
    ANd this in a "competitive" game. Thats laughable if we are honest

    Record this, in a row, no cuts or edits please.

    I dont have the tools to do that on my PC, but luckily there are streamers out there that derank regularly by DCing, jendenise for example :wink:

    She even explains it in her Q&A beneath the stream:

    Q: Why do you derank?
    I've been in the red ranks very often, and use to stay at rank 1. But I would go against the same 1-2 killers many times in a row and it would become very boring for the stream. I would also have the same teammates every game. I like to stay in the purple/green ranks for more variety. I don't like to derank to the yellow ranks because I do think the yellow and brown ranks should be the new player's haven. I found that players tend to get worse the higher I get in ranks. Every day, I start at around rank 11 and stop my streams at around rank 4-6.

    Saying someone does and showing it are two different things, talk is cheap.

    Also, her description basically just says she wants to be ranks where she can bully lower rank killers for entertainment on her channel, that's what she's really saying. Seeing the same killers over and over with that little variety is just nonsense.

    Of course, but it doesnt change the fact that she does that after every stream and hasnt been puinshed for it :wink:

    true im sick of famous people getting better standings then us why? are they more important? they're not and they should be punished just like us in fact they should be punished even more harshly

    Watched half an hour today again and again she talked about her blocking several killers on MLGA.
    She even has a command in chat that gives a link how to download and how to install MLGA, excuse me?

    But maybe MLGA is actually allowed again, I dont know, I mean she is an officially supported streamer? I should ask the support actually for clarification.....

    still supported streamers shouldn't be able to get away with this its not fair to other players

    If she gets away with it, I assume everyone gets away with it.
    But since its an official streamer showcasing this kind of behaviour, others will believe its acceptable

    and thats where the cycle repeats and thats were the root lies something needs to be done

    I dont understand why BHVR picked a streamer known for being "tahxic" in the first place. Sure bullying killers is technicalyl not bannable, but I dont understand why they would promote this in the first place. Ochido was banned too, wasnt he?

    The bannable offenses are just the cream of the crop

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    What's y'alls thoughts on this?

    Personally, DC'ing to give a hatch and prevent the 4k is a straight up cop out to me. That loses a "gg" from me right there. The hatch is bad enough and it forces the killer to try and slug one while keeping an eye on them and all the gens simultaneously but you're even gonna deny that with a DC? This is also after the slug nerf. I wouldn't slug at all if we weren't forced to in order to 4 man.

    Just a pitty that the devs dont see the need to actually punish players for DCing.

    What's a pity is that you keep posting things like that you know to be completely untrue as evidenced by all the complaint threads on here about getting banned for dcing.

    I can give you evidence and DC 10 times in a row without receiving any punishment.
    ANd this in a "competitive" game. Thats laughable if we are honest

    Record this, in a row, no cuts or edits please.

    I dont have the tools to do that on my PC, but luckily there are streamers out there that derank regularly by DCing, jendenise for example :wink:

    She even explains it in her Q&A beneath the stream:

    Q: Why do you derank?
    I've been in the red ranks very often, and use to stay at rank 1. But I would go against the same 1-2 killers many times in a row and it would become very boring for the stream. I would also have the same teammates every game. I like to stay in the purple/green ranks for more variety. I don't like to derank to the yellow ranks because I do think the yellow and brown ranks should be the new player's haven. I found that players tend to get worse the higher I get in ranks. Every day, I start at around rank 11 and stop my streams at around rank 4-6.

    Saying someone does and showing it are two different things, talk is cheap.

    Also, her description basically just says she wants to be ranks where she can bully lower rank killers for entertainment on her channel, that's what she's really saying. Seeing the same killers over and over with that little variety is just nonsense.

    Of course, but it doesnt change the fact that she does that after every stream and hasnt been puinshed for it :wink:

    true im sick of famous people getting better standings then us why? are they more important? they're not and they should be punished just like us in fact they should be punished even more harshly

    Watched half an hour today again and again she talked about her blocking several killers on MLGA.
    She even has a command in chat that gives a link how to download and how to install MLGA, excuse me?

    But maybe MLGA is actually allowed again, I dont know, I mean she is an officially supported streamer? I should ask the support actually for clarification.....

    still supported streamers shouldn't be able to get away with this its not fair to other players

    If she gets away with it, I assume everyone gets away with it.
    But since its an official streamer showcasing this kind of behaviour, others will believe its acceptable

    and thats where the cycle repeats and thats were the root lies something needs to be done

    I dont understand why BHVR picked a streamer known for being "tahxic" in the first place. Sure bullying killers is technicalyl not bannable, but I dont understand why they would promote this in the first place. Ochido was banned too, wasnt he?

    The bannable offenses are just the cream of the crop

    yup and survivors wonder why killers still want buffs

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    What's y'alls thoughts on this?

    Personally, DC'ing to give a hatch and prevent the 4k is a straight up cop out to me. That loses a "gg" from me right there. The hatch is bad enough and it forces the killer to try and slug one while keeping an eye on them and all the gens simultaneously but you're even gonna deny that with a DC? This is also after the slug nerf. I wouldn't slug at all if we weren't forced to in order to 4 man.

    Just a pitty that the devs dont see the need to actually punish players for DCing.

    What's a pity is that you keep posting things like that you know to be completely untrue as evidenced by all the complaint threads on here about getting banned for dcing.

    I can give you evidence and DC 10 times in a row without receiving any punishment.
    ANd this in a "competitive" game. Thats laughable if we are honest

    Record this, in a row, no cuts or edits please.

    I dont have the tools to do that on my PC, but luckily there are streamers out there that derank regularly by DCing, jendenise for example :wink:

    She even explains it in her Q&A beneath the stream:

    Q: Why do you derank?
    I've been in the red ranks very often, and use to stay at rank 1. But I would go against the same 1-2 killers many times in a row and it would become very boring for the stream. I would also have the same teammates every game. I like to stay in the purple/green ranks for more variety. I don't like to derank to the yellow ranks because I do think the yellow and brown ranks should be the new player's haven. I found that players tend to get worse the higher I get in ranks. Every day, I start at around rank 11 and stop my streams at around rank 4-6.

    Saying someone does and showing it are two different things, talk is cheap.

    Also, her description basically just says she wants to be ranks where she can bully lower rank killers for entertainment on her channel, that's what she's really saying. Seeing the same killers over and over with that little variety is just nonsense.

    Of course, but it doesnt change the fact that she does that after every stream and hasnt been puinshed for it :wink:

    true im sick of famous people getting better standings then us why? are they more important? they're not and they should be punished just like us in fact they should be punished even more harshly

    Watched half an hour today again and again she talked about her blocking several killers on MLGA.
    She even has a command in chat that gives a link how to download and how to install MLGA, excuse me?

    But maybe MLGA is actually allowed again, I dont know, I mean she is an officially supported streamer? I should ask the support actually for clarification.....

    still supported streamers shouldn't be able to get away with this its not fair to other players

    If she gets away with it, I assume everyone gets away with it.
    But since its an official streamer showcasing this kind of behaviour, others will believe its acceptable

    and thats where the cycle repeats and thats were the root lies something needs to be done

    I dont understand why BHVR picked a streamer known for being "tahxic" in the first place. Sure bullying killers is technicalyl not bannable, but I dont understand why they would promote this in the first place. Ochido was banned too, wasnt he?

    The bannable offenses are just the cream of the crop

    yup and survivors wonder why killers still want buffs

    One thing I noticed was that today she actually played at rank 1/2. Maybe she didnt have time to derank before stream, maybe she is scared about DC bannwaves, I dont know.

    At rank 1 however they escaped almost all of the games I watched ( and I mean all survivors lul), sometimes a single one died to a mori or tunneling/noed (the salt when that happened though.....)

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Master said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    @Blueberry said:
    What's y'alls thoughts on this?

    Personally, DC'ing to give a hatch and prevent the 4k is a straight up cop out to me. That loses a "gg" from me right there. The hatch is bad enough and it forces the killer to try and slug one while keeping an eye on them and all the gens simultaneously but you're even gonna deny that with a DC? This is also after the slug nerf. I wouldn't slug at all if we weren't forced to in order to 4 man.

    Just a pitty that the devs dont see the need to actually punish players for DCing.

    What's a pity is that you keep posting things like that you know to be completely untrue as evidenced by all the complaint threads on here about getting banned for dcing.

    I can give you evidence and DC 10 times in a row without receiving any punishment.
    ANd this in a "competitive" game. Thats laughable if we are honest

    Record this, in a row, no cuts or edits please.

    I dont have the tools to do that on my PC, but luckily there are streamers out there that derank regularly by DCing, jendenise for example :wink:

    She even explains it in her Q&A beneath the stream:

    Q: Why do you derank?
    I've been in the red ranks very often, and use to stay at rank 1. But I would go against the same 1-2 killers many times in a row and it would become very boring for the stream. I would also have the same teammates every game. I like to stay in the purple/green ranks for more variety. I don't like to derank to the yellow ranks because I do think the yellow and brown ranks should be the new player's haven. I found that players tend to get worse the higher I get in ranks. Every day, I start at around rank 11 and stop my streams at around rank 4-6.

    Saying someone does and showing it are two different things, talk is cheap.

    Also, her description basically just says she wants to be ranks where she can bully lower rank killers for entertainment on her channel, that's what she's really saying. Seeing the same killers over and over with that little variety is just nonsense.

    Of course, but it doesnt change the fact that she does that after every stream and hasnt been puinshed for it :wink:

    true im sick of famous people getting better standings then us why? are they more important? they're not and they should be punished just like us in fact they should be punished even more harshly

    Watched half an hour today again and again she talked about her blocking several killers on MLGA.
    She even has a command in chat that gives a link how to download and how to install MLGA, excuse me?

    But maybe MLGA is actually allowed again, I dont know, I mean she is an officially supported streamer? I should ask the support actually for clarification.....

    still supported streamers shouldn't be able to get away with this its not fair to other players

    If she gets away with it, I assume everyone gets away with it.
    But since its an official streamer showcasing this kind of behaviour, others will believe its acceptable

    and thats where the cycle repeats and thats were the root lies something needs to be done

    I dont understand why BHVR picked a streamer known for being "tahxic" in the first place. Sure bullying killers is technicalyl not bannable, but I dont understand why they would promote this in the first place. Ochido was banned too, wasnt he?

    The bannable offenses are just the cream of the crop

    yup and survivors wonder why killers still want buffs

    One thing I noticed was that today she actually played at rank 1/2. Maybe she didnt have time to derank before stream, maybe she is scared about DC bannwaves, I dont know.

    At rank 1 however they escaped almost all of the games I watched ( and I mean all survivors lul), sometimes a single one died to a mori or tunneling/noed (the salt when that happened though.....)

    i kniw its almost like survivors are supposed to survive and killers arnt supposed to kill how shocking