Survivors can pick where they wish to have their boon. The killer does not. Many a time there are games where survivors spawn in front of the hex. A way to change this is to allow the killer to see all totems while holding their hex.
For example. The hex would be held until the killer places it which would activate any other hex randomly on the map. This would be a one-time placement of the hex. Any other hex is randomly lit once the killer has picked a location for their hex. This would change the gameplay of hex's but would also still keep the high-risk high-reward.
NOED would not have any changes as it is lit on its own.
For example, HEX: Ruin is placed where the killer has picked. Hex: Undying, HEX: The Third Seal, would work as normal as the killer has chosen the placement of their hex, all others would light somewhere randomly on the map. NOED would activate as per normal.
The hex can be destroyed as per normal. The killer would only be able to place a hex once.
This effect would ONLY change the ability to place the first slotted hex in the killer's perks.
If a survivor is working a totem it can not be randomly lit.