Mid-Chapter suggestions! (items/add-ons/perks/offerings)

I don't know about you guys, but it feels long overdue that we get some new general updating in dbd (DeadByDaylight). I'm talking items, add-ons, general use perks, and offerings. When was the last time they added a new offering to dbd that wasn't just a map? How about an item that wasn't for an event? I say we need some new stuff! Maybe a perk to help newer players be introduced to scourge hooks and boons. I do have some suggestions!

So for starters, ITEMS. An optional tool that can be brought in by survivors, can be the difference between winning and losing a game. There are 6 types of items that can be brought into a match. Flashlights, Maps, Toolboxes, Med-kits, Keys, and Firecrackers (only from events). That's it. They've never added anything more to it. Well, what COULD they add? I introduce to you, VooDoo Dolls. Now, the purpose would change depending on what add-ons you bring. One add-on could have an instant Boon effect that could do something unique (which would in turn consume the doll). Maybe an add-on that makes it so while carrying it, you see the killer's Red Stain bigger than normal. Maybe it hides your aura. Maybe you can't be affected by blindness. These would all vary with what add-ons you bring/find. Charges could be automatic. While in use, charges go down. There could also be an item that you could throw down for your team in any spot you want. It could work as a super weak and temporary boon.

Speaking of ADD-ONS, I only really have one big suggestion. With the big ol' key nerf, could we get more add-ons for keys? Keys now feel almost useless. They are good for finding teammates and the killer but not much else. You can still use it on the hatch, yes but only if you are the last one and the killer has closed the hatch already. Not to mention you can achieve the same aura reading effects with perks. To be honest, my idea of the VooDoo dolls came from the hatch/key change. I realized that keys now were basically just like bringing bond, made me think they should just replace keys with something else and rework the add-ons to be more similar to other perks like bond (perks that aren't insanely strong). What I'm saying is, maybe keys could be a chance to bring in a fifth weak and watered-down perk. It'd be cool to see another survivor bring something like vigil that's only active when that survivor presses the button and only helps recover exhaustion. I wouldn't personally do both the VooDoo doll idea and the key idea. I'd do one or the other bc obviously this is only going to tip games further towards survivors.

Next up we got PERKS. I do think I'm the only one who thought this, but I really thought we were gonna get Steve's and Nancy's perks as general perks instead of teachable when Behavior lost the rights. I still think they should do that. It's not fair that players have to hope to get the perks in the bloodweb to unlock them. That's my first suggestion with perks. My second is to add a general Boon perk and a general Scourge hook perk. Wouldn't even do anything too strong either. The boon could literally be like "all survivors can see vaults within 30 meters of the boon" or something like that. The Scourge Hook could be kind of similar to Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. Increase how long it takes to unhook the survivor off this hook/break the hook. That could be it, just something to help newer players be introduced to these types of perks and such. I also wouldn't mind newer perks that made more use of status effects you rarely see. Like "if a survivor stuns you, they become hindered by 7% for 5 seconds" something like that. Especially because right now there are no perks that induce hindered effect.

Lastly, OFFERINGS. Now, this is something I've thought they should do since I first started playing a year and a half ago. Do more offerings. They've gotten rid of more than they've added; splinters, the different rarity of maps, and Moonlight Brightness (reasonably so!!). The only things they've added besides maps are the hatch and basement spawns and they're... alright I guess. I think it'd be cool to do more offerings that could affect a match a bit more. Such as an offering that could make killer's breaths quieter. that wouldn't be insane to do. Could also do an offering that could make it rain/snow harder. Since they've put so much attention to totems lately, why not an offering that could add totems for the killer! I also want to see my hidden offerings. I'm tired of "omg! killer brought a hidden offering! Is it gonna be a Mori or the shroud???" My solution? Mirage offerings. Hidden offerings that trick survivors. A chest that after you open, just vanishes in front of you. A totem that after you start to break it disappears. Maybe even gens that after you've worked on it for a few seconds, it's taken away. Maybe on the other side, there could be fake hooks that spawn when a survivor is picked up. The giveaway could be that you can't read any of their auras.

Obviously, some of the ideas I gave are a bit far-fetched. Specifically, maybe the voodoo dolls, but even then they can be worked upon. I'm really just spitballing here. Mostly just trying to come up with ways to help update older and untouched mechanics in the game. I think things like VooDoo dolls and Mirages could give a bit more challenge to older players while giving more perks that are available to everyone right at the start would bring in newer players. What do you guys think? Was my essay-style writing enough to kick up some dust and perhaps help fling around new ideas?