Solo Que is unplayable



  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    This looks like all of my recent games. I stopped playing DBD as much because I don't know anyone else who plays so it's Solo or nothing. But since I stopped playing regularly ( I play maybe one evening a week now), I think my MMR has dropped so my team mates are absolute potatoes, and every Killer camps and tunnels from the first hook. Since MMR is based on escapes (2 years to develop such an idiotic way to judge skill), I barely ever escape and I'm trapped in MMR hell.

    So I'm inclined to play even less. I feel like the devs only care about SWF, and luring in new players by constantly adding content.

    Anyways, the old Rank system was far superior. I was in red rank, and usually got competent team mates. Killers at red ranks camped a hell of a lot less. This Grade system sucks.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited December 2021

    I don’t know if maybe I am a higher MMR on survivor than others who are complaining about solo que, but I was playing solo que last night and it was actually pretty fun. I went in with very low expectations. I think I played 5 total matches and two were not great but the other three were a ton of fun. Teammates were messing with the killer, body blocking, flash light saving, picking up chases to protect teammates, etc. I escaped 4 out of the 5 matches. Maybe just good luck on a small sample size? I just don’t think it’s as consistently miserable as many people claim. I could see if you’re low MMR or new to the game that you would have a lot of matches where your teammates are just hiding in the corner self-caring all the time. This is yet another reason why the MMR system based solely on escapes is trash. It’s tough to escape those kind of matches to rank up. The old pip system which ranked you up based on more elements of the match was much better for getting good survivors up to higher ranks where solo que doesn’t suck as much

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    I have only Been flashlight saved once in solo que but that’s because the player was a YouTuber. Idk what my mmr since I do play with my friends a lot and escape. When I play by myself, I am surrounded by terrible teammates consistently for some reason. The mmr system needs to go here is no reason why I should be considered worse than someone when I put up more points even when I die and they escape

  • Liddy
    Liddy Member Posts: 33

    I always bring either Kindred or Bond because playing solo survivor without either of those perks means I usually have a bad experience.

    This is why I wish Kindred was basekit. It would only really benefit solo queue survivors and I'd rather use another perk for once but whenever I take it off my solo games are just way too stressful and chaotic. People don't go for the unhook or loop the killer around the hooked person, etc.

    People on comms don't need those perks because they can already tell all these things to their teammates. It feels like playing solo means you're always at a big disadvantage. We don't even know what perks our teammates are running in the lobby so things like several people running Inner Strength and fighting for all the totems can and has happened to me, but only in solo queue and it is a big problem if you ask me.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    I used to always use bond to the point that I was playing terrible without it. Then I forced myself to play without it and get better. It has worked so far. But even with kindred I would still get idiots as teammates like the ones that left me to die on first hook when the killer was far away chasing someone else. I had a game where I was getting tunneled by a nemesis and on death hook. I’m looping him all around back water swamp and I’m injured I see my teammates that haven’t been hooked working on a gen and we needed two more. I know your not supposed to do this but I brought the nemesis to the gen and I dead harded into one of my teammates so that they could take a hit. Guess what they both just went into hiding and I died. 😕 So much for strength in numbers. Ik kindred is good but I take out one of my perks and we lose. No one on my team cleanse totems except for me. That sucks. There was at one point where my solo que teammates were good. But, when I started escaping with my friends a lot it started to give me worse teammates in solo

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68

    I play solo que pretty much exclusively and it's more than playable. Sure you get a game with braindead teammates here and there but for the most part I escape more times than dying.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    No amount of buffs will solve the survivor issue. It isn't that you are weak. The issue is people don't play this game as a team game and there is no incentive to play it as a team game. You can still "win" by being completely selfish which is going to be the fastest way to kill teamwork.

    The bad thing is that it is a habit people pickup early in their time with the game and never unlearn it. That is why I look at playing survivor as 1v3v1. Me versus the other survivors versus the killer.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Yeah like I said, buff killers and just give me teammates with a brain and I won’t complain. But that person not wanting to get me off the hook when he had not been hooked and the killer was busy chasing someone else was just a god awful teammate. It’s a team game and your scared to die when u haven’t been hooked🤨 #StrengthInNumbers

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    I can't anymore with this system. I need the old ranking system back.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    it wasn't. now mmr doesn't let bad survivors to play with good ones.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    My theory is it’s survs combined mmr to sorta match the killer. So I’ve been placed with pretty bad teammates because I’m good. And my friend and I have been placed with complete newbie potatoes because were both good. At least that match our killer noticed and let us escape. I basically only play when a few friends are on because something is up with solo … I used to get awesome teammates with old emblem system… I used to love playing solo… now I have to swf

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    Totally agree. Old emblem system took into account much more than just kills and escapes which does not represent skill in this type of game

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    The incentive was the old emblem system. You could pip up in rank even if you died. You HAD to be altruistic to pip… you had to do x amount of gens, heals, saves, chases. Now it’s survive… whether that be from hiding in a locker most of the game… not risking your life to save a teammate. The answer to all of this is go back to old ranks…

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Thank the devs for the MMR most survivors wanted.

    I too hate solo queue, it is the worst out there, just today I had 4 facecamping bubbas, 1 facecamping trickster and 1 facecamping nemmy.

    MMR is just bringing the worst kind of players, matches are boring and they don't care because people are still buying their cosmetics, passes, etc.