We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Killer concept (Cassandra cut-throat)

SijamesB Member Posts: 14


Cassandra has learned to use the loss of her hand in her favour. Switchblade gives the ability to quickly switch between weapons using the ability button. The hook is a short distance melee weapon that allows Cassandra to grab and drag survivors for a period of time leaving them injured. Her sword allows her to reach further than the average killer and inflict quick damage.


I hope you like this idea :) the skin is really just a concept, I’m not very good at designing things. But i think it would be really cool to have a creepy pirate themed killer. And i wrote law (below) but im bad at English so thats just a basic idea of Cassandra Cut-Throat’s law ✌🏼

let me know what you think👍🏼



Cassandra was the daughter of one the world’s most powerful pirates to ever live, Tyrus The Cruel. All she had ever known was a life at sea, it was a part of her. Living as the daughter of a deadly pirate was not a friendly lifestyle for a child, growing up without any real friends, she had to make do with her pet parrot Chip and the cute squids that were caught for food. As she grew into a young women, Cassandra became aware of the many enemies her father had made. One day on the far horizon an Armanda was seen speeding towards them. They couldn’t outrun the ships made by the Spanish and were soon outran. The pirates fought as hard as they could, but were no match for the hundreds of ships approaching. “Go below deck and hide” yelled her father. One by one Tyrus’s crew were slaughtered, the only family Cassandra had ever known, their cries of pain echoed through the lower floors as their blood stained the deck. As his last crew men fell, Tryus knew it was hopeless and took his own life. This destroyed Cassandra causing her to shriek in agony. Captured by the Spanish Armada she was forced to watch as her home sank underwater, the smoke filling the air. They soon made Cassandra their prisoner making her clean and serve food and drinks. The weeks that passed were destroying Cassandra, until one day she had had enough. When the guards weren’t looking she used the keys she had stole to escape her cage and run. She stood on the ships plank staring down into the water below. Just as she prepared to jump she was pushed off by two drunk men. As she struggled to stay afloat she felt something grasping her and pulling her back to the surface. They caught her in a fishers net just to make a mockery of her attempts to escape. This drove Cassandra mad. The next day an aggressive storm took over the ship steering them in all directions, damage the sails and the wheel. The men had convinced each other that Cassandra was a witch who was plotting to drown them all, so they pulled her from her cage to teach her a lesson. Three men held her arms down on the dining bench. “Without hands she cant cast any spells” they yelled laughing. With no sympathy in his heart the man struck her hand clean off with a butchers knife. She cried in agony screaming for her father to protect her. Suddenly a strange black fog appeared surrounding her and the men. The storm became worse than ever, forming a whirlpool that tore the boat apart plank my plant until it swallowed them all whole. When Cassandra woke from what felt like an evil nightmare she found herself on a new island with a hook for a hand, and an empty heart. She swore to take revenge on anyone that dared step between her and her revenge.

Thank you for reading :)