Just can’t play killer anymore

Is it me, or does it seem like playing killer is more of a chore than it used to be? I play both sides, and man do I smash killers as survivor/get smashed playing as killer. I’d like to hear all opinions, because damn if I’m not having fun playing this game anymore and seeing the queue times get worse.
My solo q times beg to differ, but ok
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If you don't like getting smashed as killer then just don't play killer if you think it's that bad getting hit
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Only because they heavily punished hit and run style of pressuring in the game with Boons. I can probably get to 50 hits(I'm exaggerating) because some teams are just way too aggressive so I can see why the game can be a chore if you look at it that way. Also seems like you're just bored with the game. Take a break, go play something else and come back when the new killer gets released. Maybe by then you'll have a fresh mindset.
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Game is out right trash, everthing is set to favour the survior. as 4 people spending money on this game is more important than balance.
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Boons and Dead Hard make chases unbearable, and if you chase for more than a minute 3 gens pop.
I'd say take a break until they at least nerf Boons, since I doubt they nerf Dead Hard. It's Survivors biggest crutch.
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Agreed, COH is absolutely busted and is the most powerful survivor perk ATM, and makes playing killer extremely difficult. You're basically forced to commit to every chase, which isn't how killers win because it doesn't create adequate pressure.
Or just hardcore tunnel and camp, gets me 1-2 kills if I see a boon go up, no mercy.
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Honestly I believe the Killer should ALWAYS have the upper hand Period. The flashlight thing is getting way out of hand and I feel like having to waste a perk slot to counter that is RIDICULOUS. That being said Dead Hard should get MASSIVELY nerfed super crutch is more the term I'd use. I main Cenobite and 9/10 times get all 4 but lately with the OVERLY AGGRESSIVE exploiting of collision detection i.e. standing in front of hooks, crawling in front of windows etc. Is getting WAY out of hand they need to strike a better balance toward the killer survivors should have to work for the escape not just get it because they fought for a defensive hit to pad their bloodpoints.
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If you 4K 9 out of 10 times, that means the Survivor are winning at most 10% of the time.
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This, Anytime CoH is up or multiple CoH, don't try an wound then leave them, Wound, Tunnel, or else they will just be off for there free uber self care.
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CoH makes me very happy on Legion.
Not very happy on anyone else though.
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There's two dimensions. One where people claim queues are normal and the others that claim they're very long now for survivor. . The ones I see saying it's long vary a lot. Brand new epic players, long time players, even streamers like Otz and Jund have stated they have noticed an increase in their survivor queue times. And the fact many people stream the game means there is verifiable proof that the queues are long for some people. Why this is, I don't know.
It's possible it has to do with time of queuing and region or MMR. I personally don't think anyone is lying, but I don't know why people are experiencing wildly different queue times with some having 10+ minute queues and others saying they are instant.
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For myself, It's The "Thankless Job" aspect of it. I already get enough of that BS at work, from people who ruthlessly tear into me for something that's not my fault, but they gotta vent their rage on someone, and I understand that but don't appreciate it. Then I come home, sometimes days after putting up with all that abuse to login for a few games of DbD, but match after match, get the same old treatment, if not harsher, simply for playing the role that this game can't exist without. I just want to have fun, relax, take up the challenge or present it to my opposition in the vain of good sportsmanship, but instead I get bullied in game, harassed, abused in messages, and even threatened or told to commit ######### suicide, just because I was trying to make the game equally fun and challenging for the survivors I go up against.
There's only so much a person can put up with before they decide the effort isn't worth it, and I've been playing this game as killer less, and less every month, because it just doesn't "feel" worth it anymore. Game unbalances aside, I welcomed everything as a new threat or challenge that I would have to deal with in order to win in stride, but overall... "It's a thankless job, but somebodies gotta do it!"... in the end, this has ultimately become the Killer Players/Mains creed, but that doesn't mean survivors should feel free to be bunch of egocentric and entitled [BAD WORD] to the ones who take up challenge of doing the job, frequently bemoaning or assaulting them for doing what the game itself dictates they do in order to win, just as it does for them. FFS Survivor mains, at least try playing killer for a month before you ruthlessly tear into them for doing their job!
I just think its ridiculous that Survivors Keep treating the Killers of the game like repugnant human garbage, just for playing the role that makes this game work, and then they have the gall to question "why doesn't anyone one want to play killer anymore?"
Yeah... If this game dies, I know who to put the blame on, and, "Spoiler Alert!" It's not the devs.
Post edited by TWiXT on6 -
I do think some are lying. Not alot, but some.
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The game is very unbalanced atm, it's not your fault
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Play something else? Like Civilization, right?
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trash game go play Hollow knight instead
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Plague has something to say about that...
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My main reason I play less and less is validation.
Sorry, but it just doesn't feel deserved to lose a game, because I got validated multiple times, while playing with 30ms ping.
SBMM, CoH and undeserved killer nerfs didn't really help...
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Yesterday, I just wanted to watch some killer stream, yay three of my favorite killer mains are live. All of them were playing survivor for #########'s sake...
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Take a break too because what you're saying are nonsense.
You need a break.
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Well at least plague is amazing right now :)
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Dude Boons and Dead Hard ruin the game straight up, with DH validation now being a thing and CoH being a free safe area for the team to heal, not dedicating to chases is a death sentence, and if you DO dedicate multiple gens pops.
Ask anyone who plays Killer, it sucks.
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survivors downplay CoH amazingly hard because people know its busted and don't want this op toy taken away yet.
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Killer definitely isn't for everyone. I still like playing killer and usually do well.
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The only problem with CoH in my opinion is that it can stack with medkits and other healing perks. Take that away and it's a pretty balanced perk.
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No lol.
Inf medkit speed heals that the whole team can use in multiple huge 24m areas on the map are not "balanced".
Booning the totem then healing is also STILL faster then selfcare healing.
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I am still doing great....still not having fun though. Artist helps but still come out feeling bored after a few games. I still rarely lose (before & during MMR) but still just feels off. When I do lose it always seems to be my build. For example last night I ran Thrill, Ruin, Lullaby, Pentimento. I don't know how they even repaired the 1 gen they did....Point being lots of times my builds can be easily countered which can cause a ruckus like a booner squad with that build I just said.
Had to play Ghostface last night for a ritual and boy it's a bad time to be using him. My build for him was BBQ, NWO, Remember Me, Rancor. Had 6 hooks when EG rolled around...got hook # 7 and noticed Steve/Mikaela around hook and at that exact time a notification came for NWO. I left those 3 and bolted for it. I see Feng running for her life along the backwall so I go into pursuit.. Highlight of my night is Mori on Feng. Ended up getting the whole team on ground but there was only one hook in the area so Nancy/Steve I let go and hooked Mikaela. Forgot about his stalk ritual ended the game with only 3 so had to use him again.
I got a 3k (Let a Mikaela go) and another Mori I felt bad though it was a Yun-Jin. I don't like killing survivors that I use. Thank the lord back on Artist today. Ghostface Mains out there...Much Respect.
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I think that would balance it out. So? SC is just a bad perk. That’s why most people either brought a medkit or played injured before CoH was added. It’s fine for both sides to have good perks.
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i dont know what brings a swf or survivors to spend more
money on cosmetics? killer are actually ones forced to buy chapters just becouse of meta perks :) optionally even cosmetics
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Survivors have a metric Fton of good/viable perks.
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Then why do killers keep complaining about survivors using the same perks over and over?
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Than don't, but why do I need to know?
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Because thats what the majority of the playerbase does?
Just use meta perks constantly. As survivor you at least have more freedom to use fun and good perks. Killer perks are kinda trash and there no real fun good #########. Just efficency stuff or gen defense.
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Because those same ~6 perks are the strongest of the bunch so they get ran every game, that doesn't mean the others aren't good/viable.
CoH being game breaking doesn't mean other healing perks are trash, CoH is just that busted/strong.
Survivors have a ton of strong viable perks, but everyone just uses the OP ones or the closest they can get, that doesn't mean the others become not good/viable.
For a comparison, Nurse being uncounterable doesn't mean Blight isn't good. Gideon being stupid doesn't mean Haddonfield is bad for survivors.
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DS Nerf -> 3 years
Undying/PH/Slinger/Wraith => 3 months
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The fact med kits stack with it is mind boggling
Right now I just got out of a match with ghostface.
Its almost a joke how bad it is right now. Dead hard + MMR + boons + first aid kits + snowmen they can get in right after the dead hard ( which removes exposed from GF) + map offerings. Usually I want christmas events to go longer, I cant wait for this one to end.
God I cant wait for VHS
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I don't need to ask anyone. Probably I have more killer hours than your killer and survivor combined. If you ever level up a survivor to lvl 2.
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Chapters have nothing tro do with it, as 4 surv mains are gonna spend more money on cosmetics than a killer end of. So thats why survs are not as nerfed and are given easy mode in this game.
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That was the case till recently it has gotten almost unplayable I at most get 2 out 4 at this point unless I play Hag or Plague, 50/50 is garbage, sorry to say it but that's the way things are shifting and I apologize for not specifying that earlier
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I still can play killer, whenever my MMR gets too high / matches gets too hard... I just afk at one gate, when survivors finish 5 gens I open the gate.
Fast matches for lowering MMR.
I don't really want to play stressful games.
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Actually waiting for Elden Ring and then Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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I was a killer main for quite some time (back when Freddy was S tier). I still thoroughly enjoy it as I became a Billy main. I play both sides equally now, but survivor is hella busted.
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Agreed. Playing killer is just awful, unless you play nurse. She is the only killer that can actually “win” (4K) the fastest which most players feel satisfied with
Playing survivor is just chill, even solo queue. I can scratch my balls and play DBD at the same time
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This guy gets it. 3 gens pop during first chase? Cool. Don’t expect me to engage with 1 gen left and knowing full well you have a team stacked with second chance perks and I can’t do anything about it. If it’s not a competitive match, there’s no need to sweat. Let them do the gens and go back to the queue. 0k is still a win because it will eventually lead you back to a more fun level with good back and forth between both sides.
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I am of the school of never giving up even when I have a bad start. If you do not try you will never get to experience unexpected victories or comebacks. If you are going to spend your limited time on this earth in a DBD match at least try to earn some blood points. You might even learn something new. I am still learning after 2300 hours. That is what makes this game great sometimes.
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If the match is competitive that's one thing. I'm no longer in the business of trying to artificially raise my level with corny/lucky kills after gens are done and/or during the EGC. If there is something that can swing the momentum like a good basement placement or something, that's different. But if they finished 4 gens and the 5th is on the way, and everyone is still 0-1 hook, it's generally going to be futile anyway. gg on to the next one.
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More survivors buy cosmetics than killers. A large reason being survivors are in 3rd person and can actually see their outfit. Killers can really only see their weapon and maybe hands if the outfit changes that. I think the amount of people buying Feng Min outfits dwarfs the combined number of people buying Nurse, Blight, Spirit cosmetics.
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It's tough.
Survivor is just tedious to me, but I completely understand how people would get burned out on playing killer. CoH was a mistake, and some of the nerfs that have happened to Slinger, Wraith, Cenobite and Hillbilly were ridiculous.
The best thing you can do is play a few games of survivor until you A. get bored and go back to killer (what happens to me on a weekly basis) or B. decide to stay survivor (likely why my queue times are still almost instant).
- It's much easier (and thus less expensive) to make cosmetics for survivors as most of them have the same rig and very similar models.
- It's infinitely easier to make new survivors than a new killer.
- There are many, many times more survivor players than killer players particularly as you move past lower MMRs (and the longer someone invests time in a game, the more likely they are to invest money).
SC was never a 'bad' perk. It could be extremely powerful when used correctly, but had a risk/investment attached to it. This is the epitome of a well designed perk.
The only reason you don't see it now is because CoH is a far stronger version of SC that applies to your entire team. It's not bad - it's just obsolete.
It'll likely see a come-back once CoH is eventually nerfed (which is inevitable, as this seems to be the common opinion of the Fog Whisperers I've seen opine on this issue).
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s if they will nerf boons. How are they supposed to sell Mikala cosmetics?
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This game is not for everybody.