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Dbd is unique in that it enables and promotes toxicity



  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    No. They do not apply. It’s a multiplayer video game for adults, about murder. This is not real life and there are no victims. Also not that it makes a difference, but you misunderstand the definition you quoted:

    “Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening."

    The highlighted words are significant. In fact they’re the most important words in the definition.

    Moving on:

    Q) Is it also bullying when the killer to kills a survivor? What about hooking them? How about just hitting them?

    All of these actions clearly match up to your definition of bullying too. Are you honestly going to tell me, with a straight face, that simply playing the game is bullying?

    I have to be blunt here. You’re entitled to your opinion but that doesn’t mean there’s any validity to what you’re saying. Some people will play along with this lunacy, probably out of fear of being labelled “pro bullying” or some other nonsense, but the vast majority know how ridiculous the idea is.

    Hitting an imaginary hook in a computer game is not bullying.

    Clicking an imaginary flashlight in a computer game is not bullying.

    Spamming a crouch animation in a computer game is not bullying.

    Camping a player in a computer game is not bullying.

    Killing a player in a computer game is not bullying.

    Q) Also, how do you account for the fact that you’re not psychic, and have no idea of the intentions of the other player?

    There are a plethora of legitimate reasons for all of these so called “bullying”actions that have nothing to do with trying to get a reaction, or being “toxic.”

    So how do you define what’s bullying? If it annoys you, is it bullying? If you don’t like it? Would that not be you bullying other people by taking away their options? It sure sounds like it.

    Maybe if someone only teabags 3 times, that’s acceptable right? How about 4 though…Yes 4 is the bullying number. Anything 4 or above is problematic.

    Same goes for flashlight spamming. 3 clicks maximum if you’re just doing it for fun. 4 clicks or more is bullying territory and should be a bannable offence.

    Don’t even get me started on hook hitting. If you hit the hook even one time, you’re a big fat bully. Why else would you do it? You’re clearly engaging in an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.

    Come on now, enough with this lunacy 😂

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Ongoing and deliberate attempts to annoy and frustrate the other person, not to win? Yup, that's what bully squads explicitly set out to do. They even admit it.

    About the only saving grace is that it's relatively tricky to consistently stalk one person in DBD and make their experience awful, but I wouldn't put it past people.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    Even though it’s besides the point:

    Ongoing: That doesn’t just mean while you’re playing a match. It would have to be targeted, over a period of time. You can already be banned for that.

    Deliberate: Merely engaging in these actions in a deliberate manner alone is not enough to qualify as bullying. As we have already established, the actions in question are not inherently “bullying” actions. To even have the basis for an argument, you need the full definition, not just parts of it in a vacuum. That’s not how definitions work.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited December 2021

    I didn't misunderstand anything. It is ongoing and deliberate, in that match. Just because its a shorter time span of bullying doesn't make it not bullying. Now we put that on repeat for multiple games and the killer is getting bullied for most of their playtime.

    "simply playing the game is bullying?"

    No. Going out of your way to do something with little to no gameplay benefit just to frustrate another person is. Tbagging for example has no gameplay benefit and actively detriments you as you're in one place the whole time when you could be moving forward. Clicking slows you down considerably. Not to mention when they do it at the gates just to rub things in and waste the killers time for no reason but to be toxic.

    "3 clicks maximum if you’re just doing it for fun"

    Your fun at the expense of others is kinda the problem.

    "Maybe if someone only teabags 3 times, that’s acceptable right?"

    Nope, any kind of t-bagging sole or majority purpose of being a jerk is toxic. It can be more or less toxic depending on the number of times sure, but it still is.

    Hook hitting once to stop the scream isn't toxic. Anything past that is. The scream can be loud and you literally right next to them when it happens.

    "how do you account for the fact that you’re not psychic"

    I don't need to be psychic to know what clicking at the pallet or the exit gates right before you leave means. Its a widely accepted and known gesture. Do you need to be psychic to understand a middle finger? No, you don't. Its a universal taunt or a sign of disrespect.

    " legitimate reasons for all of these so called “bullying”actions"

    Not really, I already went over this point in my other posts on this thread. I suggest you read those if you haven't. They're more detrimental and ineffective than not.

    In the vast majority of cases, its just to be toxic.

    Ah yes, I'm clicking and t-bagging to get the killers attention after I just stunned them and I'm safe on this side of the pallet. Or how about when I'm at the exit gate and just waiting out the EGC to see them one more time. C'mon guys I just want the killers attention so they can chase me.

    Come on now, enough with this lunacy 😂

    Post edited by MrPenguin on