Do you think the new perks for Killer has changed the meta slightly?

I reckon this chapter is probably the best one if we're talking about Killer perk value alone. There's three different type of perks to hold off generators from Slow down, Regression and Lock down. I have been getting a lot of matches where there's no Ruin anymore but then again it could just be matchmaking being an idiot though.
I use pain resonance more than any other gen regression now. I've completely dropped ruin entirely since hexes are trash unless they are meant to be broken.
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I think this is the way they try to balance a bit for killers.
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The past few DLCs have been pretty good for the killer meta imo- Lethal Pursuer from the Resident Evil chapter is a very solid option that helps out a wide number of killers, Deadlock from the Hellraiser DLC is fast becoming a fully meta perk, and Pain Resonance is a really solid perk that I wouldn't be surprised to learn is becoming meta too.
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Pain Resonance is a perk you'll see. Thanks to its rng nature, you'll probably only see it ran in conjunction with other perks such as Ruin or Pop.
The others? No. Grim Embrace is a personal favorite of mine but is outclassed by Deadlock that's passive, happens to the gen you need it to apply to, and can be used repeatedly. I *do* like this perk a lot though.
Pentimento is a sad perk. It's sad because it's strong but you'll rarely get to use it thanks to boons. I hope boons get a change so this perk can have its chance later.
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pain resonance is simply the best perk since a very long time, it's way too good to ignore
Post edited by wewantbetterfun on3 -
Kind of. Pain Resonance might fully become meta. I've seen a lot of killers using Deadlock and Hex: Plaything as well. I've also seen killers use Lethal Pursuer a decent amount of times.
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This year was great for killer perks. Every DLC had very solid ones. Starstruck, No Way Out, Lethal Pursuer, Deadlock, Plaything, Pentimento and Pain Resonance are all very solid.
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Absolutely agree on Pain: Resonance. Even with the 4-hook limit and possibly having shaky RNG for the location of the hooks, it's become a staple of every killer I play I've unlocked it on. It's superior to PGTW, even with slightly less initial regression -- it's instantaneous (no running across the map to kick a gen that might get finished before you get there), it's tracking info when someone's working on the gen, it targets the gen that needs to be regressed the most, and it regresses it when no one is actually working on it. And if you still want to take the risk and run Ruin, the perk still will hit a gen for the 15% anyway,
Deadlock and No Way Out I've seen in a lot of builds as well now, and both are powerful in their own right.
I think Hex: Plaything is underrated as well, even in the current Boon meta. It can't be broken or cleansed until it's active, and then only by the person it affects initially. I've been running it on my Pig build, and the number of times I've run into survivors who were crossing the map to search a Jigsaw box or who were headed to a gen and who had no idea they were running into me has been amazing. Even on a killer you expect to be stealthy, it's gotten me a ridiculous number of downs on Oblivious survivors.
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To me the "meta" has been the same since The Plague's release
Plus I still haven't got Pinhead nor Nemesis so I don't know if those perks would work for me
I also have been trying out different perks out... but I don't know... maybe the "meta" is up to the individual to decide
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Definitely, Pain Resonance is a proper meta perk. Pentimento is also really good. Neither is necessarily something to be seen in top-level tournament matches where guaranteed delay is the go-to (Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out), but for everything else they are great additions to the game that are both viable and mix up the gameplay a fair bit.
I would want to see changes for Grim Embrace, namely to either make the time it blocks gens for depend on the amount of generators left in the trial (so 30 seconds up to 70 seconds), or to block gens for 10 seconds on the first fresh hook, 20 on the second, 30 on the third and finally 40 on the fourth. Grim Embrace is a perk that disincentivizes tunnelling and camping to an extent and as such I think it should be much more impactful so as to encourage players to use it and go out of their way to not tunnel and camp from the get-go. These changes would achieve that.
In general I think it would be cool to see a wide variety of game delay perks be buffed to compete for slots in popular loadouts. It's not the most ambitious meta change, and there are a variety of base game changes I'd likewise like or even prefer to see, but it's something, and it's actually pretty fun and refreshing to experiment and play with and against different game delay builds, even if they all have that same goal of delaying the game.
Blood Warden - Make it so any hooking after the last gen is finished will activate the perk, with its timer starting once a gate is then actually opened (or alternatively, a base game change: make gate opening progress reset over time such that survivors are regularly forced to open gates earlier as opposed to being able to 99% them). Also, any consecutive hook should prolong the timer somewhat.
Dead Man's Switch - Remove the Obsession condition. If that's too much, make it a Scourge Hook perk, or make it so it only procs when hooking a non-Obsession survivor.
Eruption - Remove the cooldown. Increase immediate regression to 10% or continual regression to 0.5 charges per second. I think the default regression rate should be bumped up to .5c/s globally, but I doubt that will happen, so put it on perks instead.
Huntress Lullaby - On top of the existing effect, make it so good skill checks apply a regression to the interaction of 1-5% depending on the amount of tokens on it. Or perhaps a reverse relationship would actually be more interesting, where the perk starts out at 5% regression on good skill checks at 1 token and goes down to 1% at 5.
Jolt - Tie its effect range to terror radius. Remove the cooldown. Remove basic attack condition. Increase immediate regression to 10% or continual regression to .5c/s.
Oppression - Remove the cooldown. Increase continual regression to .5c/s.
Overcharge - Additionally, make it so kicked gens regress at .5c/s.
Remember Me - Remove the basic attack condition. Remove the Obsession exemption from the effect. Increase the time per token to 10 seconds. Cap the maximum at 6 tokens. Make the actual time added to gates depend on the amount of survivors left in the trial - 4 = full possible 60 seconds, 3 = at most 30 seconds, 2 = at most 15 seconds, 1 = 0 seconds.
Gift Of Pain - Apply the action speed penalty until the survivor is healed, rather than once they are healed. Increase the penalty to 20%.
Thanatophobia - Include dead survivors. Make it also apply to healing speeds again.
Thrilling Tremors - Remove the cooldown. Make it block any gens with progress on them instead.
Just some ideas that would already really shake up the meta and create a wider variety of viable delay builds with different synergies and playstyles.
Post edited by zarr on2 -
Pain Resonance is absolutely going to be meta. Sure it doesn’t give as much regression as pop, but it happens automatically as long as you have a scourge hook and it targets the gen with the most progress. Sometimes pop isn’t worth it if it takes you too long to go out of your way to kick the gen. I definitely don’t run into ruin as much anymore as survivor and I’ve stopped using it nearly as much on killer; hexes in general are even more unreliable now with boons.
Grim Embrace is a perk I like in how it encourages hooking multiple survivors, but it’s not strong enough and doesn’t reward you at all until you get 4 tokens which I think is poor design. From what I’ve seen of it, it generally will only make you win harder, it doesn’t help you if you’re losing. I also think there’s pretty much no reason to use it over NWO, unless you’re going to run both.
Pentimento is interesting, but boons hard counter it which is disappointing; I hope something can change about this, and I’m not expecting to see it much until then.
Going into previous DLCs this year, yeah, starstruck, NWO, lethal, deadlock, and plaything are all solid perks. When deadlock first came out I thought it was mediocre but then I realized how good it actually was.
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Pain Resonance is a nice meta shakeup - you trade a bit of value and the risk of bad RNG for a lot of time saved and a bit of info.
Penti would be great if snuffing a boon broke that totem.
Grim Embrace is a good perk in theory, but in reality it just stalls the game out and encourages survivors to hide for the duration.
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Pain resonance stacks well with pop because that 15% can save you the gen getting done and if you arrive before they recover the 15% you can then pop it and remove a total 40% very quickly wasting lots of their time, and if you manage to get another one you can do this process again, since there's no cooldown (thank the entity) you can constantly if you are in a good situation always remove 40% very quickly.
deadlock is great too not gonna lie, personally I have no interest in plaything, doing totems build aren't my thing but I can assume doing a totem build with it can be decent.
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I genuinely do not believe the whole "devs hate killers" but if anything would tip me over it would be cool downs on scourge hooks.
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they wouldn't dare