Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

No but seriously, nerf Circle of Healing in the Midchapter. It's not funny anymore.

It's busted, you KNOW it's busted, but since you seem to refuse to make changes to anything besides during major updates, you are morally obligated to change it.

It should have been changed a week after release, instead we have had months of torture against this busted ass perk.

Make it 16 meters in range, make it only work horizontally and NOT vertically, nerf the healing speed or even get rid of it entirely, and give it a cooldown. Also let Killers destroy Boons.


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'd be okay with leaving the vertical aspect in and 24m range if snuffing the boon broke the totem. Really, there's a lot of nuisances packed into this perk, but it's the infinite respawning that makes it so impossible to deal with.

    I also believe that hexes like Plaything or NOED should be able to overwrite a boon totem if the only available totems standing in the match are boon totems when the perk's activation condition meets.

    I'll be beside myself if the perk isn't touched with the midchapter. It's busted. It invalidates every other healing perk in the game just by existing and it singlehandedly murdered the hit and run playstyle.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    id just like it so it cant go between floors. the other 2 boons affects going between floors is fine. but with circle its kinda broken

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385

    They could also increase the time it takes to reboon a snuffed totem, encouraging survivors to look for different ones.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,495

    I don't agree with your first one but your 2nd I do 100%.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I think it is a fine change, considering it is pretty busted to stack healing buffs in general. 16 Seconds of healing is fine if done by yourself... but if teammates are group together and stack healing, or as well as bring specific healing perks such as We Are going live forever or We Will make it, etc. You can reduce that time quite less then 8 seconds.

    There needs to be either a reduce Healing Speed by up to 50%; or simply make it so then Boon Totems do not effect teammates interactions.

    Keep in mind, you and your teammates can self care heal together in the boon totem Radius; but..... you cannot touch each other and get that beautiful 100% heal bonus boost.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It should have been changed a week after release, instead we have had months of torture against this busted ass perk.

    Just FYI their normal schedule nowadays is to do a balance pass about three months after release. So there’ll probably be Mikaela related items in January’s mid chapter patch. They don’t do a balance pass “a week after release” because they want to see how everything is working for a while to give the meta time to settle a bit and people time to figure the new content out. It’s pointless to do a balance patch “a week after release” on live because most players still don’t know what the heck they’re doing with it. They’ll do major hot fixes for literal game breaking issues but balance tweaks they’ll gather data for a while first.

  • concernedkiller
    concernedkiller Member Posts: 23

    I don't care how it is done but something definitely needs to be done about the boons, especially COH. From the killer's perspective it just makes the game tedious. In order to play around it you have to devout valuable time and effort into snuffing out each one that is put up and if by chance you do put up another one is right on its way. You add this to the current epidemic of SWF squads and you get matches that require exceptional skill on the killer's part to contend with comparatively less skillful survivors. For context my little squad and I escape most games despite being unable to loop, dodge, strafe or do anything besides hit 85 percent of skill checks.

    I think the idea of boons is great but the execution on the premise has been shall we say less than stellar. I've switched to survivor because I just got tired of the same games being played out. You either 1. Hit a survivor once and let them heal for free thus essentially wasting your time or 2.) Commit to getting the hook but opening up the possibility that the three other teammates are rushing gens. Of course the boons arent a free win, and there are indeed ways in which you can manipulate survivors into situations because you know they are going to try and make it into the proximity of the boons, its just that it requires so much effort to contend with these items that it destroys the notion of casual gameplay. To play killer in the current meta you have to try hard. That doesnt mean resorting to camping and tunneling but unless you efficiently spend literally every second of the game patrolling boons, protecting gens, searching and downing survivors those gens are going to pop faster than an overinflated balloon on free balloon day.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited December 2021

    Should just remove Boons, there's no hope for them as a concept. Forcing killers to waste time snuffing out totems is a bad idea. They'll either be useless or overpowered, and knowing that there's more to come makes me feel sick.

    I'm playing less and less because of Boons, I don't want to deal with them at all.

    Post edited by Sludge on
  • OverratedFool
    OverratedFool Member Posts: 66

    The whole concept of boons falls flat for me. Both sides can use bones, but only one side can remove them? I find it fundamentally painful to wrap my head around. I personally would attempt fix both this and the balance in one simple change:

    When a killer snuffs out a boon, they break the bones.

    That's it. That's the change. Neither side can stop the other from using their bone perks. Both sides can remove after they've been used. The survivor can still use the perk again on a different set of bones. The killer can't break unlit bones.

    Any further balancing that might be required would also very straightforward to implement; simply adjust the healing speed of the boon. Nothing else.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,708

    As this one Dev said, this is a secondary job for the survs and the healing speed buff is not neccessary.

    The rest is not good but kinda okay.