Should killers be able to break boon totems?

If killers could break boons, survivors could still find other available totems to bless, and if all are broken they could still be relieved by the certainty there should be no noed. Wouldn't that be a balanced change for both sides?
Should be an option. Tap to snuff, hold to crush
Snuffing would make it obvious you have noed or plaything, but I still would very much love to have the option to snuff.
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Considering the factor of old school reasons,...just do Bones.
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That'd be nice.
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It wouldn't be a good change, because it doesn't understand and reconcile what boon totems are actually designed for. The point of snuffing a totem isn't to provide a huge downside, it's to pull a survivor away from their objective to relight it, and the more times they do that the better it works out for you- if they could only do it five times max (less for any given survivor if they're all running totems) then you won't get any real slowdown out of the situation, and survivors would be much less incentivised to actually run boon totems at all.
Also, think about it this way: Is this really a problem for Shadow Step and Exponential? Or is it just Circle of Healing that feels too powerful to be limitlessly available?
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its only circle of healng that is a problem. if shadow step and expo where able to be destroyed they just become another set of perks not worth running
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My point exactly.
So, surely nerfing that perk is a better solution than nuking the other two into oblivion with a mechanic-wide giant nerf?
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i dont really think there worth running right now anyways but shadowstep is still decent expo is only good against twins
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Just like lauraa said, it could be an option for the killer. Hold the button longer to crush it completely. Depending on the strategy/killer/match situation one could be preferable than other.
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Which would be a problem for the exact same reasons. Again, Shadow Step and Exponential don't require a change this drastic, so why push for it? Just nerf Circle of Healing, you don't need to start fundamentally nuking the core concept of boon totems.
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Yes, Shadowstep is just as powerful as CoH. Disabling certain totems would be a huge boon against Shadowsteppers since that one needs to be in a really good spot unlike CoH which can get by with a "just good enough " spot.
Exponential isnt even worth discussing though.
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Why is that a problem? I don't see it. I don't even think boons help that much on keeping survivors busy, specially if they already know where is an available totem.
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Usually no, but it can be. There are some spots where it's busted to have a totem and you have to get rid of it, but that isn't possible with the current state of boons and the killer's just kind of boned.
Imagine playing against a team with 3-4 Shadow Steps and an RPD offering. You really just need a totem in the library and one in that room below the fancy office and the survivors are completely set - no scratch marks on most of the map. You can't chase anyone without snuffing the totem, but when you snuff it, somebody's put it back up by the time you find someone else to try and chase.
Same with Exponential and a SWF who has a few of them dotting the map and full flashlight/sabo builds. Impossible to pick up within 12 seconds, impossible to slug. Add in CoH for speed heals and destroying the totems is the only way to progress, but you can't actually do that, just stall them for a bit - and for way less time than it stalled you.
So yeah, I'm pretty desperate for destroyable boons (optionally snuffable if the killer wishes to preserve the totem.) Five uses is plenty good enough for a typical match, and hopefully it'll encourage people to place boons smarter instead of spamming them everywhere.
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Nailed it, specially with the final statement.
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...It's really, really not. Shadow Step is strong, but not overpowered, since it's relatively easy to play around even if you're chasing someone in its radius. Circle of Healing, by contrast, completely removes whole playstyles and tactics, and is absurdly strong compared to any other healing perk in the game. CoH is way stronger than Shadow Step.
So, you do raise a point where there are niche scenarios that make Shadow Step more of a pain- still nowhere near as powerful as CoH, of course, I'm not sure why "you can't chase anyone" while Shadow Step is up, but it is a lot more annoying and a lot more powerful than that perk is elsewhere. The problem here is twofold, though- it once again bumps up against hard nuking the entire concept just because of outliers (CoH being the strength outlier, RPD being the outlier for making Exponential usable and Shadow Step more annoying), and it's also not actually the solution to that problem.
Instead of effectively completely removing boon totems from use by making them incredibly limited, why not look into whether or not the effect should get to permeate through floors? That'll handle the outlier situation that you're describing here without making Shadow Step and Exponential quite literally useless on any other map in any other scenario.
Breaking boon totems is not only not the only solution, it's not a solution, it's only a brief step above saying "just delete them from the game". There are actual solutions to these problems, like reworking totem spawns, making boons travel far less vertically, and nerfing the absolute ######### out of Circle of Healing, so why not push for that?
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Because 5 uses is plenty of uses. Other perks like unbreakable are only one use and still very strong. Saying people won't use it anymore is just like people used to say no one would use DS anymore if nerfed. And yet, what a surprise, DS is still one of the most used perks every match.
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By the way, it would be 5 ACTIVATIONS, not 5 uses.
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Not quite. Unbreakable is one use and very strong, but the only requirement for using Unbreakable is that you be left on the ground, nothing more. The other boon perks (not CoH because the time investment absolutely works out in the survivor's favour by a staggering degree) require setup, and once again, they are designed to continually draw survivors away from their objective.
Why on earth would you bring a perk that gives you some moderately decent stealth, but that requires you to find a totem, spend multiple seconds blessing it, only works within a certain radius of that totem, and can be completely removed from the trial? Why would you ever bring the version of Unbreakable with all of those restrictions?
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You mean like Ruin can just be removed from the trial? Who would ever bring that right?
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Ah, of course. The perk that requires no setup, is mapwide, and has a much stronger effect than either of the perks I just described?
The one that isn't comparable in the least because literally nothing we're discussing actually applies to it?
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Ehh... I would say no. Just delete CoH and turn it into an entirely new boon perk, because it shouldn't have even been a perk to begin with.
Shadow Step and Exponential would be too weak if they were even more limited than they already are.
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I'd much rather setup ruin wherever I want than have it broken in less than 30 seconds of match.
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Oh please. The range of boons is just insane, and applies to multiple floors, and the effect is very strong. Being able to choose the totem is a massive advantage. Imagine if killers could just choose where their hexes would be positioned. In many matches, CoH will have much more impact than ruin, so I just don't know what you're talking about.
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When did CoH come back into the equation? I specifically said Ruin was more powerful than the two perks we were discussing, which are Shadow Step and Exponential. Remember that "boon totem" is a perk type, and only one of them is actually OP.
Now, regarding the rest of your points, it seems insane to me that you're capable of acknowledging what the actual problems with boon totems as a mechanic are, but you still cling to a bad solution that won't fix those things. Maybe we should be looking at the range and verticality first, since those are the things actually causing problems?
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I say you can't chase anyone because RCPD is the most LOS-limited of the indoor maps. It's nearly impossible to chase without scratch marks because every doorway represents a coin flip on whether the survivor went straight or turned and there's doors all over the place. Healthy chases don't work. Blood helps, but the ground is quite dark and blotchy and it's not an easy map to see it on; the thing you've really got working for you are injured sounds, and Iron Will is a meta perk. While it'd help a lot in RCPD and Midwich, I don't think removing the verticality would really fix the problem of Shadow Step being useless on some maps and incredibly powerful on others. It's not even a Balanced Landing sort of deal where it's strong when accompanying a map offering but can be powered through; the value it gets in foiling chases is nuts when you have a map with loads of LoS breaks and bring Iron Will. It might be one floor, but Lery's is still mega rough without scratch marks.
The situations where unremovable Shadow Step is an issue are mostly synonymous with the situations where Shadow Step is useful, so it's a very tricky perk to balance. I disagree that it's less powerful than CoH in those situations, though. On Midwich or RCPD, I think it's stronger. You can tunnel out past CoH, but the only way to handle SS + IW is to keep snuffing. (The Game is also pretty bad, but I find it has greater LoS and blood is easier to track than Midwich or RCPD.)
Exponential needs a very specific setup to be a torment perk, but verticality will do little to it; it's entirely based on having a few zones where players can run to when they're going down, and teammates that harass the killer so that picking up in time isn't possible. Can work on any map except maybe ones with bad totem spread like Swamp. Dealing with it + CoH pretty much requires the SWF to either ######### up or run out of item charges.
Also, Twins. It's never going to be as good as CoH or Shadow Step, and I don't think it needs any adjustments that don't apply to boons as a whole, but there are situations where you'd want to get rid of totems for good.
I'm just not convinced that making them destructible would actually kill the boon mechanic. I rarely play matches where more than 5 lightings occur, and the most popular boon isn't particularly location-dependent anyway.
Boons in their current state don't have counterplay. The killer can snuff them if they happen to be right next to them and not in a chase. That's the only time-sensitive option available when snuffing the boon equates to a grand total of 14 seconds required to put it back up - or 3.5 seconds evenly divided amongst the survivor team. If the killer spends more than 3.5 seconds destroying it, they've lost time. I don't think that's a healthy model that killers essentially have to deal with the boon effect being there when the boon effect is so strong and gives the whole team extra perk slots, and so far have not seen a suggestion that keeps boons in their infinite state and also leaves them as perks worth running. (Range nerfs kill the non-CoH ones as well, so I'm not really convinced that's the way to go.)
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I'm very wary to try and talk about something's balance when its primarily being applied to RPD- that map is a nightmare on every conceivable level and anything can seem really powerful on that map due to its myriad of gigantic balancing issues. Midwich is a better example, and is definitely a perk where Shadow Step is quite tricky to play around due to the ground being pretty dark, but even then- it's by no means as powerful as CoH.
Exponential just isn't good, I don't buy that even a coordinated team could make that perk any more useful than just being a sabo and bodyblock squad would do without it. I'm not sure what "harassing the killer" even means in this context, surely all they can do is try to bait you into not picking up or try and get lucky with a flashlight save? I'm open to hearing out how you think that'll play, but I'm sceptical.
Now, we're getting more into places where we can talk about the mechanic's balancing without simply tossing it out, and what I'd propose if this remains a problem after nerfing things like verticality and changing things like totem spawns would be a cooldown after the totem is snuffed. That way the killer's time investment works out a little better, and you still get the continual slowdown of survivors relighting their totems after you snuff them.
Again, that would have to come after the parts that are actually causing problems are addressed and monitored, and it comes with the understanding that CoH is its own problem that needs fixing much quicker and in more obvious ways.
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If Boon's could be removed or have a lifespam, i.e being able to stomp the bones, it wouldn't matter as much if they covered 2 floors.
It would mean that using the boon/placement was meaningful.
And when you have 2 CoH's you wouldn't just getting bounced around trying to snuff 2.
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Any change you want to make to boon totems as a base mechanic isn't just compared to CoH, it's compared to all three. Is that change necessary for Shadow Step or Exponential?
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multiple seconds = 14
certain radius = 24 meters (48 meters diameter) and multi floor
yeah, so many conditions
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If you think those numbers aren't right, they can be changed.
But remember that we're using those numbers for Shadow Step and Exponential- it doesn't work out as powerful for those two as it does for CoH.
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Would you argue that passionate about Hex totems, though? I know, I know "boons and hexes aren't the same, not even remotely, they just share a single ressource together"; I would argue that they are the most comparable ability between Killers and survivors that we ever got.
I read a lot boon discussions in the last weeks and something that creeps up every now and then is "if they were destroyable, they would become useless to me and I won't play them anymore" and I think that's a good thing! If something is so strong that (nearly) everyone can see its value, or it even becomes a no-brainer/auto-include in most cases (*cough* dead hard *cough *), then its probably mechanical too strong.
If it got its ups and downs, but at least some peeps see its worth or wanna put in the effort to make it work, then its probably right on the power level.
Yes, corner cases and outliers like RPD shouldn't be used as a strong argument, and yes, the CoHs AoE +100% heal speed +self heal is way stronger then practically every other option, but I think that boons in their current state were definitely a poor designed element.
Coming back to Hexes: they were designed around the concept that they should be stronger then normal perks, but could be removed from the game with some effort from the survivors. Over the years the strength outliers have been curbed down (Ruin and Undying), but by now many counter options exist, and many survs have memorized their spawns, that a lone Hex without support will practically always die within the first min of the game.
I don't believe that boons were designed as a time waster for survs, they were designed as a cool new mechanic and to give the something to do besides rushing gens, but if they were destroyable they wouldn't lose their individual power, they would use their mindless spammability and add a strategic and risk element, quite akin to Hexes.
They wouldn't be attractive anymore to everyone, but some dedicated players would most certainly make them work with a dedicated build. You could easily introduce second tier perks that protect them, or allow you to rekindle them once or something, but then you have to give something up, just like killers who run Hunted Grounds/Undying/Retribution on top of their favorite Hex.
Lastly, time for a killer is at a premium. Every second that you aren't chasing or hooking someone, three others will be doing gens. Even taking a wrong turn or falling down a hole can be impactful in high level killer play, while it would most likely just waste a few seconds for a single surv (unless they expose themselves to the killer). Sniffing totems is nearly never a good idea right now, as they can easily be reblessed and you can never truly be rid of them, heck there can also be up to four active ones on the map. The pressure that even one CoH brings to the table can be overwhelming, 3 can be utterly crushing.
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Maybe you can use a boon twice. One time it gets snuffed, the next time you use the perk and it gets snuffed, it's lost for the rest of the game. I think that is way more fair than it is now tbh.
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No, boons on a whole aren't that amazing tbh. CoH is overtuned but that's about it. You would never see boons again if the killer could break them.
If something beyond the obvious CoH number change would happen i would prefer the totem you snuffed be blocked by the entity for a certain time simular to plaything and pentimento
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Yes they most definitely should.
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As Killer 9/10 times I ignore boons anyways. Only time I ever snuff one is if I run directly by it by chance. As for breaking I think it's fine the way it is now tbh.
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It’s not necessary to change how the Boon system works in general. They just need to make sure that the individual Boon perks are balanced using the existing system. Currently most people who complain about Boons are very specifically actually only complaining about Circle of Healing, the other two don’t have nearly the same level of consensus about being overpowered or popularity. So if the devs just tone down Circle of Healing’s speed it would pretty much address all the current complaints about “Boons”.
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Shadow Step and Exponential are bullshit no matter of change of boon totems mechanics
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Killers absolutely need to be able to destroy boon totems. It's the only way boons will have fair counterplay on the killer side.
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Yes. And if you think about it, it's even unrealistic to assume the killer would go to all corners of the map to break totems anyway. Most times they just break it if they are chasing someone nearby. Survivors could actually use their brains to place it strategically rather than spam it randomly. It's such an over statement to say nobody would use it anymore, just like when they nerf DS, BT, Ruin, Undying, etc...
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Shadown Step is an awful perk designed to reward the "Blendette" gameplay style, then the killer doesn't see anyone on bbq and is forced to camp the hook. I don't even know how to fix this one, if they nerfed it to the point people would prefer to bring Buckle Up, I wouldn't mind (I own Mikaela and use boons too btw).
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Of course
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Boon totems should exist.
Why should Survivors get stronger totem effects than Killers, that they can infinitely re-apply (Killers can't), in a game where the Killer is supposed to be the power role?
Oh right; because this game is laughably Survivor-biased.
Killers don't even have the free time to snuff totems in the first place and, as it is, snuffing them is a waste of time because they can be re-lit. Oh yeah, but NOT snuffing them is giving Survivors broken, OP effects that the Killer can't ignore.
So broken.