Playing Blight On Lery's is Emblematic of Terrible Balancing Issues Regarding Killers

Played an agonizing game on Lery's it got me thinking about the multitude of issues surrounding certain maps and their direct negation of certain killers powers. The over abundance of sharp corners, twists and turns and angular labyrinthine design makes this map nearly unplayable for a killer with Blight's play style. Stalking Killers like Ghost Face and Myers can contend and even thrive in such environment but with a killer like Blight you are probably better off ignoring your ability and just trying your best to hit survivors with your normal movement speed.
This issue is not limited to this particular map and their are numerous other examples of maps that provide an unenjoyable experience when paired with certain killers. For example the newest map is quite difficult to navigate with the trapper because of the shear size of the map. This issue is compounded when you realize that the bright color scheme of the sand makes it easy for survivors to spot traps.
I know that a lot of the current dialogue regarding balancing is centered around boons, swf squads and snowmen but I think level design is a critical issue that is often overlooked. In my own subjective opinion I would rather dodge a queue than play some map-killer combinations. Its not that I inherently despise the level, though some are admittedly pretty awful, its just that it is obvious that the developers did not consider the implications of certain design elements when crafting these maps from a killers perspective.
All frustrations aside I don't know have any concrete solutions. Being able to choose maps would obviously allow survivors to outvote the killer and letting the killer decide maps wouldnt be much better of a solution. I guess my only suggestion would be to add different map variations to the current roster. Adding or removing certain assets would be a fun way to provide much needed variety to the game and I think it would disrupt the monotonous cycle of the same old loops. I'm curious what the community feels on this subject and I'm open to friendly advice for playing Blight on tight maps
Honestly Lery's isn't that bad. I'm more annoyed with Swamp maps really
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And Blight's one of the better killers, by all accounts!
Being able to blacklist 1-3 maps from random rotation would solve a lot of "this map is explicitly designed in such a way that my power doesn't work," without having to RE-re-do all the maps all over again. It would also help show the Devs which maps are perpetually on the blacklist for all players, regardless of what killer they're using (Haddonfield), and might encourage them to maybe take another look at why they don't work.
But, you know. System upgrades and quality of life changes. Reaching for the moon here.
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Blight can vanish from the roster, I hope y’all only get lerys <3
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BHVR's never been known for having map design as their forté
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We love the mindset of people who can't git gud so they just cry.
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Why though? How can anyone hate Blight?
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And to clarify I don't think Blight is an underpowered champ, nor do I think Lery's is a particularly bad map but I feel some combinations make for frustrating gameplay. I agree with the above statement that allowing people to blacklist a map would help increase quality of life across the board. In the similar vain I would also welcome the abolishiment of map tokens. Its kinda ridiculous that 1/5 player can dictate the map choice.
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Lery's is just a bad map in general, tbh.
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I take Lerys over RPD with Blight anytime
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Against any killer, there's really too much crap laying around Lery's. If it's not loops into loops, it's obstacles in the way of you using your power.
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I agree, and I wish they considered making variants for killers that struggle on the default map.
For example, they could make an open floor plan hospital for blight (not unlike the rework for the Game's central room).
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Im just tired of seeing blight every second match. Also lethal rush is inconsistent. Sometimes he hits obstacles, sometimes he just slides around them when he clearly looks at them.
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Oh no, my S-Tier Killer was on a bad Map...
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If you look at it another way, whilst some maps don't suit some killers, others do, and I like the variety and learning of that. For instance, there are a couple of ways I accidentally found on Lery's where the Hillbilly can charge through some rooms, using the main central area. It's still not great for him, but it scares the crap out of opponents when it works!
If all maps were balanced towards a killer like Blight, then other killers like Trapper could become obsolete, so the variety is definitely needed.
A killer is not entitled to have every map perfect for them, and likewise survivors are not entitled to have every map always in their favour. Swings and roundabouts. Learn to male the most of what you have and be creative, experimental and unpredictable.
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I don't think that is a good argument
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It is ridiculous to complain about a bad map for a Killer who can take on almost every Survivor they face.
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it's not if some maps make him look bad
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"Some maps make certain powers almost pointless and you have no way to stop those specific maps except to go to a different one and screw you if you only have bad offerings" is a sign of bad map design, regardless of whether or not Blight in particular is strong.
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You probably just read the title, but he does talk about other killers in his post. He even mentioned how Trapper, probably the weakest killer in the game, wasn't even taken into consideration on the most recent map.
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I don’t consider Blight weak on Lery’s. The map has plenty of wide open corridors to run down, isn’t multi-level and many of the pallets are gameable. Lery’s probably has more impact on ranged killers because walls block line of sight than it does on Blight.
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Well if they didn’t nerf almost every killer to the ground, then we’d see more variety? It’s not Blight’s fault that he’s one of few killers on the roster that actually feels good to play.
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It’s a reasonable complaint. You can’t even use Blight’s power on maps like Lery’s and RPD, which makes for some incredibly boring matches where you’re just a standard 4.6 M1 killer. Your logic really makes no sense.
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Couldn't the same argument be made for survivors who use their same go to loadouts in order to win? Or at least playing to win.
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Lerys is no joke one of the most balanced maps that favors but also cucks both sides, blight ofc is way worse than other Killers on it but this doesnt make the map terrible because of this sole reason.