Playing Blight On Lery's is Emblematic of Terrible Balancing Issues Regarding Killers

Played an agonizing game on Lery's it got me thinking about the multitude of issues surrounding certain maps and their direct negation of certain killers powers. The over abundance of sharp corners, twists and turns and angular labyrinthine design makes this map nearly unplayable for a killer with Blight's play style. Stalking Killers like Ghost Face and Myers can contend and even thrive in such environment but with a killer like Blight you are probably better off ignoring your ability and just trying your best to hit survivors with your normal movement speed.

This issue is not limited to this particular map and their are numerous other examples of maps that provide an unenjoyable experience when paired with certain killers. For example the newest map is quite difficult to navigate with the trapper because of the shear size of the map. This issue is compounded when you realize that the bright color scheme of the sand makes it easy for survivors to spot traps.

I know that a lot of the current dialogue regarding balancing is centered around boons, swf squads and snowmen but I think level design is a critical issue that is often overlooked. In my own subjective opinion I would rather dodge a queue than play some map-killer combinations. Its not that I inherently despise the level, though some are admittedly pretty awful, its just that it is obvious that the developers did not consider the implications of certain design elements when crafting these maps from a killers perspective.

All frustrations aside I don't know have any concrete solutions. Being able to choose maps would obviously allow survivors to outvote the killer and letting the killer decide maps wouldnt be much better of a solution. I guess my only suggestion would be to add different map variations to the current roster. Adding or removing certain assets would be a fun way to provide much needed variety to the game and I think it would disrupt the monotonous cycle of the same old loops. I'm curious what the community feels on this subject and I'm open to friendly advice for playing Blight on tight maps
