DBD Funko Pops

just wondering, it’s been a little while now since they were hastily announced right at the end of the 5th anniversary stream and all parties involved seem to have been very quiet since.
Does anyone know if they are going ahead still, or is this something that an agreement couldn’t be made between both parties so it’s been quietly scrapped?
I’m really hoping not, I was really looking forward to getting my hands on some for my collection.
Anyone got any tasty scoops on this that I may have missed?
Thanks so much!
Hmmmm, I'm not sure what the actual status on the funko pops is. However, I doubt the devs would announce funko pops were coming if there wasn't already an agreement in place. I'd think the pandemic is slowing down production and doubt the new strain is helping with that. I guess what I'm saying is be patient and they'll be here eventually. They'll probably give an announcement once they're in stores.
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Hey ChurchofPig,
Thanks so much for your reply!
Yeah I suppose that is a good point about the announcement that they wouldn’t say it unless something had at least been agreed upon.
I think I was just super excited from way back when they started following Funko on Twitter we knew something was brewing.
Just strange as normally a lot of Funko Pops are preorders that are up to a year in advance prior of their release. I’m just thinking with no pictures, announcements or anything since I’m guessing they’re still a long way off still.
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I can’t wait for them. Really want a Claudette and Dweet Funko pops.
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Cote in an interview pretty much just said he couldn't comment on the matter when he was asked whats going on with the funko pops sooo its a mystery
I want the funko pops so bad!!!
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Hey Johny_XMan & Luciferr_2nd!
It was literally the DBD news that I’ve been the most excited about - there’s so many possibilities with the Funko Pops they could do so many cool ones!
Ah I must’ve missed that Cote interview. That doesn’t sound good. I know obviously an agreement can be in place, but if either party decides they don’t like the terms they can back out. Maybe DBD wasn’t happy with the percentage of sales that Funko was offering?
I really hope they do still materialise. Maybe they need to know enough people are still very much keen on getting hold of them.