Would there be anyway to remove crossplay with PC players?

At this point on Xbox I have had enough with facing stretch res and hackers. Maybe keep crossplay amongst consoles and the pc platforms amongst themselves? In my opinion I really don't think you will implement mathematical boundaries to keep cheaters from cheating. I hope you consider this idea, because I believe a HUGE chunk of your player base is console players.
A couple of years ago the vast majority of the playerbase was PS4. I don't know what the situation is now though as PC owners and XBox owners have all been offered it free now.
You could just turn off crossplay completely though, although in my experience, a lobby full of Playstation players pretty much guarantees an SWF.
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Then i hope you're prepared for really long survivor queues.
Back before X-Play was Implemented, these forums were full of complaints about survivor queue being 20-30 minutes long on console and I remember killer queues also being longer on PC due to the, yes, all in all smaller playerbase on PC alone relative to all consoles combined (due to the game being free sometimes on PSN and Xbox game passes).
The ratio of killer to survivor isn't great on console due to control limitations by controller sticks.
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It's never worth the chance to go against hackers. The devs need good statistics, I am absolutely prepared to wait longer for balanced matches.
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Well i don't know if you speak for the whole community there. I have never seen a hacker in my 300 hours of playing on PC exclusively (playing since release and with/without X-Play).
Not that i deny that they are there but to go and rip the community apart just like that instead of taking care of the root of the problem isn't the solution.
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What hackers? What are you going on about? 🤣
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He said he’d like the option to play only Council players, he did say force it on everyone. Personally I would turn the option on to not have computer players much more likely than trying to just get PlayStation players because I don’t mind playing other switch or Xbox players given the least likelihood to be cheating and similar play style in limitations
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I don't understand why the current option is not sufficient if you don't want to play against PC players.
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Then you've never tried it. You're part of a pool of about 10 players. Even the most confrontational of people wouldn't argue your point, if they had experienced that mess first hand. You will literally wait 20 minutes to be put in a game and then probably be put in a game in which the other survivors are playing with the killer. No, that is not an exaggeration.
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Not that I would turn crossplay off, but would be nice if you could enable the setting for individual platforms.
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If pc players were only facing each other, the devs could actually find the root of the problem. Look, I'm fine with losing matches and all cause it actually leads to learning experience within the games core, leading to more and more hours played. But you know when you're being hacked around in match after thousands of hours of experience. You don't learn anything when being hacked along with the devs obtaining false data. A lot of players on all platforms continue to ask for nerfs and buffs in the wrong places when all the devs could do is approach the problem. Big huge blockers on the sides of screens for stretch res, along with setting mathematical parameters to determine bannable actions.
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You can. Most posts before yours talk about it.
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Yeah I've seen maybe two or three my entire time owning this game lol
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That applies to crossplay off on every platform, and this wouldn't change that. Most people simply do not care if they're facing other platforms
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I'm struggling to understand what you're trying to say, to be perfectly honest.
I think you're trying to say that you believe my description of the cross play off experience is accurate, and that it is comparable on PS and PC too. I don't know what you mean by "this wouldn't change that".
Assuming I interpreted your post correctly, it sounds like you're calling a lot of people on these forums liars. I'm new here and even I have lost count of how many PC players I've seen talk about them playing with cross play off. It sounds like the standard is higher (obviously lol), and the range of killers you face is narrower with more Blights and Nurses (again, super obvious lol). I've never heard any of these guys describe their cross play experience to be anything like how I described mine.
As for people not caring, well I honestly don't know. Before I came to this thread, I never knew that this game didn't always have cross play and I found burt's post very interesting. I hadn't thought of any good reason why cross play existed until I saw that, so TY burt. The list of advantages that PC players have is almost endless. How much people care about that though, IDK. I certainly do care. Not because of hackers though LOL just #########. 700 hours and I've never knowingly seen one. Grow up.
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+ back in the day (especially on PS4), it seems to happen that Red Rank SWFs and Newbie-Killers had the longest queue times and the Matchmaker threw those groups together at some point, because both were waiting super-long, increasing the Matchmaking Range further and further. And in the end, low Rank Console Killers waited 40 minutes for a game, just to face a Red Rank SWF who was waiting equally long.
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My point is that even if there was an option to allow console only crossplay there would still only be 10 people in it, hell if you split the options into 3 categories it would probably reduce the amount of players in both of the queues making the problem worse. Most people do not care to play cross play off and that's why there's so few players there. Even on PC, crossplay off matchmaking is pretty bad unless you're playing during peak hours.
Also people who both read and post on the forums are a very different group from the people who play the game. The vast majority of players really just do not care to turn off crossplay, the people who care to play with it off are almost certainly more likely to be active on the forums than those who don't care to change it
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OK Elite, just so we're on the same page:
- You agree with me that turning cross play off is not an option.
- You "don't understand why the current option is not sufficient if you don't want to play against PC players."
We're on the same page, yes? Glad.
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Don't see that option on Xbox. It's just a single box to toggle it on and off, doesn't let me pick between Playstation, switch or pc
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I must've misunderstood your previous post. You would have them create additional pools of players, despite most of the current ones being too small to be viable?
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When you acheive a higher mmr youll start to see them more and more. You also run into hackers a lot earlier in the morning. Im getting to it being around every 3 matches now. Especially on console its even more frustrating.
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The devs would need to readdress how crossplay filters players; but yes being able to filter out the most hacker prone platform while keeping a larger pool would be nice.
I have only had a few encounters in my time playing on Xbox but it is has become more problematic lately and never a lighthearted fun experience.
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They could probably do nothing other than simply making the cross play setting set to off by default, rather than on. I think that's all they would need to do. It depends how legitimate these 30 minute survivor queue time claims are I suppose.