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Romanian Survivor / killer idea

Survivor/Killer idea


Andrei Dimico 

23 years old



Andreis first experience with Strigoi happened when he was around eight years old. He heard weird noises like screaming from his parents bedroom. Quietly and slowly he walked over to his parents, opening door enough to see what was happening. Blood everywhere, on the bed, floor and even the wall, his parents dead and unmoving. Above his mother was a big creature, teeth as big as his forearms and its eyes were wide and red. Blood dripped from its mouth as it feasted on its mother's flesh. 

It didnt seem to notice him, seeming to quickly crawl out of the window and out into the night.

As he got older, Andrei made a promise to his parents and to himself to hunt down the Strigoi with anything he has.

He killed many Strigoi, becoming a skilled vampire hunter but he never managed to track the strigoi that killed his parents, it always being one step ahead of him. He didnt have any friends, making it his life goal to hunt and kill vampires. 

One day when he was tracking another strigoi he noticed a mist forming around him, suddenly voice calling his name, sounding too much like his mother. As if in trance he followed the voice, into the mist just to find himself at a campsite. 


-Hunter or hunted

The Killer leaves scratch Mark's, smiliar to the survivors when it attacks or uses and ability that only Andrei can see. 

The scratch Mark's stay for 4sec/6sec/12sec.

-A blood sacrifice

If Andrei is injured while standing near a downed survivor he gets x% more haste and x% more movement speed, also not making any noise while vaulting fastly over a pallet or through a window for 5 seconds.


If two of his teammates get hooked or downed, Andrei lets out a blood curling scream, pulling the attention on him. (Press a button for scream) 




Old name: Nikolai Vrik

Around 100 years old

When Nikolai was still human he lived in misery and sadness, having no friends or family, just recently fired from his job. His whole life was in ruins until he suddenly saw an ad in the newspaper, promising him eternal happiness and luck. Intrigued by the idea of finally being happy he followed to instructions, finding the old run down church in the mountains. But instead of finding the person stated in the paper, a huge creature jumped down from the roof, its flesh rotting, ears long and thin and its huge teeth looked like daggers. Its eyes where blood shot, white pupils staring at him and then it jumped. 

All he can remember is the feeling of blood draining where the creature had bit into his neck. This is it, he thinks. This is how he is gonna die.

But then, the creature stops, biting into it's own arm and letting its blood flow into Nikolais mouth. In one second his whole life flashed before his eyes and then it was all gone, his brain drained of its thoughts and memories. 

The transformation was quick but painful, arms and legs getting long and thin, his hair falling out, hands and feet turning into huge claws and his teeth became long daggers in his now wide mouth. 

He turned into a strigoi and the hunger for blood coursed through him. He has a purpose, this is indeed internal happiness.


I'm not sure, maybe you guys have any ideas