How would you change NOED?

Personally, I think it could be reworked into something more fun for both killers and survivors.
It could be something like No Way Out, based on tokens, gained by hooking a survivor for the first time. The exposed status would only apply after the 4th stack. The 2nd stack could grant the speed boost. The 3rd could extend the time it takes to open the gate (like Remember me, without the hitting the obsession part). And maybe apply the exposed status only to survivors outside an 8m or 10m radius of a hooked survivor. It would be fun if it also granted a mori to survivors in the last hook stage.
I'd rather it give you instant down per totems remaining in the match.
This would punish gen-rushing SWF's that everyone hates but wouldn't unfairly punish Solo's.
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I wouldn't
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When the hatch spawns, as soon as the last survivor tries to interact with it, the Entity shuts it closed and blocks it (bye bye key) for the duration of egc. You receive map-wide killer's instinct for 8/9/10 seconds.
No one can escape death.
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Make it start at the beginning of the game so they have something to do besides gens right off the bat.
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make it base kit
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NoED is fine.
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Oh, those speed runs would be so fun...
Noed, Lethal Pursuer, Infectious Fright, Hex: Undying
Yeah, nope for this. It would be super broken.
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My change: noed should be activated only after all gens are done. Not if survivors didn't finished all gens, 3 are dead, one alive, the killer close the hatch and then survivor is exposed. No. Noed should be activated if survivors will finish all gens. It's a perk that punish genrush, not a reward for closing the hatch.
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Don't feel it needs a change, personally. If there was something I'd change, it would just be to remove the speed boost. The huge exposed status is strong enough as it is.
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It's fine. Doesnt need a change. Survivors have proven with boons they have plenty of time to look for the bones.
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Boons are so laughably OP that I'm convinced the Survivors are the real monsters and the garbage balance is a meta thing to make Killer mains terrified.
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this is already how noed works
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If you cleanse 4 totems, you still eat instant downs until you find that pesky 5th. Plus, you wasted almost a full minute of just cleansing totems for nothing.
In my suggestion, every remaining totem is an instant down. If Survivors didn't cleanse ANY totems, 5 instant downs is more than enough to ######### them up. If they cleansed a few, then they get rewarded and don't have to deal with as many instant downs.
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That's an awful comparison.
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Just saying they have time to do the bones. First perk that needs to be fixed is CoH, Noed is fine.
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NOED isn't fine.
But yeah, I imagine CoH will be omega-nerfed in the Mid-Chapter
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The problem isn't "time", it's not knowing if totems have been cleansed or not when you're playing solo.
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do bones.
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We will agree to disagree on this matter :) When i play survivor i know its my fault and the teams if we die to NOED. I always take time to find totems instead of just pressing M1 at the gens.
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Small game is handy for that. I have used it multiple times.
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Yep! So did I.
Ran it for 104 games and took stats on it.
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What a terrible argument.
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I'd rather play swf than use a perk slot just so solo isnt miserable. I already have 2 perk slots for that (kindred and bond).
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That is your own choice. Just like killers are almost forced to use certain perks to have any change in this game nowdays i'm sure you can let go of your bond for small game.
Most survivors nowdays have 1-2 boons too so that helps out clearing out the totems too.
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1: Make it a regular perk.
2: Make it gain a token every time you hook a survivor. NOED will activate at the end of the game and effect survivors with the Exposed status effect. When you down a survivor it will consume a token. NOED remains active until all tokens are consumed.
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in this case noed is actually overkill, but it's not as if its existence affects the final result, if it's already reached that point, the survivor is already dead
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Perhaps closing the hatch shouldn't energize the gates then.
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If you don't like my opinion ignore it. I don't have too much time to talk with you, sorry.
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Before boons, I would've agreed with this. But now? Rewarding survivors for using COH even more, hell no? We don't need more incentives for survivors blessing the most powerful perk into the game.
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Remove the Hex-Status and make it Token-based depending on how well the Killer did over the match. Each Hook gives 1 Token. So in the end, Killers who did well are rewarded.
Killers who just camp the first Survivor they found or are simply too bad will not get their training wheels.
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Tbh, I'd let it count Blessed Totems as well.
Any Dull or Blessed Totem that remains in the Trial after the final generator has been done will count towards NOED stacks.
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Truth be told, for the longest time I bought into the myth that NOED was an unfun clutch and training wheel perk and that you shouldn't use it im serious builds etc.
But after some pretty brutal encounters in the modern DH/BT/CoH/Bodyblocking meta, I don't feel that such reservations hold much water anymore. Hell, sometimes I forget that I got the perk equipped and get confused when a survivor just disappears... until I notice him writhing on the floor. Lol.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. But I don't think the last survivor should be entitled to a free win. That has nothing to do with NOED although. I think hatch + energized gates after closing hatch thing is just too many second chances.
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time to rebless the same totem over and over again
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If by the time the gates are powered, a survivor is on last hook state, they are now exposed ... and mori-able.
That's it.. no hex.
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That would be great, also for Plaything and Pentimento.
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Make it like TOTH with the amount of Totems remaining in the trail have effects
Also make all Totems lit like Hexes
1-2 Grants a Speed bonus
3-4 Makes the Exit Gates regress (maybe grants Exposed for 15-30 seconds)
5 Grants Exposed for 60 seconds
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should be base kit for every single killer vs swf.
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And who would wanna slot this anymore if it were that restricted and weak? Its like all the stage 2+ Pentimento stuff, but reversed: no one ever sees this stuff, because that's not how the game works.
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You get a token for every new person you hook , up to a max of 4 tokens.
Then at end game, each token is an insta down.
Can't say you didn't earn it.
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The perk's core design is absolutely fine, so I wouldn't be looking to change anything about that, but there are two things that I think should be changed regarding NOED.
1: It should be able to spawn over a boon if it needs to. This should also go for Plaything, too, but that's a separate thing. This wouldn't even be all that powerful- keen survivors will notice their blue aura snuffing out, it just feels more right thematically.
2: It should reveal itself to survivors as soon as it activates, not when someone's hit by it. The perk has plenty of counterplay at all stages of the match, but in its current state there's one person who doesn't have much of an opportunity to react to it, and that's not particularly fair.
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I agree fully with this.
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But the things you bring up under 2 is what I love about NOED the most: they loop you and try to keep you busy while the last gen is done and then bait you some more, so that someone can open the door, and then BAM! Slamdown and everyone panics and feels fear from the killer again! At least for the next 30s, because by that time the old hares of the survivor group will have found the totem and cleansed it.
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The OP simply asked how I would change NOED.... I wouldn't change NOED but that's not what was asked
And how is that restricted... The more Totems available the more power it has
And solves one of the biggest gripes against NOED... either cleansing all 5 Totems or just get lucky enough to see a dull Totem change into a Hex
Cause by cleansing one Totem it negates the Exposed status effect... but leaves the rest as is
And it solves the "gone in 20 seconds"....
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If a dull totem remains on the map when last gen is completed it becomes NOED. Gens need to be completed, not just gates powered, so no more closing hatch to instadown last survivor.
Survivors that didn't cleanse any totems before last gen is completed are exposed, survivors that did cleanse atleast one totem are not exposed. Totems must be cleansed, blessing doesn't count. You are rewarded for removing totems completely from play.
As long as NOED is up the exit gates are blocked because "no one escapes death." No more teammates leaving someone behind to avoid instadown after not touching totems all match.
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Fair enough.
Its the same like Pentimento: you got all this awesome, stackable debuffs and think "wuuuut? This is crazy", but I would bet money on it that no one ever saw The Entity block all totems in a random life game, because that's more then just a little bit unlikely.
Exposed is the main effect from NOED, ie why you would equip it. And if you only get it with all 5 totems untouched, then you will never see it in a real game, as most survs nowadays will finde at least one totem asap just to bless it.
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That's also why I didn't specify If the Totem was dull or Blessed
And why I shortened the Exposed status effect with 3-4 Totems remaining... in (___)
Depends on the player using My version of NOED as to what happens... but it's a lot better then what it is currently... From the Survivors point of view
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1: Sure.
2: No. Hell no. There goes ANY altruistic plays when NoED activates. People by the exit gates, and NoED pops? Now they just leave. No more kills for me.
At least, when it stays hidden until I hit someone, I have that chance to down someone trying to save their friend. Your idea? Nope! Leave the friend, do not risk it, because I know it's there the second it become active. Now, the Killer literally gets 0 kills off of altruistic plays.
No. This is such a massive nerf. It removes the surprise aspect to tell Survivors 'I HAVE NOED! JUST LEAVE SO I CAN'T GET ANYMORE KILLS! THANK YOU!'
The only suggestion I once heard that was worse was someone stating NoED should have a designated totem at the start, so Survivors would not have to cleanse every totem.
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Nothing actually changes regarding how NOED functions with this change, though? As soon as survivors know it's there, they either leave or they stick around to disable it. The only thing that changes is that the survivor you're on top of when it pops knows you have it and won't be quite as cocky, but that probably won't really make much of a difference now you've got a speed boost.
If you've already got someone downed, that means they almost certainly already know that NOED is there, and if you managed to get the down some other way they'll either just leave (which I don't think NOED should do anything about alone; you should have a proper endgame build to have more than a bit of an edge) or they'll stick around to go cleanse the totem, which means you have room to move.
Besides, "just leave" is the counter to NOED, it's why the perk is balanced. On its own, right now, it only gets you one, maybe two downs- it'll get the same here unless you're extraordinarily unlucky with where everyone is when the perk activates, which current NOED wouldn't really help you with either.
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What changes is the chance to down someone.
How NoED works now: I hook someone, gens pop. Survivors are creeping around, trying to save their friend. I manage to find 1 or 2, while 1 opens gates. I can down 1; now they know NoED exists. I could be chasing a second, luck depending. That's maybe 1 or 2 more hooks. Plus, they may hunt for the totem, since they are not near the gates, and I could find them again.
How Your NoED Works: I hook someone, gens pop. Now they know NoED exists before I do anything, and head right for the exit gates. No one is coming to save their friend. They also don't totem hunt, because it's easier to just beeline for the gates. I get no more attempts to kill anyone, unless someone is being suicidal.
Your idea gives Survivors too much info, and removes the threat of NoED altogether. No. Survivors don't need to know NoED exists before the Killer hits someone. Ever.