Killer That Makes People The Saltiest?

From my personal experience, it has been Myers and Freddy. People hate the tombstone addons, so as soon as I mori one person, I'll get a DC from the person getting morried or someone else. I play Freddy very frequently and always get at least 1 disconnect every 3 matches if I run the paintbrush addon.
However, in the past, Doctor was always the killer that made everyone DC for almost no reason. Really weird how that would happen honestly since Doctor is the definition of average in my book.
What about you all though?
Whichever one plays like the biggest jackass
So usually Wraith or Bubba
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Trickster I’d say
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Leatherface and it's not even close IMO
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I've seen the most angry comments from survivors when I play Bubba, and one of them even left the only negative comment on my steam profile over it. Regardless of how you play, people are just mad there's a Bubba.
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Tombstone is understandable no one wants to be moried but no need to be mean in the post game chat. Freddy I like but they can tough. But the answer is bubba. Face camping at 5 gens will bring a ton of salt. Just look at spook n jukes
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Trickster, Twins, Legion, Nurse and Bubba.
But I have noticed a significant increase in hatred towards Myers and Huntress too.
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spirit, everytime i use her, someone dc Or, the endgame chat consist in them accusing me of being toxic with toxic build....and, a new trend i noticed is that people hold me hostage ingame....yep, i just spent the last 20 minutes on blackwater swamp palying hide and seek with a david and mag.....
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there is only one Killer right now that actually manages to make me salty:
The Deathslinger.
every. single. time. i see, hear or read about him i get genuinely frustrated and upset about his "rebalancing".
There is not a single other Killer in this game that manages to make me this salty, not even Twins (who i hate with a passion). And it doesnt even have anything to do with the character himself, his ingame behaviour or his power, but really just what BHVR made out of him.
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Artist probably. She’s a new killer and because she’s strong, people think she’s a problem.
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Nurse/Spirit/Trickster. I want to DC every game against them.
Cannibal just makes me laugh.
No m1 killers can make me salty, they're the most fun (and easy) to play against. I'm always grateful when someone picks Myers or Pig instead of Nurse or a ranged killer.
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Trickster and twins I'd say.
They're the ones I just sigh when I hear them at the start of the match but I've definitely seen people be so beyond salty at them too including myself I'm not gonna lie.
But tbh to me it's more so how a killer plays then just complaining about the actual killer. I've seen salt over literally Trapper like bro, Trapper? People are just crazy😂
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I hate huntress and her gigantic hatchets.
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Bubba by a wide margin. Mind you I play fair Bubba and take pains to only tunnel or camp when I go against gen-rushing tryhard, sweaty and well organized groups that sabotage each and every one of my attempts.
But I get lots and lots of DCs against him.
Trickster is always hated. I don't play him a lot, but when I did his tomes quests, I got a lot of DCs, too.
Besides that it's mostly salty rage-quits, like when I got a right hunch and bust into a three man gen-repairing party 20s into the game and get my first hook just handed to me, that's when I also get lots of DCs.
Today I had a rather cute DC. I was playing Oni on Disturbed Ward and a shirtless Dave was constantly trying to get my attention by BM and pointing at me. He saved a few teammates that way, but he wasn't half as good at looping as he thought and went down and on the hook.
Then I got the infamous Oni-snowball rolling and slugged the whole team. Dave was the last one to go down and the first one on the inescapable hook, so as soon as his tender flesh felt the hooks cold touch, he DCed.
I mean, I can relate to the rage somewhat, but he constantly got in my way and was not very good at looping and only got saved by his Dead Hard. So what's the point of this DC? 20s later the game would have been over, now he had to eat a DC penalty ^^