What Do You Think Is The Root Issue Behind Gen Speeds

I think a lot of people, especially killers can agree that gens get done too fast. I think most people can also agree that actual gen speeds are not the issue here, and it's more a side effect of other game issues. What do you think is the root cause behind the speed at which gens are completed?
What Do You Think Is The Root Issue Behind Gen Speeds 45 votes
Lack of Additional Objectives
This along with certain killers not being able to end chases quick enough.
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Both large map sizes and survivor spawns combined, are the core issues that make generators done so quickly.
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It's both survivor spawns and map sizes. I wish we had more maps like coal tower. It has resources and isn't huge (but isn't so small that survivors don't have any space to spread out/get away from the killer).
Imo, all survivors should always spawn close to each other. You shouldn't see discordance light up on 2 separate generators in the first 5 seconds. I'm actually glad lethal got added as a perk because it helped highlight this issue A LOT.
Actual baseline repair speed is not the problem.
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Honestly I'm about 80% certain the issue is the killer meta.
Think about what Killers and Killer perks are common and meta. For Killers you've got Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Oni, Huntress, Pyramid Head, and maybe a side of Bubba. For perks... you've probably got some mix of BBQ, Corrupt, Ruin, Pop, Undying, maybe Plaything or Starstruck or Infectious. Also maybe a Deadlock here and there.
Do you see a trend there? Chase focused killers with almost only perks that snowball off of downs or hooks. What happens if your first chase ends up not fast for whatever reason? Answer... you've got 3 Survivors who are healthy, not in chase, working on gens, and maybe haven't even seen you yet so your Gens are progressing at a rate of ~3 charges per second while most of your loadout is doing exactly nothing. You only have 400 charges until all the gens are done so you're in a terrible situation.
Honestly, it's no wonder why people sometimes feel Gens go way to fast. People bring an all-out snowball killer setup and then can't get the snowball started, lose terribly, then complain about gen rushing. They brought a high risk, high reward setup then get upset when the risk bites them in the butt.
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Survivor Spawns
I believe survivor spawns are what makes the gens go by too fast. Huge maps could also be a factor for killers with no mobility, but for the most part I think it's survivor spawns, because everyone can spawn separately and they're basically handed a free win if they all just stick to their own gens. There are some occurrences where survivors all spawn together, but overall, survivor spawns are completely RNG and should definitely be changed where they all spawn together at all times. Adding a longer time it takes to do a gen would only make doing the main objective miserable since holding m1 for a very long time is objectively very boring.
Also, the spawn offerings need to be switched for both killer and survivor, they're completely outdated. If a killer decides to burn the offering to separate survivors at the start of the match, they're either a masochist or they hate themselves, lol.
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I think a lot of complaints about gen speeds stem from a false expectation that the gens should only all be completed 50% of the time if you play well. But the devs actually aim for median results to be 1-3 kills per game, which directly implies that they design the game so that the gens are all completed most games even if the killer plays well provided the survivors play as well as the killer.
In addition some people make an incorrect assumption that gen progress is linear when they say things like “three gens were done and the match isn’t even half over”. What that overlooks is that by design the first few gens are the easiest ones for survivors to complete because they’re all active and spread out. Later in the match, though, there are fewer generators the killer needs to defend and they probably have a survivor or two on hook or slugged or even dead which significantly slows the gen progress from the start of the game.
I don’t know for sure if the gens are too fast or too slow since there’s no public match data to look at. But I do know that I see people complaining about gens because they’re expecting them to not be finished as often and not have gens go quickly in the early game and both of those are bad assumptions based on how the devs actually want the game to work.
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Map sizes, survivors spawns, and perks/items that increase gen speeds are the main issues. That and lack of second objectives for the survivors.
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Survivors all spawning on separate Gens, no other objective, Gens taking a relatively short time to do, huge maps
Really you can pick and choose, all are valid
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All the above, really.
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For me, it's just new parts, toolboxes, and genrushing builds. All these things together just make playing killer feel empty because, yeah you finally got a down, but the survivors already have four generators done. What's even the point anymore?
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If more objectives are added straight up, the camping becomes MUCH more effective. Just think about how much you can do with Deadlock and Bubba just facecamping, you can almost always guarantee 2 kills.
The size of the map doesn't matter too much, unless the map is VERY big.
Spawns usually are ok, ultimately it seems 2 survivors always spawn together, and a lot of times they all spawn together ±.
The problem is that killers like Clown,Trapper,Trickster(main event is trash), Deathslinger, don't have the power to snowball the game.
While Clown, if used correctly, has very good anti loop (yes, most people don't know how to use yellow bottles at their full potential, which is using them in combination with purple ones to hit survivors at loops when the pallet is down. When the pallet is up it's the best anti loop killer in the game, always if you have 2 bottles.), doesn't have any power to punish survivors making mistakes quickly unless you're using Pinky Finger.
And that's the problem, so if you don't have gen defense perks like Corrupt you can't win, because even if you do very fast chases, there's too much chance to recover and little snowball potential. Nurse instead can do a massive slug very quickly if you screw up.
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Its map design and the speeds together. You can make the maps weaker to better fit the current speeds or adjust the speeds to fit the current maps.
They are just not matched to each other and fixing one should fix the other.
Additional objectives effectively slow down gens and makes them take longer, so they're kinda the same solution, just one is a lot more interesting than the other.
Spawns are eh. If they all start grouped they'll just split up immediately, so you'll gain the travel time but that's it.
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too many speed up tools & perks, while survivors spawn next to a gen.