What is the biggest problem with DBD?



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The devs are genuinely scared to nerf meta perks. Seriously it's been so stale for soooo long and the only time anything else gets attention is boons because they're so ludicrously broken.

    Seriously, at this point I'd even take them just nerfing the balls off the top 4 perks on both sides just to see what happens.

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250
    edited December 2021

    THE Biggest problem is map design. Maps are too big for most killers to properly control and for solo Qs to respond to lack of action from teammates for certain things while simultaneously having too many pallets and vaults.

    Honorable mentions go to Gen Speed (generally too fast), spawn logic (not just for survivors, totem spawns suck too), perk disparity (few good perks, too many mediocre or straight up worthless perks) and SWF (literally impossible to balance the game for a group with external comms without screwing over solo Qs in the process)

  • concernedkiller
    concernedkiller Member Posts: 23

    Personally I think there needs to be something done about SWF squads on Comms. It is quite clear that this game wasn't conceived with a voice chat option in mind. The advantage 2+ players communicating freely will more often than not be the deciding factor in the game where information is valuable. A simple phrase like "He's on me, im in the killer shack" gives a good survivor the confidence to approach and finish a generator without having to worry about the killer sneaking up on them. No need to check your surroundings when your buddy has let you know exactly where the killer is.

    I think ultimately this hurts balancing for a myriad of reasons. 1) ] The frustrating game play will only serve to drive casual killers away from the game. Why play when being a killer means having to sweat your balls off against 4 highly coordinated players who are popping gens left and right. This means the only killers who will remain in this current meta are the BM campers and the absolute try hards. 2) Making the killers stronger to compete with SWF will serve to crush the SoloQ survivors just trying to have an honest game. Its arguable that this current meta favors survivors but in my honest opinion the core game is pretty fair its just the overwhelming advantage of comms makes it almost unbearable to play killer at the moment.

    This is all coming from someone who now almost exclusively plays survivor with my friends. I just dont have it in me anymore to play killer for more than 2-games. Win or lose its just too much pressure to play that role right now. Despite my meager ability as a survivor I can escape 75 percent of the time simply because I can coordinate with my friends. I wouldn't mind at all if they added some sort of penalty to mitigate the advantage of comms. By all means let people play with their friends but please make it fair for all players, killers and soloQ players included.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Balancing in general

    Solo vs SWF

    high skill (survs stronger) vs low skill (killer stronger) [Gen speed is a problem here (but please don’t suggest to just increase gen/M1 time, that’s just boring)]

    Perks (some of them feel way too good to not run; I think the grind wouldn’t be as bad if all perks were at least viable and not completely and utterly outshined by the Meta)

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220
    edited December 2021

    The devs.

    Post edited by Stryker on
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You probably have expressed that in a different way than you are doing now if it warranted a warning/jail.

    also… discussing/talking about bans/reason for bans is kinda against forum rules…

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220
    edited December 2021

    the devs.

    Post edited by Stryker on
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    uhm. As i just said it’s against forum rules to talk about bans and you proceeded to do just that Seems like you are testing out the limits…

    also don’t you think asking to fire actual people from their jobs because you are not satisfied with the game might be a little bit too much? Maybe try constructive criticism…

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Maps by far.

    We have only 9 actually good and balanced maps: Coal Tower, Ironworks of Misery, Wrecker's Yard, Wretched Shop, Rancid Abbatoir, The Thompson House, Torment Creek, Father Campbell's Chapel and The Temple of Purgation. We are at 37 maps now, so basically only 25% of the maps are fun to play for both sides, and even those can have some problems (god windows on Chapel, deadzones on Shop, etc).

    Everything else ranges from "meh" tier (like Eyrie of Crows, Yamaokas, Disturbed Ward) to "absolutely disgusting and anti-fun" tier, like RPD, Haddonfield, Badham and Cowshed.

    The team responsible for map design really needs to step up their work. People only care about looks for the first few matches, after that nobody cares how beautiful Eyrie of Crows is if you tilt your head up while the map sucks to play on, it's the gameplay that matters.

  • HexDevourAvocado
    HexDevourAvocado Member Posts: 95


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Map design is DbD's biggest problem aside from balance

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    Maps by far. They have far too many safe tiles. A few maps are just too large for most killers to compete. gen speed is only a problem b/c killers have to waste their time trying to force pallets down on these safe loops or kicking out walls to remove infinites. otherwise survivors will just run those safe loops all game.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Unfortunately, much of the community.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Hackers. Notice how many obvious hackers there is. Now imagine how many are probably subtle hacking. It's completely ruining the game and no match feels valid.

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    Thompson House and Temple of Purgation?

    Thompson House main building is atrocious to play around and Temple of Purgation is pretty big isn't it?

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Yeah, those maps aren't perfect, definitely made a stretch there.

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99


    The toxicity in this game, from both survivors and killers.

    Facecamping for no reason, tunneling for no reason. Survivors bming for no reason etc etc. And endgame chat the same thing, it's only drama and toxic behavior all around the game.

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    too much? after all they did? after all the lies and the unprofessional things they did?, no, i don't think it's...too much.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited December 2021

    Which lies are you referring to?

    (edit: also you do really not know who is responsible for this in the dev team, so asking to firing all is too much anyway)

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Solo q balancing and adding killers buffs to compensate and make an equal playfield of survivors

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    In my mind what's wrong with the game is that it's been the exact same for far too long.

    The tunneling is getting really really bad right now.

    the lag issues and hacking problems that we all know are there do not get addressed at all.

    and as others have said player entitlement is very real one side is always blaming the other for the state of the game.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    what is with these constant lightborn post, did lightborn become OP all of a sudden? watch out guys Monstrous Shrine OP let make 20 thread about it!

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    If you are referring to NFTs then no. That was not a lie per se.

    it was bad communication on their part for sure, but the devs didn’t know about this for a long time as well during development and BHVR gave two statements regarding it. It wasn’t the devs responsibility to tell us about it.

    try again (there have been lies told by the devs, I just wanted to know if you were aware or if you were just parroting)

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    I have few time left, I will continue later, but another thing is

    Old undying too op, can get out if hands, broken, can't bd like this.

    Also devs: ah yes, boon totems ok.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited December 2021

    Not a lie just because they have another opinion on Hexes and Boons.

    Ruin+Undying could be very oppressive and did need a nerf.

    Boons in general are not the problem, CoH is a massive problem. And I do expect a nerf soon.

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    Hex and boon are basically the same thing, with a difference that Boons have 14 seconds of blessing BUT can be blessed infinitely and aside the sound, the killer has no other tools to find a snuff the boon...

    Hex are pure Rng, and once they're gone, they are gone, and surv have tons of ways to find totems.

    Not a lie? They said that old hex undying, which i remember you it has the same mechanic as boons, but without the possibility to be relitted infinitely, was not ok....then behsviour proceeds to release a broken version of self care/unbreakable and shadow step.....it's either a lie or a very bad joke from the devs in regards of killers....

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Yeah. That’s not a lie on their part but a misunderstanding on your part.

    hexes and boons are not equal things.

    you realize this is an asymmetric game with two different roles, right? Boons and Hexes work significantly different and should not be directly compared.

    (And again, I agree that CoH needs a nerf and is in its current state OP)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,192

    Player entitlement from both sides, which comes across in wanting changes because something isn't fun to them, yet also supports things others may find unfun because they find it fun.

    Another thing along those lines is a woeful lack of empathy, which can come across as abuse in chat, mocking or even simply choosing to insult someone because they dare see something a different way. I've seen it in posts where someone will suggest a change to something and ask what they think, only to be told they are clueless or insulted, rather than someone simply saying: "I don't think that will work because *insert reason*".

    The attitudes of some is far worse than anything else to me right now, since if something were to be complained about but in a more objective, less patronising way, stuff may actually be done and the community can contribute to growth, rather than creating playground divides.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    IMO, Map Design is the biggest issue.

    For my reasoning, we’ll take Cold Wind Farm maps as an example, because I was severely surprised that they didn’t make them more tolerable in the re-work recently.

    In the farm’s “dead zones”…ya have corn. This prevents killers from looking at a gen from afar, forcing them to walk much closer than they would have to on any other map (besides indoor maps). On that note, sound bugs preventing you hearing a gen directly above/below you is super annoying!

    Now let’s talk tiles. Not only do farm maps ALL have the typical jungle gyms, TL, killer shack, good main buildings (excluding Rotten Fields of course), but they have the absolute best filler pallets in the game! One may argue that ‘The Game’ has more safe pallets, and I’d agree to an extent. However, some are mindgameable, or killers have powers that can play around them. Filler pallets in corn maps however, are 100% safe and not mindgameable. Survivors never lose LOS…but killers (being in the 1st person) do. Now let’s add powers…

    the majority of the corn maps filler pallets have walls too high for hatchets/knives/spearguns, resulting in the heavy majority of killer players forced to do the only thing they can, commit to a direction and follow, same mechanic as 2016.

    Bare in mind, this is just a brief overview of corn maps…I’m not even talking about the others. Map design just needs to be more thought out. There should only be ‘X amount’ of map strength within ‘X amount of map distance’. An average survivor with a short wall jungle gym chaining into a filler pallet and a decent window will keep a killer occupied for 3 gens. They don’t even have to be good. And the killer can’t just abandon chase everytime…the next survivor will (justly) do the same thing.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I think the biggest problem is devs listening to the survivor mains crying for killer nerfs, and when survivors are granted buff after buff after buff to the point that no-one wants to play killer any more (at least not in an orthodox manner, now camping/tunnelling is the preferred strategy), they still want more nerfs. And will also then complain about queue times because there's not enough people playing killer now (understandable).

    The cognitive dissonance in not recognising there needs to be balance and fun for both sides just straight up boggles my mind.

    I would blame the survivors mainly for this, except it's the devs who are listening and not applying or considering any counter-balance to the other side of the player-base. It's almost like they've taken the viewpoint of 4-survivors is more important than the 1-killer, except without that 1-killer, those 4-survivors aren't going to be in a game. That 1-killer's perspective should count as equally as the 4-survivors, being as they're carrying the one side of the game themselves.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    1 thing. Map design. Done.

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    "hexes and boon are not equal thing" yeah, i know, boons are way way better than hexes

    "this is an asymmetrical game with two different roles"

    yep, that's right, there are The survivors and there is the sacrifical meat, also called killers.. couldn't agree more with you, this game is totally asymmetrical, and the tip scale is pointing on a specific side, i don't think there's the need to specify wich one.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    You still said the devs were lying which they needed to be fired for but you couldn’t provide one actual lie.

    just because you are not happy with their balancing decision doesn’t mean it’s okay to wish for all devs to be fired…

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    When have they said you will be able to see your own MMR?

    Keys and hatch mechanic have been changed and they never promised a date for it when Moris were changed either.

    its still their form of MMR, the only lie here is that they said they tried it being based on Escapes/kills and ditched that while later on revealing that it is only based on Escapes/kills. (I at least hoped this blatant lie would be called out by you haters but apparently no? You are grasping at stuff that you just don’t like but where the devs didn’t lie)

    There are no real infinites left though? And breakable walls.. well I don’t like them either but they were not introduced as a way to get rid of infinites.

    Boons: uh. Where is the lie here?

    you guys should really look up the definition of ‚lie‘

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    i said that and i will keep saying that, becaus the actual state of the game is atrocius, and people are leaving everyday because playing dbd is like having a second job that gives you unsatisfying and a giant headhache.

    everyday this game is a living lie, devs telling people that everything is ok and the game should be as it is right now or some other BS, with killers being a big joke and survivors being more entitled day after day, screw this!, t

    then survivors keep whining and asking why the only killers they face is either blight or nurse tryhard, with the same ruin/undying build or that after 10 or more mins of queue, they keep facing killers that are camping/tunneling them, because this is where behaviour is leading the game, to a BM-fest where the only purpose of the game is make the killer feel as inferior as possible, AND bh IS EVEN PROMOTING THIS by adding broken sh** patch after patch, boon/perk or some stupid hit-validaiton mecchanic.

    DBD is the biggest lie i ever saw.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    And yet you are still here. And spreading lies about the devs just because you don’t like the state of the game and can’t argue reasonably.

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    It seems like there’s a certain point where if you’re pretty good at killer and ride that line of getting top tier SWF or just randoms thrown together that are really good, matches can be both challenging and super frustrating. I agree that gens are done way to fast at top tier levels and regression available for killers isn’t enough. I wonder if there would be a way that at certain ranks there are passive abilities that make it so gens take longer by default for survivors, or regression perks to do more damage the higher tier rank you are (example: POP does 35% regression kicking a gen instead of 25%). Just a brainstorm I’ve thought could work to make it a little harder for survivors at higher ranks, because even I as a three year killer main am finding it super frustrating against high tier teams more than ever lately.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Map value. Less map size, though traversal time is an issue, but pathing and isolated/clumping spawns of map elements is what makes traversal truly terrible and makes the Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Overcome meta oppressive for killers, which becomes a self-serving cycle of abuse from game to killer to survivor to game.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    SBMM and Cheaters for me are the biggest problems

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    "still here" not really, in these last months i mostly spend my time on the forums and i barely touch the game because as a main killer, is unplayable right now....

    "spreading lies", what lies? the devs are arrogants and stubborns,they refuse to fix the game and further ruin it with unwanted changes(boon totems/hit validations/new surv animations), they encourage toxic gameplay(tunneling/slugghing/camping, can you say otherwise with the recent changes?) and force the game to be stale( because you know, more than half of the roster is useless and YET they nerf low tier/mediocre/average killers), they always side with survivors and when few minor buffs for killers happens, it's like they did a miracle and half of the problems are gone and it's proof they aren't survivor sided but equal on both parts, not to mention that EVERY-SINGLE update, they break something and make everyone unhappy because something(either surv or killer) is not working as intended or at all, and on top of that, BH thinks that giving few bloodpoints for free, is going to fix everything and make everyone happy.

    no, i didn't tell lies, i just said the truth, everything i said is what i saw while playing this game.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    but you said they were telling lies yet you still haven’t provided one actual lie they told.

    ‚Unwanted changes‘ - subjective and parts of the community welcome those changes still

    Toxic playstyles get promoted but then you proceed to call camping tunneling and slugging as toxic? Seriously? Circumstantially they can be toxic but overall they are just valid strategies that are sometimes smart and sometimes dumb to follow.

    overall it seems you are only looking at high experience/high skill level gameplay while ignoring every other part of the community… get reasonable. Many of the things you mention need to be addressed in some way. But you are unable to express this in a reasonable manner.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    Not belonging to me.

  • VanitasRyuzaki
    VanitasRyuzaki Member Posts: 110

    I believe the hacker problem, hit validation and among other things are the biggest problems. The hacker problem has become a massive issue as of late. I've had 4 matches that had a hacker in it. Recently, I had downed a Kate and right when I was going to hit the Claudette my entire screen spun and I suddenly hitting a wall opposite of where they were.

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited December 2021

    I started to play some games again as killer.

    I understand that getting hit after a palled stun and through dead hard was very frustrating for survivors and i am glad that they fixed that.

    But now, even though i have a low ping (about 40ms) almost all of my hits through pallets get rolled back, i get a lot of rolled back hits on dead hard (that look ridiculous on my screen, i downed someone with m1 that was working on a gen, then he stood up and dead harded away), grabs get interrupted and rolled back to a m1 sometimes. This complaint is not about balance, its just frustrating when you experience rollback to your disadvantage on a regular basis, even though i have a good ping. My last game today was as trapper, got 3 m1 and 1 grab validated and all survivors had deadhard and used that to go over my traps, again not talking about balance, but it feels so bad.

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    Gens is number 1. They fly. I mean they fly fast! Most my games are 1 hook to two gens. Alot of times I have 3 hooks to 4 gens on most killers.

    Maps is the second biggest issue. So badly designed most killers can't traverse the map fast enough to put any pressure on gens at all

    Third is SWFS, and swfs being able to stack second chance and free healing perks to the point it literally carries them.

    If you play a game where your objective is to kill survivors and you can't even keep the injured, or they all can use dead hard to save them multiple times

    Then why play? You are set up for failure from the start.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    The whole design about gens need to be reworked

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710