What is the biggest problem with DBD?



  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Outside of chases, all Survivor gameplay really is, is staying still and filling up a progress bar. This makes for extremely dull gameplay. So if a Killer isn't performing very well, then nobody has fun. The killer doesn't have fun because the gens are flying and the Survivors don't have fun because most of the team probably just sat on gens for most of the game.

    Sad thing is though, there isn't any way to fix most of Survivor's dull gameplay without fundamentally changing the entire game. At which point, it wouldn't even be Dead by daylight anymore. So, we're just stuck with the sorry excuse for gameplay that is watching a progress bar go up for minutes on end.

  • BigSwanginRatnuts
    BigSwanginRatnuts Member Posts: 25

    I'm a killer main (so yes there's some unavoidable bias here) who's been playing less and less recently because personally in order to get a decent 2k I feel like I have to sweat incredibly hard and it's often very stressful.

    I think there's problems on both sides, and I definitely have really annoying matches against basement campers etc. as survivor. But in general I think the game is currently skewed a bit too much towards survivors, in the following ways:

    -STRETCHED RES low graphics max brightness, and worse, full on hackers (sometimes blatant, more often times subtle) are becoming very common especially as you climb in rank

    -DEAD HARD, I'm tired of seeing it, I'm tired of hitting someone but then getting that desynced survivor client dead hard where they don't actually get hit (also the auto-dead hard is a thing as well) and honestly I don't want to HAVE to bring dead hard as survivor either.

    -GEN SPEEDS, too often I get a good fun chase, but it's costing me majorly in terms of gens. It's not in my interest to entertain any chase unless it's one I can end VERY quickly. If I mess up on a loop early on it's likely gonna cost me 3 gens to pursue that down. Which is unfortunate because both survivors and killers enjoy chases as the most exciting part of the game. I think multi-tasking and chasing multiple survivors around gens you don't want to finish is a killer skill you should have to use, but it seems as though the game is SO reliant on it that I can't pursue

    -STALE PERK META for both sides. Handful of strong perks that you see every game. Moreso on survivors since killer choice often dictates perk build obviously. Although hook camping builds are becoming very common as well as its a way to guarantee kills (which is also why everyone is running BT nowadays)

    -giant maps with ridiculously strong structures that make it unfeasible for me to even attempt to protect and patrol gens as killer outside of maybe patrolling a potential 3gen also unlucky tile/pallet spawns that can often make an entire area of the map a safe zone for survivors who know how to use the tiles.

    I'd like to just add that I don't agree with a lot of other killers who complain about comms or SWF. I like survivors who play as a team and communicate, and it's the most enjoyable way to play survivor. The problem therein lies with the game not being totally designed with this in mind. Also it's fruitless to complain about SWF on comms, it will always be around.

    I think it's a double-edged sword that survivor is becoming more enjoyable to play and giving us a larger survivor pool and faster que times. Obviously survivor should be fun to play, and playing as a team is fun and good teamwork should be rewarded. It just seems to me that it's coming at the cost of making killer more and more frustrating to play.

    I'm not sure how to fix the games problems and balance, but I know this much. The game cannot be improved by adding MORE band-aid perks to try and address the overall games health. There needs to be bigger changes similar to when they implemented the collapse or reworked tiles/maps. And I think a good place to start would be addressing gens and alternative survivor objectives as a whole (they kinda flirted with the idea with the more recent totem perks). Also doing a balance pass over the entire perk pool (on both sides) would definitely do a lot of good for diversifying builds.

    I hope I dont come off too much like a whiney killer who needs to just git gud or like I'm complaining that I don't get a 4k every match. My issues really aren't with "win" rate. Matches should be enjoyable for both sides, with wins and losses for both.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited December 2021

    Don’t worry, you don’t sound whiney at all and make great points with explanations and without crying/blaming the devs or survivor mains :)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Lack of mechanics and the general misunderstanding of the community on how balance works.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    for survivor, hyper facecamping killers.

    for killer, I would say holding W from health states.