Thoughts on possibly reverting the BL nerf?

Balanced landing is the only exhaustion perk that seems to be lacking behind the rest of them and the least used. I know Smash hit isn’t exactly up there either in usage but I’ve seen that way more than BL still plus every map has pallets so it’s consistent. BL is what I would say is the most inconsistent exhaustion perk due to its lack of places to use it on the majority of maps. Hell, you can’t even use it on Shelter woods (Except basement) which I shouldn’t even need to describe how much that sucks. Also after map reworks the problem hasn’t been fixed fo some weird reason. I think that reverting the BL nerf so that you still get the stagger reduction whilst exhausted would be a good step forward in up’ing it’s usage and putting it at the same tier as other exhaustion perks. Thoughts?


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I agree with this. Change Haddonfield first then revert the change

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I wouldn't mind if old Balanced Landing was back. But please fix Haddonfield first. That's where old Balanced Landing was a problem.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,475
    edited December 2021

    If they fixed all the places where balanced landing would create an issue, and where people discover that it creates issues in the future I would be fine with them reverting the change but the problem becomes the perk itself just opens up many options that will create unfun situations for extended periods when discovered abused and finally fixed just to move onto the next one, the likely reason its not been adjusted yet is because the workload it would create for a single perk likely leads them to just play it safe and leave it in its current state rather than open up a ton of areas from abuse from experienced players and make the gap between killers who use a power and killers who need to m1 chase even wider since that is a major group that would be affected

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I kinda hope but considering Haddonfield's main building 2 windows I don't think so.

    Also it wouldn't be strange if devs release new map which will produce another BL nerf threads.

    Personally I hope either the speed boost is 4 sec or make sure stagger sounds never happen for stealth.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,109

    Balanced Landing is perfectly fine as is. When I take off Dead Hard because I'm tired of not benefitting from the rollback that I constantly feel as killer, I use Balanced. It turns hills and one-way windows from unsafe spots into super safe spots. There's a few spots where it should clearly work but doesn't like at the dump truck things in Autohaven. But overall, it's a really good exhaustion perk, my go-to one besides Dead Hard.

  • chimera3
    chimera3 Member Posts: 70

    Haddonfield yea it was an issue on the map as others have pointed out cause of how it’s set up. I’ve had the idea of reverting it for awhile now but wanted to wait to talk about it after they reworked the map in October like everyone thought they would do but they ended up not reworking it for whatever the case may be even though the map needs it and doing shadow nerfs to window RNG instead I think. Can’t find much about it but from word on the street and since playing seeing a bunch more windows being closed I think it’s safe to say that happened. Now would Old BL still be an issue on it? Idk.

    While I understand this, I don’t think reverting it would make it even come close to DH, SB, Adrenaline’s level since pre-nerf those ones were still meta.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    BL is fine as it is. There are still many very annoying maps that would be way more annoying with old BL.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,142

    It's difficult to design maps that are balanced for both having and not having Balanced Landing when it's in that state. It limits what the devs can do with maps because they need to avoid creating infinites. And already every time a new map comes out people get upset about balance. Old BL would not help matters.

  • chimera3
    chimera3 Member Posts: 70

    Maybe, Maybe, Maybe…..not less. But if not less it’s just as much. Difference being ones consistent one isn’t.

    Really isn’t. The only issue was on Haddonfield which was and still is an awful map all around. Also I’m not sure what your talking about in regards to new maps and complaint about BL. I haven’t seen someone complain about BL since 2019 Pre-nerf. Also there’s only been two new maps this year.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,372

    Back when BL had the passive it was fairly common to see DH and BL together.

    I don't think BL or any exhaustion perks need passive benefits. And BL I would say is probably the best balanced exhaustion perk. A few maps need some drops added to them but outside of that that it's a solid exhaustion perk.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Simply reverting the change would make it a ridiculously strong perk again, as there are still various setups that would be very problematic with a constant stagger reduction.

    However, you are absolutely right that it is an objectively worse Exhaustion perk than various of the others, and since Exhaustion perks cannot reasonably be used alongside each other, it barely sees any play whatsoever.

    My suggestion would be to turn it into a regular perk. Make it reduce stagger by 100% and suppress falling noises, on a flat 20-second cooldown, like Quick & Quiet. No sprint, no Exhaustion. That way it cannot be abused to loop elevation setups since the cooldown forces survivors to go elsewhere, and without the sprint it also doesn't make survivors in elevated positions untouchable because they won't get far if you actually go up there. On the flipside, now it can sensibly be used alongside Exhaustion perks, which already puts it on the map much more than it is currently, and at 20 seconds of cooldown good players can still benefit from it by planning and leading their chases well. I do think there's a balancing leeway between the current 75% stagger reduction and the suggested 100%, as well as between 20 and 30 seconds of cooldown. I do believe 100%/20s would be fine, but those values would have to be experimented with.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,142
    edited December 2021

    I said complaints about balance, not BL. There's been nothing but complaints about RPD since it came out. I've also seen discussions about the Eyrie and its size, number of loops and pallets, etc. BHVR isn't necessarily great at designing maps for their own game. Pre-nerf BL would add another layer of complexity and only make that problem worse.

    The resources on the maps are for survivors. Pallets and vaults help survivors, not killers. The stagger on drops is what makes those drops dangerous. Reducing the stagger on every single drop on maps with a lot of multi-story drops creates an increased level of safety that's unnecessary at best. On maps with a lot of drops it wasn't unusual for killers to write off survivors with pre-nerf BL because they ate up too much time. That's unhealthy for the game.

    I don't like exhaustion perks, but I ran pre-nerf BL all the time because that passive was super strong. Old BL was a problem. Current BL may need a change or maybe the old maps need more drops, but in general passives on an exhaustion perk make it too strong.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'd rather not.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053
    edited December 2021

    I see where you're coming from, but at this time of dbd is a horrendous idea. If they received old BL back with the new boon totems too, i dont see how they could lose a match that isnt on shelter woods at that rate. (not that they wouldnt all use the map offering for haddonfield anyways)

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Why would you give an exhaustion perk a passive bonus?

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    No thanks. It causes too many issues and restricts the design possibilities for maps with multiple floors.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    It was also creating pseudo infinites in tractor. Not to mention the many other places with elevation. It's impossible to fix not with BHVR handling the game when they fix a map like what 3 in a year?. Sorry but BL is fine as it is.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    maybe if it was just the stagger without the speed boost, but even then.... haddonfield....