Visible names in lobby

Do we actually have to display our names to others while in the lobby? I have ''furry xxxxx'' as my name and a lot of the times furry haters tunnel and camp me, worst of it all sometimes they leave hateful messages at the end like ''dIe furry trash'' and survivors are not better either, they dodge me sometimes, they see my name...they leave a hateful message in the chat like ''yiff in hell'' before they lobby dodge me and leave.
If the name has to be displayed at the end I'm fine because at least they wont lobby dodge me and killers will not tunnel me based on my name, people tunneling me because they hate furries and other survivors dodging my lobby really makes this game unplayable sometimes. Why do we need to display our names while in the lobby? leave it for end game chat at least...
At this point, I have to wonder if it would just be better for endgame chat to be disabled and names hidden across the board.
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Wear your name with pride, and embrace the hate. Dbd community is full of losers; don't let them have power over you.
I myself am a Jeryl main, so I know all too well the....discrimination and vitriol that killers and sometimes other survivors will throw at you.
There will always be something with these people. If it's not your name, then it can be a charm. If not a charm, then your survivor character. If not that, then your perks etc. etc.
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I agree. I think end game chat could stay, but there should be a way to just hide names, and on pc, stop people from accessing your steam profile.
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You can set your profile on private.
other than that, for reporting on Steam it’s currently necessary to get the SteamID so it’s not possible to avoid complete access to the Steam Profil.
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Who or what is a furry?
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My comments are on friends only.
The game should be able to track the Steam ID when you send a report via the game.
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Well. Yeah it should.
i guess we will have to hope they will finally make the report system not horrible. Until then, Steam profiles can’t be hidden.
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Names and Profiles should be hidden in the Lobby anyway. There is 0 point gameplay-wise why the Killer should see those.
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Names should be hidden in the lobby/match and replaced with survivor 1-4, end game screen can show the gamertag that went with the survivors and replace the grade with survivor portrait to help incase you need to report the player.
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There's absolutely no reason for profiles to be anonymous in a public multiplayer game.
FFS, particularly the people suggesting steam profiles should be anonymous. You do realise that because steam profiles are used, steam itself will show them to you, yes?
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I'm surprised they have not hidden names in lobby by now. It does more harm than good IMO.
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Unfortunately we need names to report cheaters if everyones name is hidden then not much we can do
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I'll take it, so long as survivors who are partied together are indicated as such in the lobby
I'm okay calling the four identical Megs in my match "Meghan 1-4"; I'll even give them cute nicknames based on their behavior--when they're all healthy it'll be a surprise to see who becomes injured when in chase with a non-obsession!
Edit: As that felt strangely off-topic, I'll say again: sure, leave names for the end, but only if I can see who's working together (it'll save me time checking this way, which is even better!)
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Yeah I’d rather just hide them. They have no purpose really
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Wow there is something really wrong with people these days. I enjoy seeing the survivor names especially PC (Since they can do whatever) I always get a good giggle out of some of them.
I think this is a great idea. Sucks because there are some good people in the community that I have became friends with both the bad outweighs the good and it's not even close.
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This is a completely different topic and should also not be the case. Killers are already cherrypicking enough when it comes to Lobbies to find the easiest games aka stomping 4 Solos.
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How do you know when it's 4 solo's?.....Discord is being used quite a bit these days so I can't think of a way to know.
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Honestly, I think the biggest problem with chat is that it's ONLY endgame. You're pitted as enemies and only then do you get to say anything. Not even a nice glhf or apologising for playing weird because of a challenge.
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The game could have a privacy mode if you want to hide your profile name. A lot of killers won't like not being able to vet lobbies beforehand for SWF and TTV.
Some other games offer this though it still possible to find you via sites like
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it really sucks that people are like this :( i like people seeing my name ingame, and i like seeing their names. it would also be fair, though, as you can't see the killers game before the round starts. it's not a bad idea at all for the same to apply to survivors.
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Hi again !
You're not supposed to comment on older threads, necroposting is frowned upon on the forums and will get deleted by the mods, most likely.
You're welcome to make new threads if you want to discuss a subject =)
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oh gotcha, sorry, i didn't know! thank you for telling me.
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No worries ! It's a very common mistake =)