BHVR continues to make RPD unplayable

RPD since its launch in the resident evil chapter has been a terrible map for the killer side of the game. The worst part of it is the library where the survivors go to a corner on the top and cant be hooked. Then boon totems where added and maps with multiple floors where made even stronger. The newest boon perk makes it to where even if you slug them at the library they can get right back up. RPD isn't the only map like this either, Badham preschools boiler room is the same boon a totem and bring boil over and the killer cant do anything to stop you. Especially if their a SWF and running a whole perk build for that specific purpose. These maps need to be drastically changed for the games health.
I don't know but there should be a hook at the bottom of the library right? Like if you got downed at the top just drop down from the short cut above library. Regardless RPD is a dumb map for killer.
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Sometimes it's there.
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I mean I think it's a fantastic map. I usually do very well on both sides because I actually have knowledge of the map.
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You watched that video too, huh?
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Hes probably talking about the latest Demi video where him and some friends abused these spots with specific loadouts making it impossible to kill/hook survivors
Also hooks arent alwzys there
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Yeah I saw the video and and its been happening to me for a while.
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The map is super easy to abuse while being à 2 man SWF or à 3 man
Here us demis vidéo for you
otz also had à vidéo about RPD abusés
The map is very poorly designed for DbD
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I'm still mystified the hatch can show up on the second floor on top of everything else.
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Makes sense you can also do that in Midwich as far as I'm aware. Horrible hook spawns there
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RPD is a ######### map in general for both sides. Nobody wants indoor-maps. I would love maps like mac millan and autohaven. Just need to open so you can see whats happening. The new Artist map is kinda good but a little too many objects and a little too strong.
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I dont recall à spot for that on midwich,
Like there are plenty of hooks in the corridors and all
But i may be wrong
You can abuse midwich with shadowstep tho
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-I- want indoor map
The game (olderversion) and Lery are some of my favorite maps with hawkins
They are so funny to play in
But midwich and RPD? Bleh