Why survivors dislike Pinhead?



  • CoolConnor96
    CoolConnor96 Member Posts: 164

    Survivors genuinely dislike anti loop killers because their fun is being able to loop the killer for ages. The moment a killer can stop that they hate it and call it boring

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    What I hate most about it is that it is a passive power that makes the killer win lots of games. It can be a person that plays killer for the first time and just win by a passive power because it gives so much pressure. It doesn't feel right to lose games like that. Its the same with not finding the ruin hex totem because of a godspawn. Its not that rare where all 4 survivors search for ruin and somehow it's not found (or takes very long). Its just not right when the whole team is clearly outskilling the killer in chases but then lose because of something that the killer doesn't even control.

  • t0007319
    t0007319 Member Posts: 176

    Sure it is man, chains which affects all players when a box isn’t obtained which can also be hidden from survivors btw means that the entire solo q playerbase is bad. Try harder man please

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited April 2022

    I get what he's saying. It's kinda how I play survivor when I'm solo. Say you get hooked and the killer leaves. I probably won't save you cause 1 I don't care enouph to save you and 2 I don't owe you a save. I'll admit it's a ######### way to play but with that said my willingness to not save you could most likely kill 3 of the other players. It's like gens sometimes I do them sometimes not. I like stalking the killer thou. That said it would not make you bad but it would turn a 1 kill to a possible 3k

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You being a selfish player doesn't mean solo Q players are bad. You being bad at the game =/= solo players being bad at the game.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Thank you for the response I knew at least one of them was a bug.

    I don’t play Pinhead that much. So I just thought if you were actually solving the chains would not attack, not just holding the box.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited April 2022

    I mean, there was a period it was fixed that you could solve the box immediately without dodging chains. But then it came back. So maybe that’s what you were thinking of.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Obviously my point was missed time to be direct. It doesn't matter if I'm good or bad and it doesn't matter if you are good or bad. Me choosing to not play the best could cause people to get hooked and die. say I decide to walk the map hunting totems. Sure that's a thing people do. However at that point it's a 3v1 and a 3v1 at 5 gens would not be ideal would it? Point is I heal people open chest and do totems. But refuse to save or do gens I am causing you to have a f up game and you would not know it. Well let's use pinhead as a example. What's to keep me from picking it up and just walking all over with it? I know how to play and what to do. However your poor luck put you into a match were you are handicapped.

    Most people with friends play harder then ones with random people. I care if my friend has fun. I don't care if you do or don't. Just the way it is.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,001
    edited April 2022

    I said this in another thread but the reason PH is disliked is not because he is OP but because he is too oppressive.

    The box is the issue with this. Even SWF don't go for the box because it gives PH essentially a free down which is not a fair counter play. There is no way survivors can solve the box fairly unless PH is in chase and chooses not to follow you which is not a fair fight alone. Add to that it freezes you in place and teleports him to right in front of you. You can understand why people don't want to do it. Even experienced SWF teams I've watched on twitch as soloQ won't do the box, or if they can end up getting tunnelled or multi downed trying to stop their team mate getting downed.

    The box needs adapting in some way so that it does not always offer this experience. This could be having set period of Time to solve the box which can happen at any time in the count down to the chain hunt. Or, having a set survivor, which changes periodically throughout the match, who needs to be the one to solve the box without the fear of PH being able to teleport to you at any given moment without restriction, as long as you succeed in getting 'great' skill checks. If you fail it he can teleport to you as usual. If you are not the designated survivor or do it out of the set time given he can teleport to you at will as he can now.

    Killers can argue he is not OP or balanced as much as they want. But there is a consistent pattern, over a decent enough amount of time to prove something needs tweeking.

    The change mentioned above gives everyone a fair chance and depends on survivor skill for not getting caught out.

    They learned from this is the new chapter by offering the new killer a chance to teleport to you but ways of avoiding this by both doing the tapes and having the new type of skill check for completing the gens which rely on players being focused.

    They need to now take that mentality back and apply it to PH.

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