I am confused by killer/survivor perspectives on boons

Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

I see people saying boons (even coh) are waste of time because it takes time to bless them.

Then we get people saying boons are too op.

Honestly as a survivor I find coh really good and helpful. If I am not running it, it helps a lot when someone does.

As a killer, I am not sure what to think of them and if things changed for me too much.

So my experience is also confusing, but maybe I'm not playing killers that are affected by it that much and I am probably not high mmr since I let people go a lot to keep it lower.

So what is going on?


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Depends on how people use them and if the survivors are good.

    Can the survivors manage to do everything else and dont spam boons? Then they can be op.

    Are the survivors only blessing totems and not touching gens, being completely useless? Then it's not op.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    I had a feng recently spamming vaults because I blessed a totem once. She couldn't hold a chase for 10 seconds against blight.

    I ran blight for 2, 3 gens. Did a gen or two, and escaped while she died.

    I am just giving you a different perspective. People like that I can't take seriously at all. They think they know everything and throw tantrums when others don't play how they want even if they are doing worse than you.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    A lot of pressure comes from injuring. They have to heal or find somebody to heal if they didn´t bring their own stuff or perk.

    This took some time.

    With a boon everybody can heal and even faster than before.

    Therefore injuring lost significantly on power.

    Not always but sometimes.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I've had people who bless one totem, then bless another, then bless another. It's like the new self caring blendettes almost.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Yeah you are right. But some people judge too harshly and if the team crumbles like that it hurts the match.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    CoH is really good on paper, and op in practice. A free heal for the whole team, but only requires 1 Survivor to bring, but has a loud sound que when it activates, pretty good, in practice however, it's op. The sound que doesn't tell the Killer where the Boon is, the sound range for Killers is way smaller than Survivor, works on multiple floors and the Killer doesn't have time to go out of their way to snuff it, otherwise the Survivor get free time of Generators

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    If survivors are not smart in how they use their totems and set them up in ways that make it easy for the killer to snuff without having to go out of their way, and at a time when they won’t actually get much of anything out of that totem, then they are a waste of time.

    The thing is I see some people defending COH as not being overpowered only because survivors like these exist. If you’re playing killer, and you get survivors like these, who set up totems right in front of you or on your patrol route, then yeah, it’s probably not going to affect your game much.

    Against a group of competent survivors who actually know how to use them well and put them in places far out of the way for you, you’re not going to win that game if you keep going out of your way to snuff it, so you just have to deal with it. And that’s terrible design - it’s just a lose-lose no matter what the killer ends up doing.

    It is typically worth a survivor’s time to cleanse a hex totem no matter how far out of the way it is for them, because it is gone forever once they do so. A killer snuffing a boon far away from them is often a waste of time since it can be brought back with no cooldown or anything. I’m not saying that boons can’t be relightable to be made fair, but something should change in that regard.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Ok so it is really good if used correctly but bad when not used right.

    I can agree with that.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    A survivor needs to actively try to waste their time with boons, especially CoH. Booning in the killers tr is usually a good way to get hit and have your boon snuffed.

    However with CoH using the slightest amount of energy to think garuntees its usefulness. Since killers will usually not go out of their way to grab it since that will be a waste of time and survivors will inevitably lead you to it and likely other survivors.

    Everything else is usually just hyperbole. Survivors sacrifice nothing by blessing totems, and stand to gain if it's CoH.

    Look passed the essay length anger threads about how monumentally difficult using/playing against boon totems is and you'll likely see the same message.

    "CoH should probably have a cap on the healing bonus."

    And little else.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Before I've ever seen someone and with the number of obstacles on a map... yes?

    The notification is only helpful in the loosest sense of "oh I guess there are boons around", because the odds that I could go and snuff the boon without spending more time doing that than the survivors gain by my ignoring them are incredibly low.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It's not an issue when a survivor goes and boons the totem sitting next to their generator, or in shack (that still has god pallet.) That will be found and destroyed incidentally. It is an issue when the survivor has more than two brain cells and boons a totem that's next to a generator that's already been completed, or in a dead zone in the corner of the map - areas that are no longer of interest to the killer.

    The killer does not have the free time to go to that area. Even if you know where it is (which only happens when they bless a hex) - by the time you reach it, the booner will have already left. The only smart time to go there is if you've identified which spot the totem is in (which is difficult when you aren't having any chases in that area or checking any generators), you're not currently in a chase, and there's an injured person that you suspect is going to go to the boon to heal. And again, you sacrifice all gen presence to do this; this is ruinous when you're on the last gen as the other survivors will take the 30-second round trip to slam those things.

    The killer role is not like the survivor role. You don't have someone to delegate to handle multiple tasks at once. You have to pick the most important thing to do at every given time, and damaging the survivors is more important than removing boons that will go back up as soon as you leave anyway.

    If you go to hunt down boons whenever the notification goes off, you'll barely have any time or opportunity to chase survivors. You'll just end up playing whack-a-mole around the map while three other survivors do gens. I don't see why this is so difficult to understand; what you are suggesting is not a good use of time, nor feasible in many matches.

    A big part of the reason many people want snuffing boons to destroy the totem is because it would make spending a bit of time to hunt a totem actually worth the investment.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Which makes the global sound notification every time something is booned, as I said, the most useless sound notification in the game. It's not really information I can do anything with unless circumstances align.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    It actually doesn't. CoH lets you heal mid-chase. Pre-drop maybe 3 pallets with a medkit and dead hard and you can get a full heal off. That's an edge case, but there's plenty of ways to be injured that didn't involve you escaping the killer - two or more people on a generator and the killer smacks both before committing to one, getting off a hook, mobbing an unhook situation, taking a protection hit for someone else in chase.

    In what world are you managing to find the correct totem out of five in less than 15 seconds? Maps are big. I know totem spawns on most maps and I wish I could find totems that quickly. The point is, even if you never got a heal off with CoH, you still got value if you made the killer waste that much time off gens. A survivor's 14 seconds are worth less than the killer's 14 seconds unless it's the last survivor left.

    Like, if the survivor is booning right next to you, sure, you'll find it ASAP. Everything else involves roaming the map. Even if my minimap had all totems lit, it would still take me... 30? 40? seconds to do a totem round trip on an outdoor map with derpy totem spawns like Shelter Woods. A longer map like Azarov's or Lampkin, over a minute. An indoor two-story map like RCPD or Midwich? Hah...

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    boons are a unique mechanic undercut by their implementation.

    if killers could permanently remove boons or totems from the game survivors wouldn't run them, but in their current state boons are a complete slog if used optimally.

    however every game i play as killer so much time is wasted with boon setup and usage that i don't even notice or care, in fact i benefit from it. It's not like circle of healing was going to change how fast the team healed with their green medkits.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Literally the argument from killers has constantly been "I'll only snuff the boon if I stumble across it during play; anything else is a waste of time for too little return."

    This has been the answer all along and you've been arguing that killers are getting outplayed when they do this, and should be hunting the totem as soon as the notification goes off.

    Make up your mind.

    "A wide plethora of options?" Your options are either hope you can down the survivor fast enough to not take a sizeable hit on gens, or let them go. Maybe get a pallet if you're lucky.

    But that's not really the point. The point is that there isn't even necessarily a survivor in this area - there won't be unless you just lost chase or someone got unhooked - just a boon that will take you too much time to reach and will go back up after you snuff it anyway. This is a lose-lose scenario. No matter what you do, you're giving survivors massive free time on gens and you can't get CoH out of the match. Really the only viable solution is to identify which survivor has CoH and aggressively tunnel them.

    A team-wide heal that can be used 5 times is far from D-tier. Inner Strength was a great perk before CoH completely outclassed it and it's capped by the number of totems.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    How is knowing what someone was not doing for the past 15s useful? What practical, non-constructed scenario do I actually put this knowledge into action? Especially in the first 20s of a match.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited December 2021

    I had a teammate who kept blessing against plague...Like just chalk it up as lost perk slot an get on a gen. I noticed 3 different blessings and we lost with half a gen remaining. Sure wish we had that 42 seconds back.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Inner Healing gets 5 uses max and it's a solid perk.

    So why do people feel the need to defend CoHs unlimited uses? Even if Boons had a token system, or totems broke upon being snuffed they'd still be GREAT.

    Let me clarify something here:

    Boons...as a concept are FINE. But 1) CoH and SS are BUSTED

    2)The current implementation is way overtuned

    Where are the all the complaint threads about Exponential? They dont exist, because Exponential sucks despite being a dreaded Boon. The hate for CoH doesnt exist because totems are cheating on Killers all of a sudden.

    I'm fine with the existence of Boons but I dont like how CoH and SS warp the game for killer.

    Shame BHVR didnt decide to make Scourge Hooks just as overtuned and give Pain Resonance 50% regression and Gift of Pain 90% slower speeds.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited December 2021

    "Not on a gen" is most of the map, really narrowed down the location, there.

    It's not useful, because it doesn't actually change anything unless I walk across the boon itself, in which case the boon noise was all I really needed anyway. Knowing that someone wasn't on a gen doesn't tell me anything I can make active use of except in the very, very specific scenario that I can tell what totem it was through some other means and get between them and gens. But that's the sort of constructed scenario that is less useful than DAMN IT STOP THIS REALLY LOUD THING that overrides local sound.

    That they weren't on a gen might, maybe, be useful (if they don't get use out of the boon). Telling me by DOOM THUNDER is not useful.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited December 2021

    "Boon notifications are like hex explosion notifications, you use them for information on survivors whereabouts."

    Sure make the boon notification show where it is and it'll be closer. Right now it doesn't tell you jack. Yes somewhere, on the 5 totems on the map, 1 of the 4 survivors are and they put up a boon.

    Cool now go waste your time hunting around the map while the gens get done as there are 4 survivors and 1 killer. Oh you found the boon? Ok well the survivor left that area, you're gonna snuff it? Ok cool now when you leave and find someone, the other survivor will put it back up.

    Oh there's 3 boons? Well, idk just let them heal I guess.

    Killers should break the totem at the least.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Because CoH has a 24m radius and it's not immediately apparent where it is? Because multiple floors? Because stopping to snuff the boon mid-chase gives the survivor time to reach another loop if not get away from you entirely, though it's often the best option you have?

    Again: how in the hell are you finding totems in less than 10 seconds? Answer this question. No, seriously. Answer it. Maps. Are. Big. It takes time to walk around a map. I'm a killer doing killer things. I may have seen some dull totems, and I know where totems spawn on this map, but I probably haven't seen all of them so there's still some up-in-the-air for where they are. A boon notification goes off somewhere on the map. Explain to me how I am supposed to get to the correct totem within 10 seconds. You can even say for argument's sake that I know exactly where all five dull totems are - because even then, I am not finding that boon in 10 seconds.

    Survivors generally aren't going to boon in your terror radius. That automatically means the boon is at least 7s away from you, assuming a crow's-eye path in the absolute minimum distance and a 115 killer. 7s if there's no walls and you're actually psychic, and it's all uphill from there.

    Unless your argument is that I'm supposed to be playing Blight (even then, pushing it) or Demo/Mint Rag Hag with portals/traps on every totem, you are not setting reasonable goalposts and I'm not going to continue engaging with you until you base an argument for the same game that I'm playing.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Boon totems are particularly bad for the territorial killers like Trapper & Hag. Imagine poor Hag having to trudge halfway across the map to snuff a boon totem then trudge back to her trapped area!