Help me: what last perk should I use?

TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203
edited December 2021 in Polls

I don't know which one between DS and WoO to use to complete my build. I'm currently using Sprint Burst, Iron Will, and CoH.

DS. If I'm tunneled, I can at least got more BP if I'm not able to make a good chase after escaping the Killer's grasp. And if it was during the end game, I can even escape. Unless I run into a wall but that's another story.

Windows of Opportunity. I like to know if the area I'm leading to still has something for me to work with.

For now, I'm using WGLF as a fourth perk because I like to suffer. Yes, I'm P3ing all my characters and getting all perks on them. But playing Killer is better for farming BP, thanks to BBQ. Even a 0k gets more BP than a Survivor match...

So, what's your opinion? Which one would you use as a fourth perk to complete my build?

Help me: what last perk should I use? 13 votes

Decisive Strike
TapeKnotAven_FallenLeonardo1itaTripleStealCowabungaDudeDiablitokawaii 6 votes
Windows of Opportunity
ElusivePukkatenoresaxFilthyLegionMaindugmanHaunterofShadowsSsajbambusaGillyBeannn 7 votes
Post edited by TheMadCat on


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited December 2021
    Windows of Opportunity

    DS is decent, definitely the meta choice, but I'm against its use for two primary reasons:

    1. if it's getting 'value': you're being tunneled, so it might be better just to do a minute on the hook and get to a more productive game.
    2. it has the chance of getting no value

    Windows will always have some degree of value, especially after its buffs.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't intend to use DS for baiting the Killer until the timer is gone. It was more for, like, being unhooked without BT and being instantly downed, or being hooked at the end, being saved but downed again. I mean, if I understood clearly what you meant by "get to a more productive game".

    But I do agree about the fact I'll get value out of WoO each game. The buff is insane.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Windows of Opportunity

    I say go with Windows. The thing about Decisive Strike is a lot of killers will just assume you have it anyway and leave you on the ground if they down you shortly after an unhook. So even when you don’t have the perk you get some of its benefit simply by it being such a common perk choice. Which means you can opt not to use it, get some of the benefit anyway, and have a completely different perk as well.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    That's the consistency which makes me hesitating... But good point.

    That's a good point as well. That's true I've been slugged from time to time and saved by a teammate because the Killer assumed I had DS...

  • Diablitokawaii
    Diablitokawaii Member Posts: 38
    Decisive Strike

    Ds will alow you to make epics saves when u mastered it

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited December 2021

    Depends on how good you are with chases, if you're struggling in chases nobody would hold it against you if you ran Windows of Opportunity- hell, even if you are good with chases- WoO will still have a positive impact in that your chases far more efficient, simply because you know exactly where to run, which tiles have spawned with pallets or windows and which haven't, which windows are blocked off and which are open, etc.

    If you feel you're getting tunneled too frequently however, you'd obviously probably consider DS instead.

    The end all comparison is this:

    WoO will consistently improve your chases, (and thus perhaps your games as a whole) since it is active in every match at all times. Whereas Decisive Strike has the potential to have a greater impact on a specific match- but you may not get the opportunity to use it most matches.

    So at this point it's really a question of value- which do you value more, consistency, or impact?

    Also, somebody tell me what the hell CoH stands for, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone use that acronym. I even looked into the wiki and the only perks in existence that start with the letter C for survivor are Calm Spirit, Clairvoyance, Corrective Action, and Counterforce. Now I'm left wondering if I've missed something for the past five years.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    Windows of Opportunity

    Circle of Healing - the perk that with 2+ heals in its area of effect becomes an exponentially good value to survivor time investment.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Everyone uses CoH for Circle of Healing. Thanks for your opinion, it's helpful. I'm not tunneled often actually and I'm a decent looper but would like to improve...

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,039
    Decisive Strike

    IMO DS is mandatory. Killers will almost always tunnel and the game can be over pretty quickly if you are on your second hook immediatly because you dont use DS.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    Windows of Opportunity

    WoO will save your ass more often and will buy your team more time in general (all the time you would spend running to already broken or not even spawned pallet or window that spawned blocked - basically a hit or down for a killer which this perk will prevent multiple times per trial). Information perks are ridiculously strong.

    DS does not help in most of the cases anyway and is pretty much useless when people play smart - simply not unhooking in the killer's face.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Lol I'm just dumb

    (but that explains why it wouldn't have shown up in the wiki, because it'd be under B not C...)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Ah, true, I forgot to add the word Boon. But I'm actually thinking of removing it from my build as everyone is cleansing totems lately and it took me an entire day to find a remaining one. I've spent a dozen of games not being able to use it. (But I got no value out of DS as well, so now, I'm like: what perk to use with SB, IW and Windows.)

    I edited my post as I wrote Resilience instead of CoH, because I used to run Resilience. What do you think of it? I stopped to run it because I started to think it's more a placebo than a real thing. I mean, if it was that useful, everyone would run it...

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited December 2021

    Run Small Game if you're struggling with finding totems. Although it might seem like a waste of a perk slot, the increased value you'll now get out of Circle of Healing makes it worth it, since you'll be wasting less time running around looking for totems in the first place and you'll be much quicker to react to the sudden disappearance of your first blessed totem and will be able to quickly place it in a different location.

    Although small game can sometimes be disorienting, especially on maps with multiple layers / levels, so you may consider an alternative like Detective's hunch instead.

    As for resilience, it boosts your action speeds by 9% at T3 which is something like 7 or 8 seconds off a generator if I remember correctly, so down from 80 to 73-72 ish. X 5 is a 35 or 40 second total difference across 5 generators if you were to be the gen jockey working on generators all the time.

    Not to mention boosting the action speeds of vaulting, healing, unhooking, cleansing, unlocking, etc. on top of generator repair speed.

    It's not a bad perk by any means it's actually pretty good, the only problem is the condition on which it activates- you must be injured at all times in order to get the maximum benefit and this can be a detriment if you're not good at handling chases and you go down quickly. It also becomes less useful when you're up against Killers with One Hit Downs built into their kits like Leatherface, Hillbilly, Ghostface, Myers, Oni, etc. because you're not getting injured you're going down right away.

    Equipping Resilience usually means you've got something to compensate for that weakness of being injured all the time, so you've got Self-Care, or a Medkit, or even what you're running right now Circle of Healing. These perks will allow you to stay injured during the match without the fear of actually being totally injured- because you can keep yourself at 99% and then heal the last charge just before you engage in a chase with a killer. So keeping Circle of Healing and Resilience is a smart choice along with any of the other synergies I mentioned, and running resilience without them can still be okay you'll just have to be much more wary and conscious of how you play during the match in order to get maximum value out of it.

    EDIT: The reason many people aren't running Resilience is because while it is a good perk, it's not the best perk in the world- there are plenty of perks out there that are flat out just better options in general, and the shortcomings of Resilience probably ward some people off as well. Not everybody wants to take the risk of being injured most of the match to take full advantage of a perk, and not everybody wants to tailor multiple perk slots for the purpose of maximizing the efficacy of resilience either. So I wouldn't say this is an entirely accurate indicator of whether it is good or not.

    Funnily enough, Otz posted a tier list a couple days ago of ALL perks in DBD as of the current patch 5.4.0. and he talks about all perks in-depth for killer and survivor in this video. The timestamps for each perk are in the description below his video, but I'll let you know ahead of time the Resilience timestamp is 13:33:52. I haven't watched this entire video myself (for obvious reasons) but I did watch the Resilience segment and Otz has good things to say about the perk. He's always been a really solid source for information anyway.