Wich Killer - Survivor - Map from horror culture would you like to watch ?

Hiii i would like to run as Jack Torrance in the Hotel Overlook , that map would be insane i know that the original silent team took inspiration from King´s books like the town beign alive just like the Hotel

The survivor could be little Danny hahaha imagine hooking the little child xD he could use cool perks too due to his super natural senses .

the ending of the book give me a strong "entity sacrifice vibes " Oh i think Ozzy Ousbourne would be a cool i can see him calling for Sharon after beign hook

who would you like to see ?

Happyxmasss muack,


  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 867

    I'd like an actual Hellraiser themed map. Either based on the labyrinth as seen in Hellbound: Hellraiser II, or the nightclub from Hellraiser III.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I would love to see some ocean or sailor themed maps.

    Innsmouth would be frigging awesome: a rundown fishing village with a spooky church and some underground tunnels.

    And a luxury hotel liner would be fun: 4 decks of lots of small rooms, a big restaurant area, the bridge and machine room and maybe a fun outside deck area.

    Rapture - no need to elaborate on this, this would just be pure win. Also, a whole Bioshock chapter with a Drilling Big Daddy killer would be my wildest dream.

    Also: Dead Space run down space station or Even Horizon map. *_*

  • Diablitokawaii
    Diablitokawaii Member Posts: 39

    Yooooooo the labyrinth was so surreal i remember dreaming of places like that after watching it for the first time

    The nightclub would be rocknroll *__*

  • Diablitokawaii
    Diablitokawaii Member Posts: 39

    Innsmouth holy tentacles i was looking at a moba that added Cthulhu i think it will be better to add a priest of the cult that has a twisted tentacle / human shape of a masked limb of some elder abomination but i think Ghostface can had a cult priest themed skin Bigg Daddy could had very fun mechanics to the game but DEADSPACE BABYYY

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    I would love to see a map based on the house in the movie "Ready or Not."

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    A Xenomorph - Ellen Ripley - The Nostromo (Alien)


    Fisherman - Helen Shivers - South Port Docks (I Know What You Did Last Summer)