New killer idea: the mimic

KarmakillsYT Member Posts: 2
edited December 2021 in Creations

DBD Killer idea: The Mimic (medium)

(sorry this doesn’t have all the details a killer should have, I only came up with the basic ideas and went a bit farther than I thought I would with this.)

(this is my second ever killer idea, so any criticism or general thoughts about the character would be appreciated!)

They would have the appearance of a skeleton with a amalgamation of flesh surrounding it.

Power: false trust (?)

Firstly, the killer would have to injure a survivor to the injured state. Once that has happened, the killer can transform into that survivor and essentially act as one. In their disguised form, they wouldn’t be able to attack, but also can’t emote like a survivor and they don’t leave any blood trails (allowing the survivors to be able to tell somewhat that it’s the killer.) however, the killer can actually work on generators but instead of progressing them, they regress them using corrupted skill checks. If a survivor where to try and help the killer work on a generator, the killer will instantly turn back into their original form, possibly allowing for a grab or hit on the survivor. If a survivor where to try and heal the killer, they would be automatically grabbed and put over the killers shoulder. If the killer has injured multiple survivors without mimicking, then the option to scroll between the injured survivors icons will appear, allowing them to select which survivor they want to mimic. (The directional buttons for consoles and the arrow keys for PC) The killer can stay disguised for 30 seconds after mimicking an injured survivor, but can only willing come out of their disguise after being in it for at least 5 seconds (maybe 10.) it takes a few seconds to return to their original form and even longer if the 30 seconds runs out.


Do you trust me?

If a survivor where to begin working on a generator with another survivor, their is a 50/70/90 percent chance that they will scream and receive the oblivious status affect for 10/15/20 seconds. Do you trust me has a cool-down of 60 seconds.


After hooking a survivor, any fully-healed survivor will receive the exhausted status affect for 20 seconds while any injured survivors will scream. Paranoia has a cool-down of 80 seconds.

Hex: trust no-one.

If any survivors where to be within a meter radius of each other for 5 seconds, a certain affect will occur:

2 survivors - will have killer instinct for as long as they are within 5 meters around of each other and for 3 seconds after.

3 survivors - will receive the oblivious status affect for as long as they are 5 meters around each other and 10 seconds after. Will also receive previous affect.

4 survivors - will receive all previous affects and will begin to bleed, having to mend themselves or go down a health state.

(If a new survivor where to join a pair/group who already has the affect, they will also receive the affect as as-well as start the 5 second timer for the next stage.)

Killer Mori:

The killer will turn into a random survivor and smile while the dying survivor will turn around onto their back and reach for them in hopes of help. The killer will then take their hand and break it. The survivor would begin to scream as the killer turns back to their original form and pull the survivor towards them, grabbing their head and breaking their neck.

Extra details:

The killers weapon would be the skeleton fingers which are jagged and sharp. Whenever they hit a survivor, their finger will break and the killer will snap them back into place.

The vault animation goes as follows: the killer would grab the walls of the window and essentially throw their skeleton through, with the flesh quickly following and reattaching to their skeleton.

Their pallet break animation goes as follows: they would slam both their skeleton hands onto the pallet and then the lumps of flesh would do the same, reattaching to the hands.

The killer is roughly the same height as joey (the legion) as to fit a similar size to the survivors.

I like to imagine some of the cosmetics for this killer being torn up pieces of clothing from the survivors cosmetics, (or their original clothing) fitting the ‘mimic’ role.


Jamie smith (get it?) was a survivor, and a good one at that. Although the rest of the survivors didn’t really like or trust him as they would take his knowledge and confidence as if he was secretly working with the ‘demon’ that put them here in the first place. They decided whenever the next trial with Jamie would occur, they would put him in the killers way/use him as bait to see if the killers would actually attack him, as they had yet to see him be caught, let alone killed. During a trial, Jamie went to work on a nearby generator with another survivor. The other survivor would spot a bear trap on one side of the generator, but decided to put their plan into motion. They would proceed to tell Jamie it’s safe as he would approach the generator. Believing the liar, he would try and work on the generator, only to receive a sudden and piercing pain from his leg. His scream would ring out as he would look to the other survivor for help, but instead, the survivor would go sneak away as Jamie would call out to them, after all, he’d just appear back at that damned campfire, they always did. He’d spot the killer just mere inches away from him as they would proceed to raise and swing their cleaver down onto him. He would attempt to dodge as he leaned forward, only to feel his own back be skinned as the cleaver would rip off his skin from his shoulders down to his waist. The previous scream was nothing compared to the noise he would make from this disfigurement of his body. As his body would go limp, the bear trap still anchoring his leg and this himself to one spot, he would see the very same survivor look on in fear and regret as the killer would pick him up and bring him to a unfortunately familiar building. Dwight would then here the alarm of the last generator being finished as he would snap his head in the direction of the exit gates, catching a glimpse of the only other remaining survivor running towards it. At least he thought they were the only remaining survivor. As they would open the gates, they couldn’t tune out the screams of their… friend, as they would slowly open the door and leave. Taking one final chance to try and spot his ‘friends’ ghostly figure raising into the demons clutches, only to be met with more screams as it wouldn’t ever happen. Dwight left, expecting to find his fellow survivor back at that dreaded campfire they where allows forces to retreat to, dead or alive. Once he returned, everyone would turn to him but only one would ask the question he dreaded to hear. “Where is Jamie? He hasn’t returned yet.” He would never return to the campfire, instead living in a sort of purgatory as his skin less, disfigured “body” would randomly come to life. The entity knew he hated the survivors, why not use that to its advantage?


  • Set
    Set Member Posts: 23

    I want a mimic killer as much as anyone else but the issue always is, the killer is hard countered by swf. A good swf will know where the killer is at all times and without being able to fool survivors this killer is kinda lacking in the power department. Like when you look at wraith is main strength isn't that he is invisible, it's that he gets a faster speed while cloaked and has a big lunge coming out of cloak.

    Do you trust me and hex trust no one kinda have the same issue. Smart survivors will counter your perks once they know the exist. Both hurt survivors for being close to eachother so once they know of the effect they just split up. Survivors splitting up is actually worse for the killer because it makes them more efficient on gens and makes it hard for the killer to snowball. Plus in the current meta where survivors know this they use everything in there power to counter act the situations where they are forced to be close already. Like with Boons and medkits survivors can heal faster and more efficiently with the bonus of being able to do it by yourself and allowing your team to progress gens.

    But yeah this killer would be a total noob stomper but against more experienced players would get absolutely crushed.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Why not just use the mimic from Black Ops Cold War