NERF Trickster

SayianDlight Member Posts: 10
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

I hate the fact that Trickster got 44 knives at start of the match. That can kill whole team under 5 mins and leave the worst experience about the killer. Removing 10 or more knives would make him more balanced. It can be somehow dodged, but while he uses his knives he reaches us in seconds while we slowdown from 1 of his. It's already bad, but the fact that he can make us exposed made it so much worse.

I believe that Trickster is going to make newbies and noobies leave the game because of how is he unbalanced and frustrating to play against. He has to be nerfed in different ways...

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Trickster is barely mid tier so id say he needs a full on rework not a nerf, not that it'll happen and bhvr will probably just buff or nerf some arbitrary stat that won't solve any of his problems

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    I always felt like they should have left it at eight knives needed instead of six. Six feels like nothing sometimes.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535
    edited December 2021

    The omnipresent problem.

    Trickster is strong and very very annoying against low to mid tier survs - getting weaker and weaker against mid to high tier survs...

    I hate it that if you got caught in open field he just runs after you spamming knifes.

    But i like his crazy laughs and looks overall.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Trickster just needs a full rework in general. His look and design is cool, but it's wasted with his unbalanced power and 0 map pressure.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Trickster cries when faced with a jungle gym, shack, or a hallway with turns in it. When you hear his lullaby, move to an area that he can't knife spam you. If you sit on a gen in the middle of a cornfield, or you run in a straight line out in the open, he's going to turn you into a pincushion. Put some walls between you and him. If you are caught in the open, try juking from side to side as you run to cover to buy yourself a little more time. But do run to cover is what I'm saying. Hell, even running in circles around a big rock gives him trouble when every other killer in the game would give negative shits about the situation.

    He's like Wraith in that he's a god against players who don't know how to play the game yet, but falls off hard against players with game knowledge. So just... learn how to play against him. Don't use low loops and don't run in straight lines. High walls are your friend.

    Also, you don't get slowed down in laceration? You get a speed boost when you're injured, otherwise, killer hits do nothing to slow you unless it's Nemesis's tentacle (it's barely noticeable) or I think Blight's rush with a rare addon.

  • SayianDlight
    SayianDlight Member Posts: 10

    ok. But about straight lines. how to play on Midwich Elementary school, The Game, Azarov's Resting Place and more against Trickster? Where there are a lot of straight ways and small amount of buildings that are good for loops? Obviously The Game is very, very bad to play on, but the Trickster makes it much harder to play than any other killers

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Same as you do against Huntress, just with the knowledge he has to land 5 more hits to actually drop a health state, and 10 more to down anyone.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Git gud and stop trying to get weak Killers nerfed, even tho they've already been nerfed

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Midwich - weave in and out of the classrooms. Favor the ones with high wall obstructions over the low wall ones and run in circles or figure 8s until he stops trying to throw knives. Stay away from the staircase that contains the basement. It's dangerous when you get caught due to the long straight hallways, and he can do a lot of damage there, but him being a 110 on it hurts him too because it takes him ages to get from one floor to the other.

    Azarov's is one of his worse maps. No traversal speed on a huge and long map, very strong tile area in the middle to confound him, and a building, a vehicle, and a jungle gym on each end. All you need to do is make sure a gen gets completed on both sides early on so that he can't 3-gen you and he's suffering on this one.

    The Game is... mostly a bad map for him. He doesn't like indoor maps in general; ranged killers rarely do. The bottom floor is better than the top floor to stymie him. Keep going around walls and slow him down via forcing him to M1 you. Use the frequent map obstructions when you're caught in a more open area - the middle upper floor has lots of tall stacks and boxes that he can't throw through. Don't bother with the pallets unless they're god pallets (aka ones he has to break to pass) or he's right behind you and you can stun him, because this is the one part of the Game that he actually likes; the upstairs loops and some of the downstairs ones are free hits for him if you try to run them when he isn't out of knives.

    (If you want to see a killer that makes The Game a dangerous map, look to the Hag or Nurse. These guys turn the map's strengths into weaknesses and will generally mess anyone up extra hard. However, you won't see them much in low MMR because they're not intuitive to play. That said, you're a little mistaken about the game being bad to play on; the Game is one of the strongest maps for survivors. The holy trifecta is the Game, Haddonfield, and Springwood. The Game's deal is that it has so many safe pallets that are chainable, loopable, and unmindgamable (those terms in order - you can go from one to the next while the killer is breaking the pallet, you can run around the pallets for a few times to force them rather than needing to drop them when the killer is on your tail, and ones where the killer can't trick you by changing direction or walking backwards), so most killers can be ran for ages and can't really catch people until they break most of those pallets, by which time the generators should be done. Most killers hate being sent there and there's only a few that can work it; Trickster's not really one of them, though he has some advantages over a standard M1 killer like Trapper or Pig.)

    The scariest maps against Trickster are the big empty Coldwind ones, Ormond, and Shelter Woods, in my opinion. Lots of open spaces, low loops, and lack of tiles; that's where he excels. Big maps, excessive jungle gyms, round structures, and hallways with lots of turns and offshoots cause him to struggle.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    If anything he should have 60 again.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    May I ask, how does 44 knives can kill a whole team? Just dodge left and right and you'll be fine honestly

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,899

    Have you heard of tall loops? Yeah thats trickster glaring weakness. You try to loop him at a short loop with junk piles that are as tall as your waist then you're asking to get shredded.

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