Boons are way too strong

Lunar_Wing Member Posts: 30
edited December 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have been playing as survivor and killer for a long time. With the inclusion of these boons I honestly can say that they are not fair at all for the killer. Boons can can reused multiple times even after the killer has removed them. They can also be placed on the same totem that they were blessed on. Killer don't have that option. Hex's cant be re used and survivors can just bless over a hex totem which removes this perk permanently from the killer. Yes I know it takes extra time to bless a hex but afterward they can just re-bless that totem after I snuff it. Also I have not had a single game in weeks that didn't have 1 or 2 of the boon circle of healing. This boon just brings back the old days of self care. Yes they need to go to an area and I can snuff it out but they can just re use it somewhere else.

On the survivor side of things these boons are straight busted on some maps. Example just go up to RPD library, set up a boon exponential somewhere near by and now it practical becomes impossible for the killer to hook you if you go into the corner. The only thing the killer can do is find it and sluff it. But this is a mute point because they can just re bless it again. At one point I had a team set up 3 boons within range of the library and if he sluffed one there was nothing he could do. By the time he makes it to the next one we can re-bless the last one.

My point is these boon perks are just too strong. They have single handily won games for me as survivor and lost game from me as killer. There reusability make them extremely strong and the circle of healing just makes it so everyone has a better version of the old self care. My easiest suggestion for these perks is to make them not re-useable or set a max number of uses. Maybe make it so one one of these boons can exist at any given time.

I am not posting this to complain. I am posting this to have a discussion about what kind of things could be done to balance these perks.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Circle of healing is the very definition of something that's OP. It's totally busted. The relighting it over and over and over again has to go.

    I had a team do the Boon Exponential thing to me in the library on RPD. At first I didn't know what they were doing until I saw they were picking themselves up, in what felt like lightning speed. Trapped 2 of them on that top level in the library and body blocked them until they bled out. I'd keep slugging them when they picked themselves up. It's stupid and broken. Don't expect the killer to play nice when you exploit broken sh**.

    Circle of Healing is the one that needs a BIG nerf.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    i wanna see circle of healing nerf and shadow step I feel shadow step shouldn’t do two things only one and circle of healing shouldn’t have that insane heal speed 🤔

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Honestly I rarely if ever snuff boons.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Play as Plague and you wont even notice them >.<

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    That's the power of calcium talking.

  • Lunar_Wing
    Lunar_Wing Member Posts: 30

    You shouldn't have to play a single killer just to have counter play. Its the same issue as old self care

  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    I think that if instead of "snuffing out" the Boon the Killer just outright broke the Totem Boons would be fine. If a Survivor has found and blessed a Totem it could be considered as "cleansed" already and broken just like before Boons were a thing. The Totem should also break if the Survivor applies their Boon to a different Totem while the previous one is still active.

    This change would mean that each Totem can only ever be Booned once so you'd actually have to be strategic about when you apply it instead of just doing it whenever. If you apply it too early and the Killer breaks the bones then you get no value but if you do it too late you won't have it around to help when needed.

    Circle of Healing also needs a half nerf, removing the healing speed boost from the self healing part of it, so you still only heal yourself at 50% speed. Healing other people twice as fast is not too busted, it is still delaying two Survivors instead of three, but being able to heal yourself at base speed without needing someone else around is just too strong. Then you add in med-kits with add-ons and other Perks and it just gets crazy. It'd be too much to ask that the self healing half of it be totally removed because we already have Self-Care so making it just Self-Care with no extra speed boost it what I'd ask for.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Circle of Healing is overpowered, I’ll be surprised if they don’t adjust it on the likely balance pass for Mikaela next month
    • Exponential isn’t all that great. It’s ok but not nearly as bad as Circle of Healing. That said it sounds like the issue in the original post is an exploit involving a specific spot on a specific map. That doesn’t mean Exponential is overpowered though, just that they probably need to tweak that map slightly.