When is that map going to be fixed? And now with boons? 1 boon covers half of the map because great map.
And the killer has to go way out of the way to kick it, this is not a 1-5 seconds, this is a almost 40 seconds boon, not to mention it is an extremely safe tile so there is no point as the killer trying to go break it.
Hopefully it gets fixed sometime soon. Totems being really hard to find, multiple safe pallets and loops, and the huge design of the building are issues. Not to mention there are also a couple of infinites, too. This map is miserable to play on.
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Yeah but even then I doubt they care but hopefully they fix this crap map soon.
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Lerys is literally tha same and nobody complains hard to find totems, some god pallets that the killers needs to break and it's big
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Yeah, it really needs to be fixed.
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Lerys does not have 3 floors, only has 1, that is why people don't complain about it.
It does have some really good pallets but also has some really bad ones.
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Technically there's a 2nd floor overhang from the center operation room.
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I like this map as killer and survivor.
It gets smaller every time I play it.
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Lerys isnt op for survivors though. Finding totems isnt actually that difficult and there are only 2 god pallets. The rest are decent but usually mindgameable and easy to go through. Plus the map isnt even that big, its not small by any means but its not massive
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I like this map.
And it is not that complicated as everyone says.
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Probably never. Licensed maps are literally all bad and despite any reworks they have received have stayed that way
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I don't know why people think this map is so miserable to play on I do fine in most of my matches on the map as both killer and survivor
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Survivor has infinites, 3 in fact, 2 totems that are way out of the map, most tiles are safe tiles, most killers that have fun mechanics like blight get nerfed in that map, twins is trash tier there, nurse no LOS, I guess stealth killers can be fun.
If survivors are at least somewhat competent this map turns into a hell for killer, you tell me why is it not miserable.
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I guess because I don't care about winning and I am low to mid mmr. That and out of the three killers you mentioned I only play twins. Just because you don't get a 4k doesn't mean the map and match is miserable as I've had plenty of fun matches where I got no kills.
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Except that it's smaller, doesn't have multiple levels, except one small area that isn't even that strong, and has significantly more fair tiles but please go off.
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i like the map tbh :)
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I've also had fun matches where I don't get kills, in fact I love being outplayed by players not maps.
You might be the only person in the dbd community that actually likes playing in that map as killer, but still didn't answered the question which is, why is that map not miserable?.
I'm not looking for 4ks only, I look for fun matches, which in that map is hard to get, I know fun is subjective but yeah.
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Sounds more like a boon problem imo.
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Body is 1 character too short.
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Lerys is one of the smallest maps lol
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I find it not so bad as Nurse as long as there isn't Shadowstep just because I can quickly get to the gens; not ideal but not so bad. It's a nightmare as any other killer and a dream when I play survivor though. It's not balanced at all.
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Again because I don't care about winning. That and it has some benefits to it like tight hallways making it hard to dodge ranged attacks, it's hard to unhook most of the time, and this map hurts solo teams even more. Personally I find the swamp maps more annoying as killer.
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Ok it might not be miserable to you, but it is miserable for 99% of the killer players, also the only killers that have range that benefit in that map is probably nemesis and PH, huntress, trickster, slinger (not as much) plague, I'm unsure of crow lady because I haven't played RPD with her, but all of them suffer from corridors with doors.
Billy also suffers, Oni can be quite decent.
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Somehow I always wind up in the exit when I'm trying to get back to the middle.
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This is partially an issue of CoH and other boons projecting through floors and the spot in the library being such a huge time commitment to snuff that it's not worth it. If (when) boons in general and CoH specifically gets nerfed, it'll be less of an issue.
RPD is just a horrid map. It sucks on survivor and it sucks on killer.
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Can't easily fix something that is already good. You'll most likely just make it worse.
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As an Oni main I know and Trickster with the trick blades and his green add on that give him extra blades is actually really good on RPD. And everyone is entitled to there own opinion but I wish more people would give the mapcmore of a chance and take some more time to learn it if they haven't.
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I don't need to memorise its layout to know that it interacts awfully with a bunch of powers, perks, and especially boon totems; has way too many annoying rooms (hi library, and office); and is just too damn big because of all of this being piled in one place. Plus, it has more dead ends than a female duck.
Taking wrong turns in it just makes it annoying to play on, all the bad elements are still there otherwise.
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I really don't think that RPD is good.
As a survivor, I lose there sometimes because there are a lot of hooks that are almost basements, and others that my allies simply can't seem to find. Gens can be annoying to locate and it's really easy to get turned around.
As a killer, I lose there sometimes because I don't like staking out a 3-4gen in advance and staying there. However, I'll routinely lose gens despite me knowing where they are and that people are working on them due to just how big the match is and how much of a time commitment it is to patrol. Add this to the ridiculous boon spot in the library, where you either lose because you have to spend ages going there to snuff it, or lose because half the map is covered in CoH and Shadowstep and...yeah.
It's probably my least favorite map. And yes that includes Haddonfield, Badham, Cowshed, Eyrie, MD and Pantry.
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Meh, u can't really do much upstairs, just sayin