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PC - Wraith bug exploting? Doing actions while invisible as hooking or traspassing pallets

Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : Play survivor against a Wraith

Additional information

Killer perks: Shadowborn.

Map: Midwich Elementary School.


I don't know what else to add besides playing against Wraith. Played against a Wraith who was able to do everything while invisible: hitting survivors, hooking them, trespassing pallets, etc. I don't know if it's bug exploiting or something else.

2 votes

Pending · Last Updated


  • etms51
    etms51 Member Posts: 625

    I think is an hack or max an bug exploiting from the wraith.

  • panzer_1892
    panzer_1892 Member Posts: 2


  • Ardevlirn
    Ardevlirn Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2022

    It's a bug unless someone found way to force it to happen, over last 3 month i saw it happen 2 time to wraith i was against and it happened to me once when playing wraith.

    From survivor side wraith model stay cloacked but they can hear the heartbeat like if the killer used the "the beast" addon with for only difference the red stain is also visible but wraith can still hit people and sometime interact with things sometime unable to interact with things.

    From wraith side(from when it happened to me), it happened randomly after i tried to uncloak during a chase. I could see my weapon model like if i wasn't cloaked but at screen border there was the black smoke animation that happen when you are cloaked, i could give hit and damage generator but couldn't pick up downed survivor or break pallet and also whenever i tried to use my power the animation of wraith lifting the bell would start but then the channeling was getting interupted before the bell start to get hit in the animation.

    edit: corrected error, wrote player instead of survivor