Springwood and Haddonfield are Boredom Simulators

It feels like bashing these maps is beating a dead horse but man are they bad. It's not the balancing issues but rather the size and complexity that make it absolutely tedious to play on both sides. These maps are huge and filled with labyrinthine basements, arbitrary dead ends and loops and pallets for days. Not only that but the generators spawn on one of three different levels meaning you have to patrol upper floors and basements. I've played survivor games where I havent even seen the killer and as much as I love getting the win there is something cheesy about sitting on a gens for 5 minutes and then leaving. Matches should be fun engaging and fluid, but these maps by seem provide the opposite effect. The games are often sloggy and boring and I'd personally rather afk then engage in gameplay that is fundamentally unrewarding. A rework seems like a band-aid on an open wound at this point and id suggest allowing these maps to go to a retirement facility where geriatric maps are no longer a burden on civil society


  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Anytime I load into those maps I expect to lose, if I somehow win survivors musta messed up good.