New gamemodes

izTerria Member Posts: 10
edited November 2018 in Creations

Dead by Daylight is so boring because every game is same to other. So new gamemodes would be so nice update.
Do you remember this bug with many killers in one game? So why don't add 8 survivors on 2 killers gamemode? It would be funny because it's always will be maximum 2 stacks of 4people, and you already know there's no very good team working so you have chances. And ofcourse it need so many nerfs for killers because i think it can be two nurses that leave you no chance to rescue someone from hook. Something like stunning when you staying near to the hook? idk
My friend don't play Dead By Daylight because it's very long queue on low ranks and when you wait it you don't want play anymore. DBD already have bots but they are very stupid. I don't think its too hard to make easy bots that at least can chase you by blood or scratch marks. And hard bots that have unreal reaction and have two brains: one that see survivors through walls and second that don't see. It will make him walk around you for some time until he will see your butt.
I think it would be like you are survivor and you are invisible to others. You can just walk around and spectate the game. Maybe only for KYF mode because of SWF
So it will make survivors faster than killer (it's logical) but killer can one shot survivors, have memento mori from the start of the game and don't have terror radius. Also it's very dark and. I think it will be nerfs for nurses and hill's. I hope it will be stealth gamemode where survivors will hide in grass and killer will seek them.

I am killer main so if you think its some troubles with survivors let me know

Post edited by izTerria on


  • SolarFoxVB
    SolarFoxVB Member Posts: 90

    Realistic mode would have to include nerfs for some killers, like anything that speeds up killers, as well as any of the trap killers. It would also need to remove the aura from Michael Myers' stalking, and maybe the Huntress should have less hatchets. Also, pallets would probably have to be removed at that point, because the survivor no longer needs a way to slow down the killer. It seems like a fun idea, but I think that this realistic mode would take too many changes to accomplish.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    i want bots and that's about it everything else is unfortunately way too exploitable

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    (chanting) 8v2, 8v2 8V2!!!!!!
  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    8v2 why 10v2 makes no sense. Also your spectator mode is heavily exploitable by swf so no. "Realistic" /hard mode should inhibit all aura reading, but don't touch movement speed.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    They all sound good.

    Bots shouldn't be too hard. They have a ground work in tutorial mode, and if ft13th can have bots that can hide, repair cars, repair boats, make phone calls, use evasive tools, and such I'm sure DBD can get hook saves and gen repairs, and such.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Here is a thread I started about alternate game modes if you want to see some other ideas:

  • izTerria
    izTerria Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2018
    Thank you all for support! Yes, I was thinking about dota so I wrote 5 instead of 4 survivors