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Whats everyone's thoughts on eyrie of crows?

I genuinely love the map its not even a question my favourite map aesthetically balance wise it is heavily one sided unfortunately but even when people send me there as killer or i get it and get smacked i cant help but just have so much fun just looking at the map and the massive structures for the gates and main building even the outside of the map that you can see from the exit gates is beautiful. So while its not balanced in the slightest whats everyone's thoughts on it?

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  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I like how it looks.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    The sand castle = good.

    I love artist as well.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I love the aesthetic, think the detail and unique assets are absolutely gorgeous, and think it's fairly balanced as a map. However, I dislike the noises from the floating ink and I also dislike the recent trend of super bright maps. I don't think it fits the spirit or aesthetic of DBD and wish it would stop.

    It's also not a map that's created with all killers in mind; see Trapper, Myers, and Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 96

    At first I really didn't like it but I've changed my mind now, as a survivor or killer I always feel like I've got a good shot...unless I'm playing poor old trapper, they really weren't thinking of him when they made this one.

    I haven't played with Ghostface or Myers but I can imagine that it would be just as tough with them as well

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    It's like Ormond, except they forgot not to put a pallet on every piece of rubble cluttering the outside.

  • Member Posts: 2,573


    Damn environmental noises.

  • Member Posts: 531

    is it that bad lol? i didnt even know it made a noise maybe i have just been playing without sound when on that map or maybe im just not the smartest and somehow have ignored it

  • Member Posts: 795

    It's to big. Just like RPD. Devs acknowledged big maps are a problem awhile back but they keep putting out continental size maps. The devs don't know what they are doing.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Very cool aesthetic, but it's easy to get turned around or lost. The main building is very strong but I always end up on that balcony with the easel up top and think that there really should be a vault up there somewhere. My attempts to balanced landing in that building lead me to land on a second stairwell. I've just not gotten it to work for me. Floating books is pretty kino.

    I'm kind of neutral on it. I don't feel it's an advantageous map or anything, but it's a cool addition. I'm sure if I spent enough time on it I'd figure out some cheeky ways to utilize the map but right now it's just follow the survivor and M1.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I like the visuals.

    I don't like the hook spawns where a single sabo turns an entire chunk of the map into a 'you can't hook me if I go down here' zone, the un-pickupable zone in the main building or the crazy linked vaults/pallets.

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    It's too naked! Trapper is still looking for that one plant to hide a trap, or so I've heard.

  • Member Posts: 571

    it's an amazing map to run killers imo. even 8k+ hour killer sweats will struggle to have more than 2k in this map.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont like the animated oil/ink looking thing. It's too distracting and sometimes you think someone is there and they arent.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I've only gotten to play it like three times. Seems alright.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah it needs some tweaking. Another hook on the shack side for starters so you can't just sabo forever and a change to the density of the jungle gyms.

    Watched a game recently where a very good killer wound up here on Billy and basically couldn't do anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,417
    edited December 2021

    Probably the best map they've made in the while, but keep in mind the bar hasn't been very high in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    I like the look--I'm a fan of the bright maps, tho I much prefer witching hour or overcast settings for horror. I think this map should have a night and day time variant. Even better would be a realtime day cycle, where this map starts bright and goes to night as each survivor is hooked.

    Regarding balance. This map missed the mark by a mile.

    Maybe they have some major changes planned for killer in the future, and this map was designed with those in mind, but as it stands this map is a killer's nightmare.

    Every survivor who enters chase on this map should run towards main or towards shack, then back and forth between the two. The tiles between main building and shack are so incredibly easy to chain together and all of them are incredibly safe to play around.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    It's literally the median map size. There are seven other maps the same size, 14 larger maps and 15 smaller maps.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I don't like the catwalks in the main building. far too open with far too many places for Survivors to jump off of. You need to be right on the Survivor to make the chase even worth it before they go to the second floor, but given how open it is, it gives Survivors a lot of time to prepare and to choose where and when they want to fall off, if even, given there is a pallet and vault up there too.

    Ormond at least has walled areas where you can mind-game.

  • Member Posts: 667

    It's very balanced. I don't understand what this stigma is against Ormond after the rework when most of the loops are pretty mediocre and main is just objectively worse than most other main buildings, and it's kind of disappointing.

    Yes, the map is a bit big. 152 meters is a bit much, but it's never felt like an issue with Ormond specifically.

    It feels like an issue on pretty much every other map this size, but not Ormond, strangely.

    Maybe it's because main building takes up so much of the middle of Ormond that it kind of ends up making the map seem like less of an issue to patrol.

  • Member Posts: 10,166

    Way too strong for survivors. How did it make it to live?

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    It's certainly a map. I don't hate it, but I'm not in love with it.

  • Member Posts: 531

    i really like the day night idea. idk how much i like the activation of that idea but some variant of that would be actually really sick

  • Member Posts: 21,167

    It's basically just better old Ormond.

  • Member Posts: 531
  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I like it a lot for both sides. I've only played Killer on the map with Billy and Bubba, however, so I can't comment on how it would be for less mobile/non 1-hit down Killers... 😶

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    I love the map's aesthetic and the details like the floating books and ink blobs. I also love the look of the killer shack.

    The only issues I have is that's it's way too bright and the main building is a infinite. It also doesn't help that this map can completely counter some killer's powers (Trapper, Ghostface, and Hillbilly, for example) and it's very easy to get lost at times. I also hate the sounds the ink blobs make because they can get annoying after a while.

  • Member Posts: 16,609

    I like the general aesthetics. The Main Building looks incredible. I also like the Skybox.

    Gameplay-wise I did not have any problem on this Map so far, except for Blight and Trapper. Blight slides on many things and Trappers Traps are very visible...

    What I dislike is the brightness. I already thought that Ormond was too bright when introduced, I hate the brightness of Coldwind and it is even worse with this Map. Bright maps dont fit into DBD IMO.

    Also, I dont like the terrain. They talked about it in the Anniversary stream that they want to introduce terrain like this and it is probably the first Map. But I really dont like it when playing Killer, it feels weird to walk over those little hills. Also, sometimes I get stuck on things, and I think it is because of the terrain.

  • Member Posts: 43

    The looks and feeling of the map is great and I really hope the realm will be used for other layouts.

    However the map is absurdly unfavorable to many killers.

    Brightness and lack of vegetation makes it hard for trap based killers.

    Size makes it hard for low mobility killers.

    Inconsistent bush textures make it hard for blight to bounce or for bubba to use his chainsaw without starting his tantrum.

    The top floor has an overpowered totem spawn on the balcony that can pretty much boon the central point of the map and at least 2 gens.

    Basically those who can do well there are only high mobility killers (with an if on blight) and ranged ones (given the latters also being crippled by the size of the map and their own low mobility so basically only the artist, which makes sense as it's her map)

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    It's a good map. Tey just should have made it square rather than rectangular. Same area, different dimensions: I think it had the potential to be the most balanced map so far save Stage 2 Gideon's, before the pallet invasion.

  • Member Posts: 237

    It's my favourite map, aesthetically. It's survivor-sided, but it isn't as absurd as some other maps like Haddonfield, or Badham. If you avoid the main building, it's actually a pretty decent map for the killer, most loops can be mind-gamed.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    As Artist and Spirit I was like this map is nice. I like it.

    As an M1 killer... This is like Disturbed Ward and Gideon Meat Plant had a kid... And not in a good way.

  • Member Posts: 709

    It's too bright for my tastes. It feels weirdly out of place in DBD.

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