Why does this game have a censor system at all?

I remember back when this game had no form of censorship and it was all fine. DBD has always been a toxic game and I'm sure that's an issue that will stand the test of time. The censor system has not changed any of that whatsoever and if anything it has been a hindrance. The system is so bad and just really censors random things. I've seen it censor in game character names when I tried talking about them (for being good or bad) and even today I said my phone rang and it censored phone, why? This is a rated M game, I expect cussing, there's no need. Just make it an option or something to turn it off.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    It has the censor system in place to stop the worst of the forms of harassment, ie. pretty horrible slurs used to target specific minority groups, particularly streamers.

    Rather unfortunately, though, it is very draconian and the things it actually does censor don't seem to have any offence meaning behind them, while you can still call someone a "nazi scumbag" for being German. On that note, actually- you can't say German in German (Deutsch)- the filter blocks it.

    Good in theory, and helpful to filter out really terrible things that get said because people are so much bolder under the guise of anonymity, and saying the wrong thing to someone after a bad day can have even worse consequences. Games are meant to be fun after all. The excecution is just... patchy.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited December 2021

    Because some people couldn't control themselves and decided to say things that were racist, sexist, ableist ect ect in response to playing against someone they didn't like.

    So, as usual, the actions of the few ruin it for the many. And also per usual, the system isn't really that good and blocks weird stuff.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Basically what they said. It was initially put in to counter people dropping racist, sexist, etc things in chat.

    Unfortunately, they overboard with it and it blocks even some basic insults and random things that make no sense to block

  • ClownHorn
    ClownHorn Member Posts: 8

    It definitely needs to be an option, but there's really only a few words/phrases that should be banned. People are gonna find a way around it anyways. I have to wonder how the hell their system works because of how messed up and inconsistent it is. Chat filters are super simple so I don't know how they managed to mess that up.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I think they put it in as a sort of lazy band-aid for complaints of toxicity - stop people from saying particularly awful things without actually putting in any effort to police the community, increase moderation efforts, or tighten up the rules.

    Except it really does nothing. It's easy to get around if you truly want to say awful things, but it does nothing whatsoever for the bulk of nasty endgame chat, and it also has a knack for shutting down honest conversation, inquiry, and even praise. The decision to ban 'inflammatory' in-game terms like tbagging, facecamping, tunneling, and killing was a stroke of purest idiocy. And that's not getting into all the weird incidental things it censors like "prove a point" or "Yun-Jin" or "my camera."

    Lastly, it also prevents me from reporting people who say actual awful stuff, because I can't tell if the line of slashes is a grotesque slur, a more banal swear word, or someone trying to talk about their Michael Myers and Yun-Jin fanfiction.

    I'm very irritated that you can't opt out of it. It's a very bad and prohibitive filter and I never felt the need for a filter in the first place.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I mean why does it even matter? Like how much do you really need to communicate in end game chat? I'm on console but couldn't you just leave a message on a user's steam profile if you really felt you needed to talk to them without censorship?

    Idk maybe I would think differently if I was on PC but I think I would say "gg" or nothing at all in 95% of end game chats.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    when people have the power to say things and not risk losing their entire account (and if they do, they can get the game + all DLCs again for free through family sharing) like they do on console they're a lot bolder.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    They should just delete chat and put the resources towards more important things. Majority of complaints I see on here are how players say mean things in end game chat. Just remove chat and have players just move onto next match instead of taking anger out on strangers. If people want way to say "gg" just have players see when they get a thumbs up.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    It's nearly as bad as the filter on Dark Souls character names, what with censoring random in-game terms all the time.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's so odd to me how people feel compelled to use swears or slurs in their trash talk. Like if I get a message calling me an f-word I would roll my eyes, report it and move on. If someone takes the time to critique my gameplay in a civil way.. that's what really hurts 😅

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Talking with other players can be fulfilling. I've had people tell me things like how they jumped out of their seat when I gen grabbed them, or how funny it was when they pulled me out of that locker and they were actually just trying to reload, or to thank me for going down to save them at the end, or to say that was the most fun game they'd had all day.

    Not things that really merit reaching out on Steam to say, but nice to hear.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    all that needed to be censored was slurs, really have no idea how they ######### up the chat filter to the degree they did

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    My guess is when it was implemented they just tacked on a package to their code without really scrubbing through the filtered word list. Alot of companies do this to save time and while sure it blocks things it shouldnt its kinda funny at times when it makes what you say seem a bit more devious than was intended. Its better to be censored than sued unfortuantely