It's the little things that get to me as killer

I can handle BMing SWF at this point. They think they've done something special. Let them think that. I can handle survivor sided maps. I do poorly on them because they are poorly designed. I can handle not getting the 4k because of hatch, because it's designed to let a survivor escape for free.
It's the little things that work against me throughout every game, that most people miss or can't recall, that really grind my gears and make me want to stop playing.
There seems to be some delay on the start-up of certain killer powers such as Pig's dash or Doctor's shock or Wraith's uncloak. Like, if you press it too fast after doing another action, the input won't go through. Whether it's intentional or not, I cannot say. But it just makes bad killers feel so much less fluid and so much more janky.
I get aim dressed and whiff all the time on hits that should have been mine. Some games I would have lost anyway, and some games I lost because of it, but who can really say for sure? With the old "new" survivor animations that were scrapped, 360ing and other movement exploits would have been much harder to do, so maybe people wouldn't be doing them as much, but immature anecdotes won over reason in that debate, and they were scrapped.
In order to not hit a survivor who's on the hook and instead hit their unhooker, you have to angle yourself or your attack in a very specific manner. Sometimes doing so makes you hit the hooked survivor anyway, or makes you miss your attack. Why is the survivor's hitbox on hook so huge?
I hate getting stuck on stuff. As killer and survivor, you have cut loops efficiently as possible without getting stuck, but as I've mentioned in a recent post, killers have it way worse. Notorious examples are shack and the harvesters, which have ridiculous unnecessary hitboxes sticking out way farther than they should. Then there's the Haddonfield hedges that you can't exploit and land on thankfully, but you also can't go over them like you'd think, because they have a hitbox that goes up into space.
The wiggle effect you feel as killer is quite ridiculous to me. This is something that makes me think the devs, and others who think it's a necessity, want to make the killer's job as hard and miserable as possible. The survivors being able to wiggle off after however many seconds, I get. But why am I swaying left and right so hard sometimes just because they're struggling? If you get caught on a doorway or something because of this, that could be a wiggle off for the survivor, and then you lost all that momentum.
When I'm standing under a pallet as killer but I'm pretty much all the way through it, why can a survivor still drop it on me? Because I swear to god I've had the drop pallet prompt taken away from me so many times as survivor when they were all the way through. So when I'm all the way through why are they still able to drop it, instead of getting blocked by me the killer? You can feel it happen to you when you get warped backwards from being stunned.
These are some of many inconsistencies and annoyances this game has to offer for killer. When combined with a poorly balanced game and a malicious community, these things end up pushing you over the edge, which causes you to quit the role or be toxic back, or something like that.
I don't think I've ever agreed with anything more in my entire life.
I don't care about winning or losing anymore, if the survivors won normally then good on them for playing better than me but good god there is nothing more infuriating than losing a game (or even just losing a chase), not because I was outplayed by the survivors, but simply because this game is just terribly put together.
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Do you ever back up anything you say? I swear I've seen you comment the same thing like 4 times now and I'm starting to think it's just bait.
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Even if that was true, that doesn't negate any of the qol problems I mentioned.
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Ohh, please don't forget to mention Plague's infect hits. I chased 1 guy today and infected him 3 times, got also validated 3 times... I get why validation exists, but at this point it feels like its too consistent.. :D
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God, corrupt purge hits are janky enough with latency but hit validation on top of it pains my soul.
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Or maybe you're getting worse at playing?
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Well said.
Personally, I don't mind losing. I'll admit that I get discouraged when it feels like there wasn't really anything I could have done to win, be it because I lost the game at the killer selection screen or because I was matched against people who are dozens of times more experienced than myself.
I don't even mind the occasional sore loser. I get it.
It's the people who won't just settle for winning - they have to stall things out for as long as possible to grief you, and then smack talk you in postgame. That gets under my skin after a while.
Is it?
At most you could say that a few exploits were removed and a handful of underperforming killers got some love (while others that weren't overperforming got nerfed, sigh).
Plus, things being worse before does not mean that things are good now.
Post edited by StarLost on5 -
IT'S SLUZZY hi Sluzzy 2, lol
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Plus I don't think people can really say killers have gotten it easy since all the killers who could compete have gotten nerfed in some way. There were arguments to be made, if only weak ones, for Nurse and Spirit getting nerfed since they were top 2 since forever. But Pinhead nerf, Wraith nerf, Deathslinger nerf? Like... #########? All of these killers are in need of qol changes as well, and they likely won't get them.
Post edited by danielmaster87 on2 -
But they weren't fun to play against so they need to be nerfed you know fun over fair.
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They already nerfed Spirit to the point Survivors can get more information about a phasing Spirit than Spirit can about Survivors, so I don't think touching any more basekit there would be a good idea at all.
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The aim dressing is the most annoying thing in the entire game. Forget about Dead Hard, CoH, Sprint Burst etc., when you miss a hit because the game decided to take control of your swing and miss and the Survivor makes it to another loop, I feel like never playing DbD for the rest of the year
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As a console player I second this the auto aim needs to go.
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Fortunately, the year's nearly finished!
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I just meant at the time, before they were nerfed, there were few but mostly laughable justifications for them getting nerfed. At this point in the game though, they absolutely don't need anymore nerfs. I've edited my last comment accordingly.