Why is every nurse full of themself??

Like we get it you mastered an easy killer to play!!! You are a god let me tell you!!
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Oh no..
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well if you really wanted to make a hot take you succeeded i guess
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Low quality bait, m8
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Nurse = easy?
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Calm down its just a game.
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We are not, and you are wrong on every other idea nestled in your bait, too.
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While I don't think nurse is nearly the hardest killer to learn or master. Every killer takes skill.
I think twins huntress and blight are harder to learn and master then nurse.
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As a nurse main with over 400h on her, we are gods in the eyes of survivors for multiple reasons :
- we can play gen regression as well as snowball builds
- we are not afraid to slug as we can tp all around the map to come pick you later
- we can tunnel anybody out of the game if we want to, no amount of bt, ds can stop a nurse
- we cannot be bodyblocked
- we cannot be looped
- we can bait survivors with proxycamping
All of that at the cost of having skill. Yes, it’s harder than holding m1 on a gen, or W between pallets while hugging walls. You need to have near perfect gamesense, map knowledge and reflexes.
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Every Nurse I play against slaps me with their weapon when they get me on a hook. I giggle every time.
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It's to silence your mewling, buddy.
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Yeah survivor takes so much skill!!! ::gets on comms with buddies, holds w, prethrows every pallet, holds m1 on gen::
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Survivor is way more depth than just that tbf.
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*reads topic*
*Nurse fatigue animation*
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"Easy killer to play"
yikes....smells like Haterade
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Nah...nurse is by far the most difficult hands down. Theres a reason why there are so few of them. Her skill cap is incredibly high. Blight is a high APM killer, Nurse is a high MM killer. Two different sets of skill needed. And huntress.... Bruh...if you can't land an axe on huntress with those gigantic hitboxes I dunno whats going on....they even move through the air slow so she doesn't even attract twitchy players.
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Lies, its to make us squeal like the bad boys we are. We know that you know that we enjoy it <3
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Given the learning curve Nurse has, I'd say they earned the right to be a bit full of themselves.
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Only if we swing more than once :), but I'm pretty sure by their use of the word giggle he's a one slapper. They clearly wanted to show how above it all they were, he's definitely an "Aww, now shush." kind of survivor <3
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Nurse is by no means an easy killer to play.
Generally though, Nurse is a killer you play when you want to win. She isn't fun at all for dozens of hours after you start learning her, so once you've put the effort in, you'll probably have a slightly inflated sense of pride.
Honestly though, I don't see many toxic nurses. They'll win (or lose), chuck a GG and leave. The worst I've seen is them doing that spinny thing once they've downed someone.
Mastery isn't the issue. There are a lot of killers with a very high skill ceiling (Hag, Billy, Blight, Demo, Plague, Huntress etc.).
Nurse has a very high skill 'floor'. She's very difficult to pick up.
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This is the same kid that likes to brag about their pokemon collection
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Actually most Nurse players I run into are very chill and not arrogant at all.
Also Nurse is not an easy killer to play.
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that Nurse must be from the the No Life Squad, i don't brag playing nurse, but i do complain a lot specially with BS odds.
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Because the Doc thought he was a giga Chad for going to medical school, yet killers and survivors know goddamn right who's the real boss who runs this show.
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Í mean, I think people exaggerate when they say it is hard to learn Nurse. It is not that hard and does not take as long as I first thought it would take.
But she is hard to learn compared to other Killers which mostly are "press M1 to hit and press another Button to activate your power".
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Someone had to make this even a more "Us vs Them" thread I see. Some people just have no self control.
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Nurse isn't easy to play, idk what you're on about.
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If it's so easy let me see your videos. c:
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If you think Nurse is hard to learn try Huntress ...
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Sounds like you just got rekted by a Nurse.