Trapper have no reason to have a 32 meter terror radius

In no way his power justify a 32M TR, in fact he should be the only killer with 24M TR that is going 4.6, since his power does nothing for him, he waste enough time setting up that a 24M would help him better in chase than his own traps does, and even if trapper decide to use M&A, he remains a full M1 killer unless they run in a trap, which again there's 8 of in the map, 8 in all the 20 or so loops in the map which can again be disarmed and so making the loop safe again.
Trapper doesn't deserve a 32M TR at all, he needs more help, hell why not make his traps set up by themselves by default? one trap set itself every minute, and the add-on still makes it every 30 seconds, this would give trapper way more strength.
Trapper is better, but still way too weak
While I do think Trapper has many things holding him back, I don’t think having a normal TR is one of those things.
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Terror radii reflect two things; how fast the killer moves, and how far away they can damage you with their power.
110s typically have 24m TR. 115s have 32m TR. Deathslinger has 32m TR despite 110% speed because he can hit you at a moderate distance (though this is a point of contention and a very painful recent nerf.) Nurse has 32m TR despite a 96% movement speed because she can hit you at a moderate distance. Trickster and Huntress have large lullabies (40m and 45m) surrounding a smaller TR because they can hit you at a long distance. Artist has a 115% movement speed and a 32m TR alongside a mapwide ranged power because she cannot actually damage you with the power past a short distance unless she's already marked you, whereupon you've already been alerted to start running. (That said, I think the philosophy behind her TR and Trickster's TR/lullaby is rather at odds with itself. One of them is an oddball.)
Trapper needs buffs, but his TR isn't one of them. He's a standard M1 killer with a standard M1 TR and it doesn't help or hurt him any more than it hurts any of the others.
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Deathslinger needs his tr nerf reverted seeing as how he's the only 4.4 in the game with a 32 it doesn't make any sense especially since he can only shoot 18 meters
Also trapper has many weakness but his tr isnt one of them
Probably the biggest one is that swf counters his power entirely
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Hypothetically Trappers terror radius is kind of irrelevant to his main ability of using traps to catch people and zone them out of vaults, etc. If Trapper needs a buff I’d just as soon they buffed his traps somehow rather than lower his terror radius, it would be a more thematic way to improve him.
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As much as id love that, id have to say thats kinda a bad idea
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I actually rather like it.
Trapper just needs...something.
A smaller TR would help Trapper and Pig in a big way without getting complicated, and it feels weirdly organic to their kits too.
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Something thats always bothered me when playing trapper is that why arent the traps set at the start of a match
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With the TR nerf to Pig from way back when and the more recent TR nerf to Deathslinger, the devs have made it clear that they don't think smaller TRs are fair. I completely disagree, but that's the direction they're pushing the game in. You could have had smaller TR killers with M&A so that you can actually sneak up on survivors and they wouldn't have much reaction time, but apparently that's OP and too meta for survivors to handle, in other words just the casual survivors who complain about everything the killer has.
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Casual and bad players are what bhvr balance for they have also said that they are really concerned about getting new players into the game so the older player get the shaft. Imo it's a terrible strategy because eventually people stop been new and then they are it the screwed majority plus I don't think that they are bringing in more people then they are losing.
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The TR is fine, I think as base-kit Trapper should start with all traps on his person. For his ability to work he has to setup. Adjust his add-ons accordingly after that.
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They only need to throw in a skill check equal to DS (25 degree) everytime they disarm, fail will get trapped. Also giving a Purple addon that decrease the skill check zone to 20 degree, then hes in a good place.
His problem lays more on survivors disarm his traps with zero risk.
To anyone say skill check is easy, yes its supposed to give some tense to survivors who follow you to disarm traps, not guarantee trapping survivors who disarm traps everytime. In a whole match, you only need 2 failed disarm skill check and survivor team would break apart.
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This is a bad change, the reason why they made this sorta thing a purple add-on for trapper is the play-style brand new players and the average player would lead themselves into because of it, and being one of the 5 base killers in the game that's pretty major to both the killer players employing it and the survivors that are getting into the game. (That strategy being trapping all over one area like the shack basement)
It's fine for hag to have all her traps because they are in turn very quick to spring when she's busy and she is shackled by her 4.4 move speed. Trapper's traps work regardless of his input and immobile you for triggering them, and disarming them require more time and effort then running into a large area likely by accident like hag.
I do agree that trap availibity is a problem, but it's more about spawns being super spread because of the random nature of it, traps should spawn more consistently around the center of the map, or if that makes traps spawn inside map geometry too much trapper should be able to pick one up out of a locker every 30 seconds or they spawn inside lockers themselves and are highlighted yellow to be retrieved.
After that issue is addressed I think the next thing to bring him up to parr is the consequence of stepping in a trap. Injured survivors that step in a trap should get deep wound for escaping or being rescued from it since they can't get more injured, and dead hard shouldnt let you go through traps.
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I read this as 52 meter radius and was thinking "Wait, what?"
But back on topic, I think his TR is fine as it is. He needs fixed in other ways, though.
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Wraith got purple windstorm as basekit, and is still not good. I don't understand why Trapper could not get 3 traps from start as basekit, when they know the small buff they gave him would not get him out of the position as the worst killer in the game.
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It was only nerfed because of interaction with M&A and poor volume of the Terror Radius itself on the edges of it.
If they reduced his Terror Radius to 20 metres like the Huntress has, but gave him a 32 meter lullaby, it would be much better imo.
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His larger terror radius is a subtle push away from normal patrol and chase games. He is supposed to trap his prey, and terror radius has no impact on that.