Why Hasn't Nurse Been Fixed Yet?

Nurse has been bugged for 3+ years now. When she had a bug that made her better (the bug that didn't tilt the screen down during fatigue), it was fixed immediately. The blink bugs and all the other bugs that hinder her, have remained, even after a full on nerf and add-on pass.
Is there any chance soon she'll be fixed? No disrespect to the devs intended.
The looking up in fatigue has been in the game for years. Nurse is just so complicated that its almost impossible to fix her without completely remaking her. And you say it like she isnt the best character.
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DH was the best perk in game and that got fixed there's no reason for them not to fix nurses bug just because she's strong.
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Honestly I don't think they know what to do with Nurse at this point. Hopefully her bugs will be fixed.
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She needs a full rework at this point rather than having her bugs fixed.
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It took them years fo fix Dead Hard, which is only one Perk. And even the current version is not perfect, since it eats the powers of some Killers, which is unintended and being worked on. (The visual feedback is something which will probably not be fixed and it does not really matter IMO, since gameplay-wise it does not change anything)
You can expect that it will take longer or is even impossible to fix the Bugs of one Killer Power.
In general, people should really stop to compare Bug X with Bug Y and how fast the Devs fixed one of them. Some Bugs are harder to fix than others, which is the reason why some get fixed while others take more time. There would be no point in keeping Bugs in the game which can be fixed, just because other Bugs cannot be fixed at this point.
Besides that, for me Nurse is mostly fine. Sometimes, pretty rarely, I have the Bug where I cannot press M1 after a Blink, but this is the only Bug I encounter.
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They fixed it for one side know that the audio and visual feed back would be messed up because pallet validation already was that way.
Thats a lame reason it's hard so don't expect it to be fixed. If you can't properly code your game maybe you should be working on it then I mean it's literally what they get paid for.
The fact that the nurse can't Blink or m1 sometimes shouldn't be that impossible to fix. I was comparing nurse Bug to DH Bug because some said that nurse Bug wasn't a problem because she is already strong I was pointing out DH was strong before the validation.
People need to expect more out of the devs for a paid game with paid dlc paid skins and a paid battle pass they make plenty of money to put back into the game like that and if they can't do it then they should find a different job because they are not doing the job they are paid to do.
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iirc certain bugs on nurse haven't been fixed because they cant find a reliable way to recreate them to know how to go about fixing them
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Because the devs realised how much of a mistake nurse was so they have swept her under the rug
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I disagree. She's one of the most unique killers in the game
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BHVR doesnt know how to balance Nurse so her NEGATIVE bugs are considered part of her skill ceiling.
If we fix her shes probably need a hard nerf and other killers would need to be buffed unless we wanna see blight 24/7, or heaven forbid we start seeing Hag.
I suppose with how few people play and main Nurse, her current state is acceptable.
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*Was* it still is. Sure its annoying but making nurse more powerful shouldnt be on the top of the list for changes
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The bugs she encounters are gigantic though. At least 1/5 games, i am not able to use my second blink. It is absolutely game breaking.
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Been strong is not an excuse to not fix it.
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All im saying is that it should be fixed, but its not the most important thing to them right now. And fixing it will probably force them to rewrite half of her code, she is very complex.
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Oh my god has it been that long, truly?
I feel so ancient.
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Let me get this straight. The bug that was beneficial to her, was fixed immediately, despite the complex code. The bugs that hinder her won't be fixed because the complex code. Make it make sense
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This thread assumes there haven’t been tons of bugs fixed for her already. Like she was swept under the rug and any good bug patched out asap. Multiple untrue assumptions.
I remember when she couldn’t blink through hills. Midwich. Chapel.
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How do you know how complicated she is? do you work on the team or are you just assuming that, based on BHVR's ineptitude, it's complicated? the dev team that can't even get audio occlusion to work when it works out of the box on the engine they use
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Stop it. The same bugs we've been upset about from 3 years ago are still there.
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Thats not what i said at all. The bug that let you see up was in the game for more than a year. And they never fixed it until recently because her code is so complex but they finally figured it out. This means that bhvr is actively trying to fix stuff but it takes time so that they don't break 50 things after fixing 1 thing. And again it shouldnt be on the top if their list to fix stuff because nurse is literally the best killer in the game, bug or not. Just be patient
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It was stated on the patch notes i believe but my memory might be faulty, however its not difficult to understand that nurse has old complex code. And i may not be an expert on the matter but ive dabbled in game development before and its no simple task to make such a character. And it only makes it worse that the devs are a little braindead when it comes to actually fixing things sometimes.
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Fair enough on all acounts
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Some of them are more random but some are super obvious. If you get stunned by a pallet when blinking your ears just destroyed. Some objects on maps have terrible collision and you can see it with her addon that shows blink location bugging out on them. The only valid excuse they could have is her code is so old and dodgy that it would take forever to pinpoint the problem.