Would you rework all hex perks into basic perks?

Faulds Member Posts: 903

A lot of people hate how hexes are too RNG. One game you get so much value from it... another, it get cleansed in seconds; and you get nothing with it. Would you, then, prefer hexes to be reworked into basic perks (with more restrictions added to compensate for the buff obvioulsy)? I like the idea behind hexes mechanic, its quite original... but i think its also quite unfair for killers.

(Side note: i'm only talking about hexes... not boon totems).

Would you rework all hex perks into basic perks? 22 votes

musstang62AnObserverFauldsMarc_123 4 votes
TapeKnotanarchy753Aven_FallenEnderloganYTSebaOutbreak[Deleted User]Awkward_FienddugmanNoOneKnowsNovaReverseVelocityTheHunter2529BubbaDredgeMalikenAurelleGarlicRice[Deleted User]ObjectBothSidesEnjoyer 18 votes


  • Object
    Object Member Posts: 50

    That's the point of HEX: perks. You are getting into a lottery, where you will get a powerful perk, but with the additional thing you have to account for - it can be cleansed. Transfering them into basic perks will result in arguably unhealthy experience. This is the same as proposing for BOON: totems to be setuped at the start of the game and not being able to be snuffed by the killer. How bad does it sound?

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166

    No, but there’s a definite problem with the spawns. I’ve seen numerous circumstances where I could not even beeline right to a totem on the other side of the map at the start of the match to protect it before it got cleansed. Having a Hex totem spawn next to a generator is problematic as well.

    I also have a serious issue with how Boon totems can be relit with impunity when Circle of Healing alone is already stronger and more game changing than a vast majority of Hex totems.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    But I'd still keep the Hex Perks.

    Ruin -> Surge

    Devour Hope -> Rancor

    The Third Seal -> ???

    Blood Favor -> ???

    Crowd Control -> Bamboozle

    Haunted Grounds -> ??? (Make Your Choice?)

    Huntress Lullaby -> Overcharge (No real direct comparison to reducing sound cue)

    Plaything -> Hysteria (but that Perk could use some love)

    Thrill of the Hunt -> Totem Specific

    Undying -> Hex Specific

    Retribution -> Bitter Murmur

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    All? No.

    Many? Yes.

    Perks like Retribution and Thrill that are meant to protect totems should not be totems themselves.

    Many perks are simply not strong enough to justify hex status.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t have a problem in general with Hexes being high powered effects with the risk of being shut down by a survivor destroying it. People who are ok assuming the risk can enjoy using them, people who don’t like the swinginess can use other perks.

    That said there are a couple of Hexes I wouldn’t mind seeing get tweaked

    • Hex: Huntress’ Lullaby - The effect just isn’t good enough to be a hex. It’s not even obvious to me it’s good enough to be a perk that isn’t a hex let alone be something that can be cancelled. Maybe if it just started out at full strength from the beginning it would be good enough? Even then high level survivors can probably make the checks anyway. This is one that could use a rework maybe.
    • Hex: Third Seal - The issue with this one is Blindness by itself might be a bit weak to be a hex. For instance, look at Fearmonger, they recently buffed that perk so that survivors are both Exhausted AND Blind while working on generators, and that perk while good isn’t exactly “meta”. The problem here is that swfs can get around blindness fairly easily, and also only the people you manage to hit become blind so it takes a while for the effect to even build up to the point its impacting the survivors as a whole. I’m ok with this being a Hex, but it could probably use a buff, such as maybe making survivors both Blind and Exhausted so it becomes a suped up version of Fearmonger until its destroyed.
    • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt . At this point why is this a Hex? Running it by itself is pointless now since its only effect is slowing down cleansing a bit and on top of that it already degrades as other totems are destroyed or blessed. Turn this into Thrill of the Hunt (no Hex so its not a totem) and have it show auras or alerts when someone works on a totem instead of giving a useless bloodpoint bonus. (As an aside I generally dislike using bloodpoint bonuses as “balancing mechanisms”. I’d much rather have those be effects which directly impact the match than extra currency to spend between matches. Leave the bloodpoint bonuses for the offerings.)

    I think I might be more or less ok with the other Hexes at this point.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    The whole point of Hex Perks is that they are high risk, high reward. If anything the totem spawns need changed (especially the very obvious ones)

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Not all, but some would be really nice.

    A ruin perk - maybe not to the full amount but somewhat.

    But i think they won´t rework these, there will simply be scourge perks from now on.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    No, but I'd definitely re-balance them since Boons are super-powered. They need to be fixable or maybe killers should be able to break bones. As is, an insult to injury.