General Discussions

General Discussions

PSA: Gameplay is not BHVRs priority. Licenses are. And I guess most are fine with that...

Member Posts: 325
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

People seem to endlessly wonder why DBD just keeps getting worse.. Well I will spell it out for you. GAMEPLAY is not the core focus of Dead by Daylight... Getting popular Licenses that many people are aware of IS the main focus. If it wasn't, many of these game breaking bugs, glitches, hackers, and imbalances would have been fixed a long time ago if AT ALL! As long as the developers keep getting that "HOT NEW LICENSE" in the game, majority of people will keep flooding back in and wasting more of their money for the SAME END RESULT. The developers are counting on the Licenses specifically to carry DBD much farther than it EVER SHOULD HAVE MADE IT...

Without stuff like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm St, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw, Hellraiser, etc.. endlessly jump-starting this games heart, it would have easily withered and rotted. Do you ever wonder why the million or so "bugs" that have existed since its inception are STILL IN THE GAME and have NEVER BEEN ADDRESSED? Spaghetti coding of course right?! No.... While that is a GOOD EXCUSE coming from the developers themselves, it is them dodging the amount of EFFORT it would take to make that outcome a reality. EFFORT is the key word here. It is their own fault. They screwed it up. When the game first became successful, the developers even ADMITTED that they were surprised by how many people latched onto it and you know what? So am I.

The amount of mental thought that was put into this games creation was, in all honesty, not much at all. It was just a glorified "Hide and Seek" game, but remember the following: Ever since they got their first License, all other areas of the game have suffered. From terrible map design to game breaking bugs to letting the game continue to grow more and more unbalanced to this day. There are plenty of games like League of Legends (ugh), and Super Smash Bros Ultimate that require even MORE EFFORT than DBD EVER WILL to be fair for every character and more balanced overall, but those games ARE STILL more balanced and better as a whole than this, so don't give me that, "Uh the game has so much in it now that it is harder to balance all of it..."

These developers are more than likely great people at heart, but them trying to do whatever it is they are doing with this games life span is barely working. It's as if the game is NOTICEABLY on life support and the developers don't care. I do care however and let me tell you. It won't last forever. God forbid they try something drastic like completely overhaul the horrendously outdated engine that runs this hooverville of a game. If the developers keep that mentality of "BARE MINIMUM EFFORT" to keep the game running... It won't be running for much longer... I promise you. But go ahead. Get all the Licenses you want. There are not enough out there to keep this CURRENT STATE of the game running for that long. And you know what? I think they are fine with that. So we should all be too. If they don't care. Why in the hell should we. I just wanted to empty my final basket of passion that I actually had for this game into the garbage (DBD forums).End rant.

Hey devs... I dare you.. Prove me wrong in Year 6....


Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 325

    I appreciate the constructive feedback. Sometimes being a jerk is what is needed to drive home the ######### point.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    So... you want Shrek as a killer too?

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