There is no bias, both killer and survivor are awful

Whether they cheat, camp, genrush or BM, both sides are full of arseholes.
Don't feel bad when you get beaten by a bunch of smurfs or SBMM decreasing abusers, they have low self-esteem because they don't want to play in their own skill level.
That's why I just stopped playing Killer.
It was extremely unfun, but I didn't want to drop my MMR on purpose.
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Fun fact, dbd between 3am and 8am is far more entertaining than after 2pm.
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"You're awful, Murray..."
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True, but killer is awful due to things outside the role's control, like design and balance decisions. Outside of tunneling and camping survivor is usually a awful experience due to other survivors actions, and the survivor role can 100% avoid that aspect with SWF.
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It's when all the school children are asleep so suddenly you get people who are either semi competent or who aren't at all taking the game seriously, or who are just really terrible. It makes for a much more entertaining experience to watch two equally terrible players run a tile while you stand watching in the background than it does to get facecamped at 5 gens by a Pig w/ 4x slowdown, map offering, and busted add-ons who's name I shall not mention but anyone in EU should know who I mean.
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Who is it, what perks, what map offering and what add-ons? I want to see it.
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People smurf because of SBMM. Why try hard when you can have the same amount of BP and not be matched against 4 dead hard, 3 unbreakable, 2 circle of healings (spawn almost immediately) and 3 brand new piece on Lerry (that's what I was matched against last game).
We don't get any reward for try harding against sweaty swf so why bother ? If we could at least see our mmr that would be some kind of achievement.
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Is it someone who was added to Seth's list and then removed?
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can't say names, midwich, crate of gears + tampered timer, facecamp and tunnel people with traps at 5 gens for... running away. once put me on a mori list for daring to escape. also proven predator. fun guy, really.
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Still buzzing over flashlight saving against this person at endgame and him complaining about it for around 5 minutes.
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personally i love how he called me and my friends a toxic 4man sniping swf with awful stretched res and filters... 3man, not toxic, didnt snipe (only reason he said that is because i called him a groomer in endgame chat + asked about the status of his wr, complete random chance), native res, and only filter i have is colourblind + brightness to compensate for a broken monitor.
he was going on about this for upwards of thirty minutes.
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I get even more sweaty tryhards at the late night times.
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polar opposite for me i wish i could play that late every night
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trust me its not that nice 😂
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That's actually true, I get alot of streamers at around this time and they're all usually really nice, atleast in my region.