Time Played VS MMR

I have nearly 200Days played xbox. Why do I get killers with 5 hours and Even someone with 7minutes who's first game was me and someone with 70 days and two other survivors.
MMR is not the only criteria..change my mind.
It is not.
I've seen the same things.
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Any idea why?
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Probably due to the time spent in queue.
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One issue is the lack of peeps playing the killer role, causing queue times for survivors to soar.
When survs have been waiting for too long, especially in groups who've been dodged repeatedly, the "acceptable" skill gap widens. After way too long survs can be thrown in with the next available killer, regardless of their skill level.
This is by no means the main or only reason for screwy matchmaking, but no doubt worsens it at times.
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Perhaps if more people wanted to play killer you could fix it
But ik that's way to hard for bhvr to figure out
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In addition to what people are saying above about how if the game doesn't have someone close to your rating it eventually puts you in the next available match, it also I think has a thing where if a lobby has four people and one leaves then it grabs someone quickly to fill the spot so it doesn't have three or four people waiting a long time for that match to start.
Another thing is I think the first time you play a particular killer or play as survivor it starts you out at a kind of average rating. So new players don't actually start off with a really, really low rating, they're starting in the middle or below the middle somewhere. Then when they lose their rating goes down fairly quickly and after a few matches they're hopefully where they should be. So if your own rating happens to be around that starting spot then you could be seeing occasional new players from that. (I'm not 100% positive on this one, but I seem to remember something about new players starting roughly in the middle.)
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I've actually come to think that it depends on OTHER players wait times, not your own.
I've seen more imbalanced matches when I have "fast" queue's than when I have long queue's.
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It was relativity quick. Weird it was their first.
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No, it means that if other players are sitting in a queue, you may get dragged into their match.
It explains why new players are ending up with us. There's no one down there, so it expands so far trying to find a match that it basically just grabs anyone it can.
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Honestly the Match didn't take long. Being a killers first match vs a new killer who dominated is the main thing that confuses me.