The Shape Discussion
I'm sure everyone has their problems with this killer, he's personally my favorite one to date, aside from Ghostface.
But things I dislike about him is the fact that he's such a horror icon, and is very low tier without strong addons to use. It feels sad, kind of like Freddy, that he's at this state because of how influential he is in the horror genre. He feels extremely dated and buggy, even in today's games.
I really dislike you gain more stalk when you're closer to survivors, it should be the other way around if you ask me. It only makes sense logically. You don't stalk someone in their face.
Give his tier 3 some more effects, like maybe breaking pallets a bit faster, and don't allow it to stack with brutal, I don't know. Give this killer something, anything, even a bug fix.
Survivors despise his mori addons too, which is understandable, moreso looking at tombstone piece rather than normal tombstone. What do you guys think of Myers?
I personally think he needs a few tweaks at least
In tier 3 he should move 5% faster, and do a lot of other actions faster
He needs a way to recover stalk, or otherwise benefit from fully stalking a target
He also needs a hat
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Revert to? I didn't even know Myers had an original state tbh
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Stalking more survivors gave him evil within faster
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He's the only killer that can literally run out of power, which is frustrating. I think once a survivor is fully red, then the stalking capabilities should be reduced by 50% instead of being cut off altogether. I've had games where the remaining survivors left in the match were completely stalked, which turned Myers into nothing more than an m1 killer. It was really boring not having a power.
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Or let's go the opposite route. Once everyone has been fully stalked, you get permanent tier 3. Muahahahahaha!
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I don’t know how good or bad Michael is, but I do think he has the most fun play style changing add-ons (Vanity and Scratch Mirror, Tombstones and Infinite Evil). I’m not a fan of his base kit really but his alternate playstyles are pretty sweet. 🙂