The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Suggesting idea perks for killers and survivors.

RyanTheNarrator Member Posts: 38


  1. Checkpoint - Your practice for patching up damages makes you a professional. After repairing a generator from 0% to 100%, Checkpoint activates for 20/30/40 seconds. The regressed generator with the least progression's aura will be highlighted to you. Grants a 20% repair speed boost on the highlighted generator while Checkpoint is active.
  2. Familiarity - You are very familiar to any torturing devices likes cages and hooks and you know how to deal with them. After sabotaging a hook with a Toolbox or Saboteur, their auras will be revealed to you after they were repaired by the Entity. Repaired hooks will leave irreparable damage when sabotaging them so that their sacrificing progress speed is decreased by 5/7/9%. Familiarity cannot stack up its effect for repeated purposes.
  3. Cold flesh - Your carefulness after being freed will prevent your captor being notified. After a survivor unhooks you or you have unhooked yourself, Cold flesh will prevent the killer being notified for 2/3/4 seconds until a loud noise notification has been displayed after you have been unhooked.
  4. Reservation - Taking breaks by finishing goals for running in great distances will save your energy. After repairing generators for a total of 80% of its progress, Reservation activates. Crouching or standing still on the ground motionless for 12/10/8 seconds will help you recover from the exhaustion status effect instantly. Reservation will reset after once this perk has been successfully activated.
  5. Camaraderie - You have the confidence to save your allies in crisis. If you were 36 metres away from a hooked survivor, you'll grant a 5/6/7% haste status effect. The speed of rescuing others were increased by 30%.
  6. Mechanic - Your experience on handle machinery can also use tools easily. Increases the repair speed without a toolbox by 5%. The efficiency on toolboxes while repairing generators was increased by 10/15/20%.
  7. Strong fighter - You fought back your opponent with everything you've got. Pallet pulling speed was increased by 20/25/30% and stuns killers 15/20/25% longer.
  8. Dark Sight - The sense of dark spirits will heighten your senses on objectives. Dark sight will activate when your were cursed by a Hex totem. When repairing generators, no skill checks will be triggered and auras of survivors will be revealed to you within a 30/40/50 metre range. The killer's aura will only be revealed to your if it was 10/12/14 metres closer to a survivor.
  9. Shell Shock - You sense the fear when you were frightened. After failing a skill check, the killer who is farther than 40 metres from the generator you were repairing will be revealed to you for 5 seconds. Shell Shock has a cooldown for 70/60/50 seconds.


  1. Fractured Wound - Your attacks will leave their injuries aggravated and they were difficult to be patched. Hitting a survivor with your basic attack will let them suffer a mangled status effect. Each hit for the same survivor will reduce their healing time by 20% and can stack up to 60/80/100%. Fractured Wound will affect at each survivor you hit. Fractured Wound effect cannot be removed after a survivor was fully healed.
  2. Shakened fear - The entity will exacerbate anyone into a huge fear. For each hooked survivor will gain a token. All Survivors get a 3/4/5% stack-able penalty up to 27/36/45% to Repair and Gate opening speeds for each Token.
  3. Nonamophobia - The sound of the painful screams will put you in a fear of mind. After you hook a survivor, other survivors with 38 metres away from the hook will start screaming and revealing their location and Nonamophobia will be applied to them for 60/80/100 seconds. Survivors will be facing difficult skill checks for repair generators and healing survivors and 20/25/30% additional progress will be lost on failed skill checks while this effect is active.
  4. Voodoo Doll - Victims will receive punishments for their own protective instincts. After the Obsession is unhooked by a survivor, Voodoo Doll activates for 40/50/60 seconds. Both the Obsession and the rescuer will take damage once from healthy to injured and from injured to dying state (to deep wound to the other one) either you hit one of them with your basic attack.
  5. Roaming Hound - For each survivor who is uninjured whenever you are outside of a chase, gain a stack-able 1/1.5/2% increased movement speed, up to 4/6/8%. The Hound's Eye will permanently deactivate once the exit gates were powered.
  6. Confinement - Imprison your trespassers and make sure no one escapes quickly. When the gates were powered, Confinement activates. For each survivor who is still alive has a stack-able 12/14/16% reduced gate opening speed, up to 36/56/64%. Confinement effects will not stack if each survivor were carried, hooked, or in a dying state.
  7. Spiked Wall - A cage which anyone will be trapped and there is no escape. After you hook a survivor, Spiked wall activates for 30/35/40 seconds. The entity will surround the hook that the survivor was on, preventing other survivors to rescue the hooked survivor, and disables the attempt escape action until the Spiked Wall timer ends. Spiked wall also pauses the sacrifice progress on 1st and 2nd stages while this perk was active.
