Just Give Us Base Kit Kindred

Astrian Member Posts: 320
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

We want to share a very early peek at one potential way of closing this gap. Before we do, we want to stress that this is in the very early stages; we’re curious to hear what you think, but please keep in mind that it may change or even be scrapped entirely.

One feature we are experimenting with is a status icon next to each Survivor’s portrait in the HUD that lets you know what they are doing. This way, solo Survivors can base their decision around what their teammates are doing, and partial groups get a better idea of their solo teammates’ contributions, making everyone feel like more of a team. This is something that can already be easily conveyed with a quick callout over voice chat, but is currently not available to solo Survivors.

Once again, this is a very early preview- so early that we’re still discussing this internally. Feel free to share your thoughts, but please keep in mind that none of this is final or confirmed. Depending on how things go, this feature may be changed or scrapped entirely before it ever sees the light of day. We wanted to be open about this and keep you in the loop: The gap between solo Survivors and groups is not going under the radar, it’s something we’re actively working on.

Why does BHVR choose to waste so much time developing a super roundabout solution for a problem that has a simple answer. Just give us Base Kit Kindred.

Kindred is not strong, yet Solo Queue survivors run it all the time because it's the only way we even have a chance at knowing what the mongoloids on our team are doing outside of helping the guy on hook.

Please, just look at the fake 7.0.0 patch video and copy it. So many people loved those patch notes and were disappointed when they found out they were fake. So many people have done your homework for you BHVR, for the love of god just copy it, you don't even have to change it a bit, the teacher won't notice nor care!


  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    If they gave us base kit kindred they'd have to rework kindred to do something else. I'm not trying to defend them not doing it, but if I had to choose between making a new base kit mechanic or making a perk base kit and then also reworking the perk, I'd just make a new base kit mechanic.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    See, I think this is a good idea specifically because it doesn't cannibalise Kindred. You'd still get the far more useful information if you chose to bring the proper perk, but you aren't left completely in the cold if you don't bring it, so you'll have information to make choices at all moments, not just when someone's hooked.

    Also, most things in Patch 7.0.0 were extremely contestable, they were not at all the obvious and clear best options for future balance.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    It's a general perk, not a teachable, so would they need to rework it at all or just get rid of it? Make it basekit, remove the perk, and give everyone 30k bp

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    No, half of that Patch 7.0.0 were not good ideas. Just my opinion.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Can Killers get base kit Deerstalker? To avoid slugging, of course.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Basekit Kindred and Basekit Corrupt Intervention / Pop Goes The Weasel

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747


    At most I'd say have the Player Icons have a directional glow towards the general direction of other Players on the UI. But Kindred is far too specific location information. And if you want the Survivors to be able to signal that they are being camped, improve the "wiggle-signal" instead of giving 16m wallhacks.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    In theory, this will actually be more information (if they implement this).

    AND IN ANOTHER THEORY this should also lead to overall more balance, as survivors will be even more on the same page with info.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    Base kit kindred is a really good idea to allow solo q players to coordinate better... but it should only show your teammates aura and not the killer's one (as a base kit mechanic i mean).

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    They won't make Kindred basekit and there's a good reason for that.

    Watch McCleans (think that's the correct spelling) reaction to Scott's fake 7.0.0 patch. He gives his reasons for why making Kindred basekit is a bad idea.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I would rather have base-kit Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time. It seems like survivors have to bring those perks in or get camped and tunneled to death, weather you have Kindred or not.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Nah, I want base kit Rancor. To get 2K average of course.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Definetly something that can't be abused... not at all

    It would be used only against those filthy campers/tunnelers, survivors wouldn't use it to annoy any killer and get protected by a game. Not at all...

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960
    edited January 2022

    how is Kindred not strong? It allows you to make guess of where the killer is going or what the killer is doing. SWF dont use the perk not because its weak but because they get it for free.

    the real "mongoloids" is anyone who fell for the 7.0.0 patch video, how underage do you have to be to not know you dont jump from 5.xx to 7.0.0

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I doubt anyone wants killer aura basekit. Well, probably some do, but I can't take those seriously, it would be just dumb.

    It's more about survivor aura part. SoloQ would see if someone is going for unhook, so you will not get situation where multiple survivors waste time going for unhooks / noone is going for unhook.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    If DBD didn't have Killers abusing face-camping and camping/tunneling-off-hook-till-dead, then all these anti-camping suggestions wouldn't exist. However, when you don't even get a chance to play the game because of face-camping and camping/tunneling-off-hook-till-dead, and you realize 2 of your perk slots are always being used as Decisive Strike and Borrowed Time, so you can at least run the killer until the other 3 survivors finish the gens.

    The big takeaway, is this is a problem caused by Killers. And yes, basekit Decisive-Strike and Borrowed Time would somewhat affect Killers who didn't face-camping and camping/tunneling-off-hook-till-dead. However, face-camping and camping/tunneling-off-hook-till-dead seriously affects survivor players to the point they can't even play the game, way more than the annoyance that Killers who don't use those tactics would ever be affected.

    Borrowed Time pretty much only affects a Killer if that Killer immediately comes back to the hook. If someone makes an unsafe save, then go after the unhooker, not the person unhooked. Simple

    Decisive Strike, the person running it isn't doing gens, it's impossible for someone with Decisive Strike to do anything. It's literally the definition of anti-tunnel, it does nothing else. If they run in front of you, slug them.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

     If someone makes an unsafe save, then go after the unhooker, not the person unhooked. Simple

    Because unhooked survivor is not going to body-block with BT, right? if I wait and down him, he is not going to have DS, right?

    Unsafe save is mistake by chased survivor, if you are chased and you went for unhook, it's on you and it should be something that killer can punish.

    If I decide that someone is going to die, do you think I care about DS / BT? Only thing your change would do is hurt killers that want to play normally.

    If I want to camp, I will take Trickster / Bubba. I don't care about your BT, I can kill you anyway. What do you think happens when I am going to know for 100% that you have DS? I will just go pressure other survivors and pick you a second after it ends.

    DS is not something you want basekit. DS actually started to work better after nerf, because killers stopped respecting it.

    DS and BT would be used to annoy normal killers and killers that want to actually camp / tunnel are going to play around it. You are never going to use DS unless you get into locker.

    And what do you think would happen to survivors builds? All those BTs would get replaced with anti-slugging / gen-rushing perks and killers would be even more #########. Yay, balanced.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

     If someone makes an unsafe save, then go after the unhooker, not the person unhooked. Simple

    Because unhooked survivor is not going to body-block with BT, right? if I wait and down him, he is not going to have DS, right?

    Unsafe save is mistake by chased survivor, if you are chased and you went for unhook, it's on you and it should be something that killer can punish.

    Here is how I see this scenario play out. You have 2 survivors not doing gens. If the BT bodyblocks, then you can hit him, which forces him to waste time mending/healing, then go after the unhooker. This is a win/win situation for the Killer because 2 survivors aren't doing gens and you have started a chase immediately. I am sure I could be misreading this, so what is your opinion?

    If I decide that someone is going to die, do you think I care about DS / BT? Only thing your change would do is hurt killers that want to play normally.

    If I want to camp, I will take Trickster / Bubba. I don't care about your BT, I can kill you anyway. What do you think happens when I am going to know for 100% that you have DS? I will just go pressure other survivors and pick you a second after it ends.

    DS is not something you want basekit. DS actually started to work better after nerf, because killers stopped respecting it.

    DS and BT would be used to annoy normal killers and killers that want to actually camp / tunnel are going to play around it. You are never going to use DS unless you get into locker.

    DS/BT will not affect someone wanting you dead, however, it does give a survivor a chance to play the game, more than he gets now against those tactics.

    Bubba and Trickster may need camping nerfs to be honest.

    DS/BT does change the game for survivors because it gives them options, instead of being held hostage. They get to crawl away, or loop.

    And what do you think would happen to survivors builds? All those BTs would get replaced with anti-slugging / gen-rushing perks and killers would be even more #########. Yay, balanced.

    With Otz's latest video, it does show that Killers don't need to face-camp and camp/tunnel-off-hook-till-dead to win games. In fact, it's boring on the Killers side to need to do that. With those tactics being weaker, gen speeds could be nerfed. In fact, I think nerfing gen speeds and adding a weakened version of BT and DS would do a lot to improve the health of the game.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320
    edited January 2022

    McLean easily had some of the worst takes in that video.

    His reason for Kindred not being basekit is because "it would be too confusing for new players to understand why it was happening"

    If your game is too confusing then you should at least make an attempt to explain it. They have a tutorial section, put a tutorial that explains what happens when a survivor gets hooked.

    For a normal game this is not a problem, but for a game like Dead by Daylight that has a bare bones tutorial as it is, it exemplifies the problem of a lack of explanation for numerous mechanics in the game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I agree with what I said on Kindred though. Tbh I was fully in favour of Kindred being basekit till he said that then I understood why it hasn't been done yet.

    I disagreed with certain things he said but I thought Kindred made sense.