What % of Rage Quits do you get in your matches?

raptorsfromspace Member Posts: 21

Feels like a lot more, but I get about a 25% rage quit rate in trials. I kept track recently and I had 15 consecutive trials with Survivors rage quitting before I stopped counting– either by DC or giving themselves up on the hook. I've noticed that even Killers are DC'ing a lot more lately but that might just be the holiday bump. seems bad

I bring this up because it's hard for solo players to gain rank at higher levels. If players are DC'ing early in matches, it's not uncommon to lose a pip no matter what you do since opportunities to score are reduced as players abandon the match. Punishing players when others DC in a fit seems like poor design- is this meant to be an integral feature of the game or is it a flaw that's been overlooked?

What % of Rage Quits do you get in your matches? 21 votes

0% - never happens
10% - just bad luck, poor connections, etc
brokedownpalace[Deleted User][Deleted User]MindGame3301dugmanHex_LlamaGannTMPSPTrickstaaaaakekprodFracYou 11 votes
25% - a common occurrence
raptorsfromspaceTapeKnotmusstang62SebaOutbreakGhouled_Mojoshinobu149AurelleXendritchBothSidesEnjoyer 9 votes
50% or more - ubiquitous, a feature, rather than a flaw in the deisgn
Booba 1 vote


  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    25% - a common occurrence

    It could be due to your fellow survivors as well sometimes they make it really hard on us where we dont wanna be in the game anymore because they treat us badly. I could name a lot of examples but yea in general just being jerks.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    25% - a common occurrence

    When I play Artist, Spirit, and Plague, I tend to get a decent amount of rage quitters. I don't usually get any when I play other killers, though.