What would you do?

I had a game earlier today playing as Huntress. By the end of the game one person was dead and just as I hooked a survivor in the basement the last gen was done. The person was on their first hook but since I didn't have No Way Out I knew that if I left them I would risk letting 3 escape, I'm new to Huntress so I wasn't confident at all that I could get another down fast enough. So I camped them until they died. What would you do in this situation?
The salt from that person in the post-game chat was not small which is expected but I found interesting what they said. They said that they would've called me a good killer if I hadn't camped them. It's funny because I played quite poorly, missing most hatchets and chasing people for way too long. I guess their idea of a "good killer" is one that they can run around for 2 minutes and get away, which did happen at one point of the game. I doubt they'd consider calling me good if I could land 90% of my shots.
Ignore survivors who try to police the way you play. They'll never play fair for you so don't do the same for them. Just ignore endgame chat.
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If the gens are done and you can't prevent the gates from being opened, you camp that and secure the kill. It's the only play you have. Patrolling to the gates just to watch them get opened as you arrive would be pointless.
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I would do exactly as you did.
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If I had rough time with a killer I wasn't confident in I wouldn't camp to secure a kill simply because of how SBMM is supposed to work - the more kills I get the harder the next team should be so it will benefit me to get less kills with that killer not more.
If you want kills then camping at EGC is a common strategy. You don't have any gens to patrol and there's a higher chance for end game snowball. As survivor if I get downed at end game I know I'll most likely be camped because it's the killer's last chance to secure a kill. In general I'm not a fan of being camped but end game is the one time I can understand doing it and atleast I was able to play 5 gens worth of a match.
What you should do is turn off end game chat. No matter how you play people will be sore winners/losers and complain about how you played. Both sides do it and all it does is spread negativity. Just turn off chat and move onto the next match instead if wasting time on randoms opinions on how you played.
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Players*. Ignore players who are trying to tell how to play.
For the OP, I don't know what else you could have done unless you felt confident about getting the others downed. It's not a question of being a good player or a bad player. But if the two others managed to unhook them, to get protection hits, to heal, to come back because you could hooked one other person...
Well, of course they were unhappy about your move, but I don't see what else you could have done, especially since it's easy to secure the kill in the basement in the end of the game. I don't understand the reason people feel forced to tell others how they should/could play.
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You did nothing wrong. The survivors were just butt hurt you didn't follow their imaginary rule book.
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Valid play. I will say, If you are trying for downs, I've personally found the basement doesn't work best for huntress, my preferred egc hook for her is wherever I can get the best visibility. Of course that all depends on where you get the down and what perks you are running.
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I'll keep that in mind when I get better at throwing my hatchets.
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Somebody who complains about being camped when all gens are done is not thinking rationally.
There are no other objectives left to defend and the gates being what they are means that further hunting is mostly pointless
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I would ignore post-game chat
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Look you did exactly what the situation called for if you wanted another kill or hook trades for BBQ stacks.
At one gen left, defending that hook, especially one as defendable as basement, is a good idea. Especially if no one else is on death hook or injured.
Basically a lot of players expect the game to be played a certain way, even ignoring any scenario where its advantageous to not adhere to the unwritten rulebook.
A lot of players will go further to abuse others for not playing how they want to play. This applies to both sides but is rather prevalent with survivors expecting escapes and what they see as "polite" or "fair" etc killer play.
Often when people use this argument what they are really asking for is their opponent to play less efficiently thus increasing the likelihood they can escape.
They dress it up in the name of fun and fairness but in essence its just refusal to accept some elements of the game and having a tantrum because they died. You can't fix them nor is it your job to do so, therefore just say GG and move on, ignore the salt, report the really bad offenders and try your best to not get to emotionally involved with the more negative and childish elements of this community.
Its only a game play it how you want to.
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So camping them doesnt help ypu in any way to get better, and youre just punishing someone innocent.